Monday, February 28, 2022

989. Why I Would Choose A Planner Over High Qualifications For Effectiveness In Life

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This might be controversial but let me say it: rather a person who is a consumate strategist than one with high qualifications. Of course there is a strong case for competence as was highlighted in the episode yesterday.

To be effective in life, a planner will achieve more than what a qualified person with no strategy would. However, we need both strategy as well as competence. Listen to this.

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988. Why We Must Be Selective About Our Competences In Order To Be Effective In Life

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When we go all out seeking education in life, what's the end game? Is it to be competent enough to get gainful employment or it's about increasing our capacity to be effective in life?

No doubt, effectiveness in life will always be 100% connected to competence. No one ever was effective and incompetent all at the same time. We discuss that and more in this episode. Check it out.


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987. Three Things About Effectiveness That Makes it A Reality

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Inherently, we all want to be effective in life. It is as if this is a psychological need in that when we are ineffective, we feel it in our spirits and we are down.

To be effective in life, there are three components that we need to identify about our unique effectiveness. It doesn't matter what field you are in, all these count. Listen to this.

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Sunday, February 27, 2022

🎉 New #Podcast! 990. Joe Walker. Walking 300Km To Encourage Road Safety In Uganda. The Genesis of It All

🎉 Special #Podcast!

His real name is Joseph Beyanga. He is the Head of Radio at KFM and Dembe FM in Kampala, a position that he has held over the years. Joe Walker is a name that he acquired just a few months back under interesting circumstances that you can find out in this episode.

He is a man on a mission to walk over 300 kilometers from Kampala to South Western Uganda. This is to raise awareness about road safety. Today is day 1 of his journey. I had a conversation with him to find out why he's doing this. Enjoy the listen.

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Friday, February 25, 2022

986. Productivity Is The Intention of The Divine. Here's Why

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We complicate life so much and yet it is simple...though maybe not easy. You know how simple life is by looking at two major D.O.B.s. Date of Birth and Date of Burial. Especially the latter can reveal how needless the complications were.

Life is about effectiveness so much so that even if you are not instructed about it, when you are not effective, you will most definitely know. The original intent of creating is for effectiveness. That's why your effectiveness is linked to the divine.

Listen to this.

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984. Why Asking About Being More Effective Leads You To Purpose

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Have you ever at any point in life wondered what life was all about anyway? Perhaps you were in a low moment or maybe your hopes have been dashed or you are even on a high.

I have always theorized that the purpose of life is to be effective. It is therefore important to start considering how we can enhance our effectiveness in this life. This is what this new series is about. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2022

🎉 New #Podcast! 985. Beatrice Langariti. Growing Through Attempting Significant Challenges In Life

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Why? That's the question many people ask me when I tell them about the challenges that my guest on the show imputes on herself and see them through.

There is a great deal to learn from Beatrice Langariti. It is inspiring as it is motivating. When I set out to interview her, I wanted to talk about her purpose and life' s work. I'm afraid that will have to wait. Let's do this instead. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, February 22, 2022

983. The 5 Lessons We Learn from Elon Musk About Entrepreneurship and Purpose

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There is quite a bit to learn here but let me challenge you. Please find me an entrepreneur that is not working through purpose. Find me one that has gone into entrepreneurship solely to earn tonnes of cash.

My point is that purpose and entrepreneurship are connected to the hip. There is no question about that. This is what we can learn from Elon Musk, 5 lessons on entrepreneurship and purpose. Listen to this.

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982. Instead of Waiting For Passion To Come Before You Do, Learn To Do This

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Over the past several episodes, we are learning about purpose and entrepreneurship by referencing the example or the life of Elon Musk. He might be American now but that doesn't stop us from seeing some general life purpose principles in his entrepreneurship that can be applied all over.

Of course, Musk has been identified as a very gritty person indeed. In today's episode, let us learn about the two types of passion coming from Elon Musk's story. Listen to this.

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Saturday, February 19, 2022

980. How Pushing The Limits of Your Purpose Spurs Your Entrepreneurship

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Elon Musk is the example I am using in this series. What can we learn from the SpaceX CEO about purpose and entrepreneurship? Obviously, there is quite a lot. But I would tell you this: Musk's success is highly connected to his purpose.

