Wednesday, November 30, 2022

1265. Welly Odendo. The Continious Need For Encouragement And Motivation in Life

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Motivation, inspiration, words, empowerment and encouragement are things we see each day that spur us on. I wonder what we would do as a human race without inspiration and motivation.

This month we have had a theme of "The Encouragers". These are people whose major reason for existence is to speak life into others. One of such is Welly Odendo.

I had a phone conversation with him and talked deeper about why he does what he does and where it all begun for him. I am happy to share this conversation with you today. Enjoy.

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Sunday, November 27, 2022

1241. Six Ways To Inculcate Purpose Culture In Your Organization

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It's a beautiful thing to work with men and women of like passions. Very beautiful. Some families are bonded by blood but even stronger families are bonded ny purpose.

If you are setting up an organisation, it is instructive to build the culture of the organisation around It's purpose. There are quite a number of ways to do it, but here's a summary of six.

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Wednesday, November 23, 2022

1240. Creating An Environment of Purpose In An Organization

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As a leader in an organisation, you cannot expect the culture of purpose to operate in a vacuum or "organically". If you do, you will end up with a monster. Things that you didn't even dream of will now be pretty much part of the organisation, good or bad.

That's why we have to be intentional about building a strong purpose culture there. Here's how we can get this done. Listen to this.

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πŸ“’New #Podcast! 1258. Patricia Nanteza. Encouragement For Maximizing Our Lives Despite Failure, Setbacks, Heartache, Loss, and Joblesseness

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When you listen to what other people are going through or have gone through, you at times realise that you are better off. And when you go through stuff, once you come out, you realise that you became a deliverer and encourager to those who would go through the same.

My guest today has an amazing story. She's multi faceted in her approach to life, but one major facet of her life is using her pain to encourage others. I had a conversation with her and would love to share it with you. Listen to this.

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Sunday, November 20, 2022

1239. How To Use Stories To Nurture Purpose In An Organization

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Organisational culture is shaped both intentionally or organically. If you are not intentional about it, chances are that something organic will still manifest but probably not the culture you would want to fester.

For the purpose of an organisation to be fully embraced as part or the culture, a lot of focus on this should be emphasised. Listen to this.

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1238. Getting The Right Fit Of Employees To Institute Purpose Into Your Organization

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Communication of the purpose of an organisation should be consistent and incessant. If you find employees unable to articulate the purpose of the organisation they work for, you can never blame them. Blame the leadership.

So one of the best ways to install purpose as a culture in your organisation is to map out and head hunt people whose passion can for into the purpose of the organisation. Listen to this.

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Thursday, November 17, 2022

1237. How Walking The Talk Instills Purpose Throughout Your Organization

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If you lead an organisation of over 50 people then randomly ask people in there what they are doing, if their answer does not resonate the purpose of the organisation, there is a problem.

You have probably not inculcated the purpose culture within the organisation. Fortunately, there are several ways in which that can be done. Here is one way to do it.

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1235. How To Get The Purpose of Your Organization Instilled At All Levels

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The most unfortunate thing in an organisation of any nature, status, size or mandate is having people working in there but not knowing why that organisation exists.

People have individual pursuits within organisations at times more pronounced than the purpose of the organisation. The interesting thing is that you cannot blame them. You can only blame the leadership. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2022

1234. Why The Purpose of An Organization Needs To be Transmuted All Through The Levels of Productivity

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When you randomly stop at any organisation and ask any random employee, "What are you doing? What's the meaning of your work?" You will seldom get an answer that points to the clarity of purpose in the organisation.

In this episode, I talk about why it is important to have purpose transmuted throughout the levels of productivity in the organisation. Listen to this.

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1233. Four Reasons Why We Should Inject Purpose Into our Organizations

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Every organisation exists for a Purpose. However, organisations have not always been successful in showing what matters to them or what they do in terms of purpose even to their own employees.

There are great reasons out there why we need to rectify this. In this episode, I share four strong ones. Listen to this.

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πŸ“’ New #Podcast! 1251. Juliet Kasiita. The Various Ways Empowerment Helps People To Be Better

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We all need an encourager at some point in life. We get this encouragement from different sources, events, things around us as well as people.

Thankfully, there are people who have a calling and specialize in speaking life into others. My guest today, Julie Kasiita is a special encourager who has been at it for years.

I had a phone conversation with her and would love to share with you. I know you will enjoy this. Check it out.

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Wednesday, November 9, 2022

1232. Why We Need To Change The Reason For The Existence of Organizations The World Over

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If we were careful enough, we will easily see that the underlying reason for the existence of many organisations is to serve a purpose greater than the benefit of those organisations.

