Tuesday, October 31, 2023

1599. If There Was ONE Thing To Teach Your Children, This is It!

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We have no problem taking the to school to learn theory and become book smart. But we are missing out on teaching them one aspect of life that is absolutely critical in their success, especially in the changed landscape of life. Listen to this.

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Monday, October 30, 2023

1598. Why Entrepreneurship Must Be COMPULSORY in Kindergarten All Through

📢 New #Podcast!! 1598. Why Entrepreneurship Must Be COMPULSORY in Kindergarten All Through #Purpose #Entrepreneurship

And I mean it. The problem with us is that we think all that can be learnt must be theory and must be examinable. We think that learning is about principles and concepts. I believe that we do life daily entrepreneurially...and yet this is the most neglected skill to be imparted in young ones. We instead make Maths and Sciences compulsory and more than half of the population will never use that knowledge in life...listen to this.

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Sunday, October 29, 2023

1597. Instead Of Mathematics, Let's Make This Compulsory Instead

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I know this is controversial. There are some subjects that are made compulsory in school even though not everyone has the intellectual capacity to grasp them fully. This is not true with entrepreneurship. It affects us daily, whether employed or running our own businesses. It needs to be emphasized in raising street smart children. Listen to this.

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Saturday, October 28, 2023

1596. Pause. The Case For Street Smart People Over Book Smart People

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When I asked a top journalist in the country his opinion on the subject matter, he said that he would rather have both street smart and book smart people around him. Now, we have no problem with churning out book smart people. What we need is to champion street smart ones. Listen to this.

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Friday, October 27, 2023

1595. How Connections Matter in The Streetsmart World

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One of the worst things we can do for our children is to feed them with theories without necessarily showing them how to make connections of things in the world today. A street smart person knows the power of connections. Listen to this.

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Thursday, October 26, 2023

1594. Connections. The Most Important Aspect of StreetSmartness

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This is perhaps one of the greatest pillars of raising a street smart person: teaching them how to make the most of connections in life. There was once a street smart person with no degree that was a campaign manager for a president of the United states. He knew about connections in life. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, October 25, 2023

1593. The Wrong Concept People Have About Street Smart and Reading

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Placing Street Smartness and Book Smartness together, those who would select Book Smartness invariably would think that there is no book reading in street smartness. That philosophy has been propagated for decades on end, but it is wrong. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, October 24, 2023

1592. These Must the Be The Raw Materials of Raising Street Smart Children

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There is something that is totally ignored the world over in raising children through the traditional book smart education system. This is not to say that the education is completely off on it, but the way it is structured, it doesn't revolve around the most important raw materials that humans have. Listen to this.

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Monday, October 23, 2023

1591. Why I Sent My Children To Perform Arts Instead of Being in School

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Their school opened a week earlier than others because they are on a different curriculum. They are also involved in Children's Church which had a performance that needed them to be present for practice...but during the school hours. I sent them to practice. Listen to this.

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Sunday, October 22, 2023

1590. Why Relationships Are Important For Children To Master Streetsmartness

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To be street smart, we need to understand the importance of people. Not everyone is an extrovert but that doesn't negate this critical pillar in raising street smart children. Listen to this.

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Saturday, October 21, 2023

1589. The 5 Aspects Of Survival That Make Children Street Smart

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To teach children to be be street smart needs to start by teaching them to be survivors. They need to know things like making it in tough situations, improvisations, mental toughness and so on.
Here is now we can help them. Listen to this.

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Friday, October 20, 2023

1588. Why Resilience Is Important For Street-smart Children

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We live in a world that needs these three components I talk about on this podcast: Purpose, Productivity, and Resilience. The question is: Where do they get these things from? Is it possible that they can obtain them from being booksmart? Listen to this.

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Thursday, October 19, 2023

1587. The Power of Resourcefulness in Teaching Children To Be Street-smart

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The problem with raising children on theories alone is that at the end of the day, when they need to face the real world, they will be stuck. There is a place for books and being book smart, but that place is becoming smaller and smaller by the day. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, October 18, 2023

1586. The Magic That Happens When You Show Your Children The Bills You Pay

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Street smart or book smart? Street smart of course. But how exactly do you make it that your children become street smart? Simple. Decide that book smart is not working anymore, at least on its own. What do you do next? Listen to this.

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Tuesday, October 17, 2023

1585. Teaching Children Survival. How To Get Started

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Parents who suffered at times normally make inner vows that their children will never suffer a single day. That is something dangerous. Children need be more street smart today than ever before, and for that to happen, we need to teach them to be survivors. Listen to this.

