Monday, July 31, 2023

1506. The Biggest Lie in Spirituality And How it Creates Apathy

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Apathy is lack of interest, concern and enthusiasm. It has its triggers, and perhaps the greatest catalyst of apathy is inactivity. There is a silent killer in the spiritual world where people fail to identify their part, and the part of the spirit. This leads to apathy. Listen to this.

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Sunday, July 30, 2023

1505. Why It is Wrong To Think Purpose Cannot Be Monetized

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Our different philosophies at times can be our greatest undoing. If you take purpose as something that is not in the realm of business, you won't be circumspect with it. Soon enough, you will feel the brunt of living purpose without getting any benefit from it and that's how apathy sets in. Listen to this.

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Saturday, July 29, 2023

1504. This Philosophy Is What Breeds Purpose Apathy

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Once one has discovered their purpose, you would think that it is all joy going forward. However, they, if they are not alert, will come against a strong enemy called apathy. At times, this enemy is propped up by our internal philosophies, and this is one of them. Listen to this.

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Friday, July 28, 2023

1503. The Enemy Called Apathy. How It Slithers in And Kills Our Purpose

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There are many purpose enemies out there that will keep you from doing the meaningful thing in life. Some of these enemies are outright genuine. However, one internal enemy that is so powerful is the one called "Apathy". Listen to this.

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Thursday, July 27, 2023

1502. Why Purpose Discovery is Just But the Beginning

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Purpose discovery is one long journey. One can be fooled to think that once it is discovered, all will be well going forward. It is kind of like that promise, "Come to Jesus and everything will be just fine". Not a chance. Once you have known it, you are susceptible to not deploying it. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, July 26, 2023

1501. Unpacking The Enemies of Purpose. Ignorance

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You and I were created for a reason and for a purpose. We are different from the animals of the fields, the birds of the air and the fish of the sea. However, it is not always automatic that all humans will serve their purpose. Most do not. There are some purpose pursuit enemies that keep them from it. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, July 25, 2023

1500. Unpacking The Enemies of Purpose. Status Quo

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Purpose pursuit will not be smooth sailing like skating on ice. It has several internal and external enemies. Both of them are powerful. Before you can ever know your purpose, some external enemies will try as much as possible to keep you away from it. This is one of those powerful ones. Listen to this.

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Monday, July 24, 2023

1499. The 5 Things That Would Tell That You Are A Person of Purpose

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it is easy to tell a person of purpose. If you look carefully, they might not need to make any announcement that they are on the journey and pursuit of purpose. However, there are some things that you will easily observe and deduce. These five are just part of them. Listen to this.

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Sunday, July 23, 2023

1498. Why Einstein Was Wrong With The Assessment of Doing Things Over and Over

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Einstein is quoted to have said that doing the same thing over and over again and each time expecting a different result is madness. Well, probably. So then, where is the place of consistency? Where is the place of dedication and commitment to causes? One of the thigs that will show you are a person of purpose is your doing the same thing over and over again. Listen to this.

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Saturday, July 22, 2023

1497. Why I Say Woe To Me If I don't Podcast!

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Why do we do the things we do? Apostle Paul once said, "Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel", and he was not gaining anything monetary from it. Matter of fact, his life was in danger while doing that. What goes behind the scenes when someone says those words? Listen to this.

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Friday, July 21, 2023

1496. Why Impact Is the Litmus Test of Purpose

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How do you know that someone is living a life of purpose? How do you know that you are living a life of purpose? As you can imagine, purpose is others-centered. It is selfless. In other words, it touches either people or things in the world. Listen to this.

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Thursday, July 20, 2023

1495. Just How Your Name Shows You Are A Purposeful Person

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Surprisingly, there are different ways to look at a name. There is the name that you are given at birth. That's your official name. But then, there is another name that is acquired through life. It is not a description or a definition of you, but a representation of your works. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, July 19, 2023

1494. The Antidote of Emptiness that Gives Acceptance, Respect, and Significance

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The silent epidemic that is wasting away the affluent and the pauper alike is emptiness. We amass things, do things, acquire, go places and do as many as we can to fill this void. However, it just doesn't work. What's the solution? Purpose is. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, July 18, 2023

1493. This is Perhaps The Biggest Silent Epidemic In The World

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Covid 19 wasted over 4 million lives world wide and brought the whole earth to a standstill with lockdowns. Then just like it came, it went. Vanished, like it was never here anyway. But with us, daily, there is a silent epidemic that is wasting away the living...they are living dead. Listen to this.

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Monday, July 17, 2023

1492. Reasons Why With Purpose Pursuit, Everyone Can Be An Inventor

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I do believe that at some level, there is a possibility that as many people as are in their purpose pursuit can invent. Actually, this, by extension, means that all humans have the potential to invent, and that this is  not just a preserve of a selected few individuals. Listen to this.