As such, we can learn a thing or two from him. In this episode, we talk about pushing our limits. Well, whereas talk is cheap, the reality is that Musk epitomizes this trait. Listen to this.

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981. How Allowing Gray Areas of Your Life Spurs Your Entrepreneurship

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As much as religious people would want or even peddle the idea that life is black and white, soon enough you realize that there are many shades of gray involved in it. Look at the most popular meme or the picture of success for instance.


It shows us that there are detours, uncertainties, unexpected interruptions and all. At times, in our purpose and entrepreneurship journeys, a detour is probably just what we need. Listen to this.

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Friday, February 18, 2022

978. Why Elon Musk Dreams On Purpose as An Entrepreneur

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The more I think and talk about it, the more I am convinced that entrepreneurship is directly connected to purpose. If we took Elon Musk as our case study, we will notice certain strong aspects of purpose in all his entrepreneurial pursuits.

Therefore, one major thing we can learn from this stellar visionary is the idea of dreaming on purpose and around purpose and sticking with those dreams to the hilt. Listen to this.

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977. The Purpose of Entrepreneurship Is Not Money First. Here is Why

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I see organizations thinking that corporate social responsibility is one of the ways that they can show they are a company of purpose. Nothing can be further from the truth.

Purpose is not an afterthought. It is not an appendage. It is not something that you do now that you have money. It actually is something you start doing even before you make money. We are learning that big time folks like Elon Musk's entrepreneurship is 100% connected to purpose. Listen this.

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Thursday, February 17, 2022

976. Why The Core of Entrepreneurship Is Purpose

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"Guys, what business can I start with one thousand dollars?" Haven't you heard that question like a million times in your life time? The interesting thing is that our next door entrepreneur didn't start that way.

In fact, you would be hard pressed to find an entrepreneur who started their journey by not knowing what exactly they wanted. Actually, entrepreneurship is not primarily about money. Yes, money is high up there with oxygen but it's not the nucleus of entrepreneurship. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, February 16, 2022

978. Richard Ssebagala. The Critical Importance of Self Awareness For Individuals In Life

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When I sat down with Richard Ssebaggala, we had an interesting discussion that was centered around his perception in life most especially about how one can make sense of it.

We talked about personal awareness as one of those critical aspects of life that an individual needs to make sense of their lives. Our discussion did not miss on Richard's story growing up, well as his take on schooling and parenting.

It's one of the richest discussions I have had in this segment of the podcast. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, February 15, 2022

975. The 6 Pillars of A Life of Effectiveness

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I believe that one of the main reasons for our lives is to be effective with it. One can even argue that apart from being effective, there is no other major reason for our lives.

I have argued severally over the past eight episodes that the purpose of life is not necessarily to be happy. Purpose presupposes that someone else created you with an intention of what you should do. That's what effectiveness is all about. Listen to this.

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974. The Importance of Other People In Fostering an Effective Life

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No man is an island. When we are talking about a life of effectiveness there will be quite a number of elements in place that will help you and I to be effective.

Certainly, we will need each other. Even if I am a genius in my own right, I cannot negate the fact that I am not complete in and of myself. I need you to be effective and cover my blind side.

Listen to this.

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Monday, February 14, 2022

973. The Power of Persistence To A Life of Effectiveness

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To be effective in life is something that varies from one person to the next, but at the end of the day, effectiveness is what we are talking about. It amazes me how each of us can be unique in our effectiveness and yet we are raised and schooled in sameness.

That being said, there are still the non negotiable pillars of effectiveness that apply to everyone just the same. Just as it is impossible to be effective without passion, purpose, and planning, it is the same without persistence. Listen to this.

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Friday, February 11, 2022

972. The Powerful Power of Planning in Leading an Effective Life

🎉 New #Podcast! 972. The Powerful Power of Planning in Leading an Effective Life

At a personal level, there are some things that we must do in order to be effective in life. It seems as if we have no problem knowing how to run organizations and make them effective. Where the rubber meets the road is when we have to talk about our individual effectiveness.

As such, today's podcast deals with one of the most powerful pillars of a life of effectiveness without which there will be no visionary worth her salt to talk about. There will be no success and effectiveness in life without this. Check this out.