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Monday, October 16, 2023

1584. Why Street Smartness Should Not Come From The World But From Parents

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I am watching a movie titled "Something the Lord Made." It is about a black man in 1930 during the dark times of racial segregation that managed to become a surgeon without necessarily being "book smart". 

Unfortunately, that is just one story over many decades. We need a critical mass for this, and I believe it will happen. Parents will need to be on top of this.

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Sunday, October 15, 2023

1583. Would You Rather Your Child Be Privileged Than Street Smart?

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Raising children can be quite an emotive subject as it is a heart issue. Most parents are passionate about what methods to use to raise children. Even if they are wrong in whatever method they use, they are wrong sincerely. Listen to this.

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Saturday, October 14, 2023

1582. The 4 Reasons Why I Would Rather Streetsmartness Than Booksmartness

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A choice has been made as you might very well be aware of if you have been following the series. I would rather a streetsmart child than a booksmart child, that is if I am forced to select one of the two. Here are my reasons. Listen to this.

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Friday, October 13, 2023

1581. Streetsmart and Booksmart. Which One Deploys Potential More?

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Potential is such an important ingredient in life...and also one of the most neglected things. That's why, according to Myles Munroe, the richest place is the graveyard. So how do we know which system deploys potential more? Listen to this.

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Thursday, October 12, 2023

1580. Why Streetsmartness is A Universal Language

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Today, in most countries, what is most touted is book smartness. Increasingly though, we are seeing how one-winged it has been and how much we cannot fully rely on it. Today, street smartness is becoming a universal language. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, October 11, 2023

1579. Why It Takes Less Time To Be Street Smart Than To Be Book Smart

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Knowing what I now know, if I am given a chance to choose between being street smart and being book smart, I would easily choose to be streetsmart. To be book smart, which is generally touted, one will take at least a decade and a half. Streetsmart? Listen to this.

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Tuesday, October 10, 2023

1578. What's Being Street Smart Vs Being Book Smart?

📢 New #Podcast!! 1578. What's Being Street Smart Vs Being Book Smart? #Purpose

We need to do this. We need to find out what it means to be street smart. Does it mean that one is totally un-book smart? And if one is book smart, does it mean that they are totally un-street smart? Important questions to ponder.

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Monday, October 9, 2023

1577. Given A Choice Would You Rather Have A Book Smart or A Street Smart Child?

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This is an important question in the present world we live in. I even can project that it will be one of the most important questions to answer in the interim and in the medium term. Book smart of street smart?

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Sunday, October 8, 2023

1576. Raising Street-smart Children

📢 New #Podcast!!1576. Raising Street-smart Children

This presupposes that the selection between street smart and book smart has already been made. Or has it? Anyway, we have no problem raising book smart children we do that all day long for decades now. How about Street smart children?

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Saturday, October 7, 2023

1575. The 5 Qualities of A Purpose Driven Leader

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You will know one when you see them. It will not even be theory. You will automatically feel the presence, impact and aura of a purpose-driven leader. The flip side of the coin is also true...but the saddest part is that most of what we see as leaders, are in the middle. Not hot, not cold. Sad. 

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Friday, October 6, 2023

1574. The Litmus Test of Purpose Leadership

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I will say it again. Leadership has been so much corrupted that we need to talk about purpose as a key ingredient of leadership. Honestly, the two are inseparable. They shouldn't even be synonyms. One should simply infer the other. Here is how to do it.

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Thursday, October 5, 2023

1573. Why This is at the Crux of Purpose Driven Leadership

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How can you identify purpose-driven leadership? All around us, we have what we  call 'leaders'. Probably we also are 'leaders' in our own rights. However, is our leadership purpose-driven? Should we even separate the two. Shouldn't it be implied?

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Wednesday, October 4, 2023

1572. If A Selfish Leader Is Given To Self Preservation, What About A Purpose-Driven Leader

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As already stated, we have more impostors the world over than we have leaders. One of the defining things about impostors is that they are selfish, self-centered and have self-preservation written all over them. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, October 3, 2023

1571. What A Purpose Driven Leader Does With Potential

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You will easily see a purpose driven leader as opposed to an impostor. There are several markers for this, but one of the most powerful ones is how a real leader handles potential around her. Listen to this.

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Monday, October 2, 2023

1570. How You Can Identify Leadership Impostors

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Leadership is an interesting subject. Whereas it is supposed to bey synonymous with purpose and service, we have made it a title thing, a position thing. We have more impostors than we have leaders. Listen to this.

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Sunday, October 1, 2023

1569. Learning Purpose Leadership From Mothers

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We give them flowers and break records every time we celebrate Mothers' Day. Why? There is a great leadership lesson that we can learn from them. Listen to this.

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