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Sunday, July 16, 2023

1491. Why You Can Never Invent In The Area of Your Hatred

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There is a very strong connection between invention, passion and purpose. Invention is life, it signifies growth and love. On the other hand, where we have hatred, we have death. No invention can come out of it. The good news is that we all can love, can be passionate and can pursue we all can invent...

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Saturday, July 15, 2023

1490. Why Survival Is the Enemy of Invention and Purpose Pursuit

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Normal is good for comfort, but it doesn't help in the world of innovation and invention. But the way we protect our 'normals' with so much attachment makes one think that it is the most enlightened thing to do. We think it is for our safety. In retrospect, it could be an enemy. Listen to this.

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Thursday, July 13, 2023

1488. The Two Most Important Things In Life That Simplify It

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Life is simple and basic. Whenever we delve into complications of life, we miss out on its essence. Then we look around and think that there are some things that are only reserved for a few people here and there. Those few, for the most part, are those who lived life in its basics. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, July 12, 2023

1487. Why Invention Is Not A Function of Genius. All Of Us Could Invent

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There is a very strong connection between invention and love, passion and purpose. Seldom do people invent in the areas of life that they either hate or are not passionate about. In this small series, let us explore the fact that it is a possibility that we are are inventors. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, July 11, 2023

1486. The 19 Powerful Life Nuggets From Joe Rogan's Interview With Mike Tyson in 2022

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Early 2020, I came across an interview that Mike Tyson had on Joe Rogan's podcast. I watched it on YouTube. It was over two hours. I suddenly saw how rich the content was and decided to crystalize the message into this series. It has been over 20 episodes now. Here is the summary.

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Monday, July 10, 2023

1485. Why It Is Important To Play To Our Strengths

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Every so often, you hear people talking about SWOT Analysis, at least from the perspective of organizations. The same can apply to individuals. Mike Tyson talks about becoming a champion and this topic is important towards that. Listen to this.

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Sunday, July 9, 2023

1484. Why Mike Tyson Rates Mentorship Ever So Highly

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It might sound cliché because it has been talked about over and over and over again. However, when a former world heavyweight boxing champion says something about it, we need to listen. Here is what Mike Tyson said about mentorship. 

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Saturday, July 8, 2023

1483. The Instant Mike Tysons Life Was Changed and What Did it

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Everyone has a story to tell. Mike Tyson at the age of 13 did not have any forward looking mentality. He came from a background of violence and an unstable family. Together with other boys, they were housed in a shelter trying to make them somebodies. Then, an encounter happened. Six years later, he was world champion. Listen to this.

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Friday, July 7, 2023

1482. This is One of the Most Potent Bodies of Information that Leads to Success

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Whereas learning is a continuous thing, perhaps the biggest favor we can do ourselves is to know what to learn. We are adept at learning many things just to make us "employable", but that's not as potent as what it can be. Listen to this from Mike Tyson.

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Thursday, July 6, 2023

1481. What Mike Tyson Says About Coaches

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A man called Harvey Mackay once said that he had a coach for just about anything in life. He had speech coaches, writing coaches and so on. Mike Tyson has said something powerful about this too. He should know because he was a world champion. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, July 5, 2023

1480. The Importance of Building A Structure. A Mike Tyson Special

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There is something powerful that Mike Tyson said about being a nobody, and it is directly linked to building a structure. This is very powerful information and a life nugget from the man who was a boxing heavyweight champion at the age of 19. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, July 4, 2023

1479. What Mike Tyson Said About Changing With The Times

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Life is about change. Mike Tyson has a say about this and this is straight from his life. While talking to Joe Rogan, he talks about learning to change with the times. Listen to this.

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Monday, July 3, 2023

1478. The Power of Being Delusional

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I know it sounds funny, maybe sarcastic, but Mike Tyson brings it to light in a totally different manner. He is talking about the life of a champion and what it takes to be one. Other people will consider you delusional, but you have to make the delusional a reality. Listen to this.

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Sunday, July 2, 2023

1477. Interesting Lesson To Learn From An Opponent

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In a world that is fallen, some people look at it as if it is dog it dog society. We look at others who are 'competing' against us as if they are our enemies. There is a life nugget that Mike Tyson gives as far as this outlook is concerned. Coming from a former heavy weight boxing champion, this is advice that we need to take. Listen to this.

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Saturday, July 1, 2023

1476. The Thrill of Living Life In The Opposite Direction. A Mike Tyson Special

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The inexperienced have theories. At times, they are so passionate about those. You should hear teenagers talking about relationships and what makes them sizzle. It is when they have gone through experiences that they get first-hand information and feedback on what really matters. Same thing Mike Tyson is telling us about money. Listen to this.

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