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970. How A Life of Effectiveness Is Connected To A Life of Passion

🎉 New #Podcast! 970. How A Life of Effectiveness Is Connected To A Life of Passion

Passion is such a powerful thing. People have different ways of describing it. In this episode, I connect it to your response to your calling in life, whether it is in business, family, religion, education or whatever sphere that you care about.

Without this passion, chances are that your life of effectiveness would not be possible. Let us listen in to this episode and learn where passion plays to make our lives effective.

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Thursday, February 10, 2022

969. Why Purpose is Paramount For A Life of Effectiveness

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You want to be effective in life? There are just a few things that you need to have in place. But first, you will need to understand what effectiveness is in your life.

I can guarantee you that you will never go far with the definition of effectiveness before you could gravitate towards purpose. Your life purpose then becomes an incredible pillar in your pursuit of effectiveness. Listen to this.

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968. Making Sense of Life By Living Effectively

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What's the purpose of life? Frankly, the answer to that question will vary from person to person. In fact, the question itself can be sarcastic to a person who is going through a tough situation.

One person can answer that question differently over his life time. However, I do perceive that whatever answer we give, we all agree that a life of effectiveness is more plausible to all of us. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, February 9, 2022

971. Eve Zalwango. The Passion For Carpentry, Women and Children

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She is royalty, born in the lineage of the Buganda Kingdom. Her story is inspiring to say the least. She's one typical example of a person who leaned into her passion for Carpentry not for money but simply for the love of it.

Obviously, we learn from her story that passion and purpose must ultimately generate profit. I sat down with her at her headquarters and just had this enthralling conversation that I am so sure you will love it. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, February 8, 2022

967. What Does It Take To Have A Life of Effectiveness

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Some say that the purpose of life is to be happy. Debatable. Let's talk about an effective life. Effectiveness will not happen if purpose is not known. So if your purpose is to be happy, I am sure you will figure out how effective that life will be.

The crown of creation is the human, but for what purpose? If the human is not effective, he will know. Even though he tries to cover that with things that will make him happy, he will notice that something is awfully wrong until he is effective. Listen to this.

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966. The 6 Pillars of Personal Finances A Person of Purpose Needs To Govern

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Personal finance is a critical subject to anyone who is in hot pursuit of purpose. It is easy to talk and track with spiritual subjects such as purpose and vision, but the side kicks of numbers and money can be easily ignored.

At our own peril will we ignore our personal finances. If we want to pursue our purpose, we have to take heed here. In fact, if we have to teach our children purpose, we have to sort out their personal finances. Listen to this.

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Monday, February 7, 2022

964. Why A Person Of Purpose Should Think of Preservation

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Apart from the illusion of comfort, what else lies to our psyche that it will always be the same? It will always be with us and never leave us? I can think of quite a number of things, but perhaps I won't add money to the list.

The amazing thing is that we know that money is not a constant like a river but we seldom do much to mitigate it's scarcity and abundance dance of troughs and curves. If we don't, when push comes to shove, our purpose pursuit suffers. Listen to this.

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963. The Power of Financial Investments in Purpose Pursuit

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It is amazing that more than 60% of what Jesus taught was about commerce, money, prudence and diligence. These are words that go hand in hand with our personal finances.

If we are to pursue our purpose, it will only be prudent that we seek to understand how we can up our game with our personal finances. These two are connected. Here is one more thing that we have to talk about when it comes to that. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, February 2, 2022

962. The Importance of Savings To A Person of Purpose

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Money is treated in two major ways across the globe. Whether it's income or outgo, the relationship with money is either as a process or as an event.

If you thought making money is an event, you will look for miracles, luck, inheritances and lotteries. If you knew it was a process, you would build value, use time, savings and investments as your arsenals.
Listen to this.

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Tuesday, February 1, 2022

961. Why It's A Woe If Your Expenses Are To Feed Your Identity

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The relationship between purpose and personal finances is irrevocable. Even if you thought money is not important, you would be living a lie because this world of ours is governed by money.

Sooner or later, what you do with the money will impact your destiny and your purpose. Unfortunately, the default mode with humans in their relationship with money is to spend it. Nothing wrong with spending, unless.... listen to this.

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