No matter what nature an organisation is, if it doesn't have the enduring themes of helping, contributing, solving, transformation, and impact, it won't last long. How might we change this?

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1231. The Importance of Transmuting Purpose Into Your Organization

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It's another awesome opportunity to get started with yet another series on the podcast. Much as I love to sensitise individuals to know, own, and deploy their purpose, there is a much greater need for this to be done for organisations.

How exactly can we transmute purpose into our organisations today? Why is it important and what approaches could we use? Listen to this.

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1244. Pst. Andrew Kimuli. The Power of Words and Why Encouragement is a Basic Human Need

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Without encouragement in life, we end up at times frustrated. From a childhood where he saw the grave need for encouragement, Andrew Kimuli has always developed and gravitated towards the niche of speaking life into others.

He has channeled this calling as a mentor, leader, corporate trainer, Pastor, and Certified Coach. I sat down with him at his home and had this wonderful conversation with him on the subject at hand, encouragement. Andrew is an encourager through and through. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, November 8, 2022

1230. The 4 Advantages of Deploying Our Purpose Probono

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The world around us is full of needs. As people of purpose, it is important that occasionally and internationally, we go out of our ways to bridge the gap between the need in the world and our professional lives.

One way of meeting needs in society is to give of our time deploying our professional works for free to others. This is revolutionary. Here is how that might benefit all of us.

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Monday, November 7, 2022

1229. How To Institute A Culture of Giving Through Deploying Our Work Probono

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The world operates through interconnectivity. Everything is connected to everything else. Physics tells us that for every action there is an equal but opposite reaction.

Deployment of our purpose probono is something that we seriously need to look into. It appears to me that many think that it's not worth it because it doesn't pay. However, it really does pay in other ways. Listen to this.

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1228. How Society Is Impacted With Our Probono Purpose Deployment

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Imagine if we all offered our professional services to pwople in need from time to time! We are adept at giving, the concept of helping others.

However, we have found it easier to part with lose change or worn clothes or even a hefty amount of money. The greatest gift we can give is time...and what we put into that time. Try probono services. Listen to this.

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Saturday, November 5, 2022

1227. Refining Our Gifts By Way of Probono Services

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Probono means deployment of your professional purpose, calling, or career but not getting paid for it. In other words, you are deploying yourself exactly as if you would ve paid, with all your heart, soul, mind and spirit, with finesse.

Whereas we are not getting instant payment or payments at all when we do probono work, there are other ways we benefit. Here is one of those ways. Listen to this.

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πŸ“’ New #Podcast! 1226. How Best To Offer Our Probono Purpose Services To The World

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When we talk about probono, you would be seriously tempted to think that this is just done "to fulfill all righteousness." As such, you don’t hear much of excitement in all niches about probono work.

This needs to be rectified. Probably it is so because we haven't learned the benefits of doing this. In this episode, let's see how best to do it. Listen to this.

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Thursday, November 3, 2022

1225. Why We All Need To Do Pro Bono Services

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When you talk about probono, it's only one profession that mostly come to mind. The legal profession. If we understood what power there is in probono services, we will go out of our way and do this.

It's not what comes cheap; it's going to cost us. Here is why we should do it. Listen to this.

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1224. The Difference Between Volunteering and Pro Bono In Your Purpose Deployment

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At some point in time, in fact, if we were to be honesy, there are always many opportunities available to deploy our purpose probono.

It could be even a much better way as a startup to introduce yourself to the market. There is though, a massive difference between probono work and volunteering or interning. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, November 2, 2022

1237. Joan Mugenzi. The Need For Encouragement and Stretching In Life

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Today's episode brings to a close a series of conversations I have had for the month of July with writers. There has been so much to learn from each of them.

Today's guest, Charles Onyango Obbo is a well respected writer and journalist that is seasoned with consistency in writing weekly articles for 29 years without missing a single week. I had a brief conversation with him and I would love to share it with you. Listen to this

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The human needs motivation and inspiration more than you will ever know or even acknowledge. Motivational speakers have been receiving a bad rap for a while now, and I thought to speak to the practitioners of encouragement this month.

My guest today kick-starts our conversations this month under the theme: The Encouragers. Joan Mugenzi shares with us her story and how she ended up doing what she's doing today

She is a strong believer in human potential, and she's equipped to support individuals make the best of themselves. I sat down to have a conversation with her along those lines and learned quite a bit. I am sure you will enjoy this.

Check out this episode!

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