Saturday, January 30, 2021

593. The Role of Pace Makers in Exploiting Our Potential

The most sinister thing about potential are the words used to describe it. "Dormant" force. "Latent" energy. "Unused" power. Think about that. The definition does not talk about unavailability. It does not talk about rarity.

If anything, it talks about abundance. One can even talk about neglect when it comes to it. In fact, the world over, one of the most neglected powers we have is the power of potential.

So how can we excavate it? How do we put it to use? How do we make it come to the fore? I believe that we can synergize and deploy our potential. Athletes use a system called Pace Makers. Listen to this.

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592. The Critical Importance of Feedback in Cultivating Potential

In one of Aesop's fables, we learn a powerful story about familiarity. That we can be so contemptuous when we are "familiar". It is easy for a servant to take a King for granted because they are too familiar with him.

Well, guess what? That is the same thing that we do with our potential. In fact, some people never put their potential to action because they are so contemptuous with it. They didn't get it by blood, sweat and they see it not as important as compared to a green card to the USA.

Listen to this.

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Friday, January 29, 2021

591. Lawrence on The Fat Boy Show. IQ is Overrated

I once challenged a radio personality on social media by asserting that IQ is overrated. They shot back and said that they could host me on their radio show to defend my position. I took up the challenge and we had an interesting discussion.

This is exactly how it went. Listen to this.

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590. This is How To Listen To The Voice of Potential

Now that we know that some of the greatest answers we are looking for in life are already available to us but shrouded in potential, how do we excavate this potential?

It is amazing that we can leave these answers that are already available and we go on a journey outside of our potential seeking the foreign, exotic and probably complicated solutions. However, when we look keenly enough on our potential we realize that the answers we find are not just for us, but also for a bigger part of humanity.

Here is one of the ways you can put your potential in perspective.

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589. There Are Different Voices of Potential. Have You Heard Them

As already explained previously, the answers we are looking for in life are around us and within us. They are all shrouded in our potential. The fortunate thing about potential is that it always speaks, like that spark that begs to be fanned aflame.

So we have answers in life in potential, and this potential is daily calling on us. It has a language and it has different voices. It speaks. Are we listening? In this episode, let us find out how potential communicates to us. Listen to this.

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588. A Look At Potential. Why It is The Answer to Our Lives

Probably we all have answers to life that we are looking for. The answers come in form of seeds. That's why maybe we keep passing by these answers on our journey to look for readily available fruits.

Potential is the answer. Perhaps the most sinister thing a creator can ever do is to fashion something of someone and deprive them of potential. Fortunately, that is not the case. We are all laden with it.

Listen to this.

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Thursday, January 28, 2021

587. Conversation With The Solution3{ When Caught Between A Rock and A Hard Place}

This is a continuation of a conversation that I had with Mr. Solution Ngonzi, a Growth Coach, farmer and founder of Gone Rogue Strategies.

At times in life, we come to a place where we are boxed in and seemingly, we have no options. What do we do at such moments? What can we learn about the act of "standing still?" What instructions can we receive that can help us in that moment?

Listen to this.

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586. Conversation With The Solution 2{The Beauty of Venturing Into The Unknown}

What do you do when you are caught between a rock and a hard place? I had a conversation with Mr. Solution Ngonzi about a wide range of things. In that conversation, a beautiful story came up that covers up the subject matter.

Chances are that what we are looking for in life are all available around us or even within us in terms of seeds. Our environments are potent, covered with many possibilities but shrouded in a mystery of the unknown, which is protected by a layer of fear in our hearts.

Listen to this.

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Wednesday, January 27, 2021

585. Conversations With The Solution1 (Can You Secure The Future?)

It has been an interesting electioneering process in Uganda. The slogan that the ruling party went with into the elections was "Securing Your Future". It seemed such a slogan to use on such matters. It probably was communicating promise and stability.

However, a couple of episodes back, I caught myself in spontaneity saying, *"You cannot secure the future because it is an unknown variable"* . Well, soon after, I had an opportunity to talk to one of my friends about it. Here is how our conversation went. Listen to this.

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584. Four Questions To Help Normalize Fear In Life

Fear can be both a good thing or a bad thing. If you are afraid of heights, it could save you from jumping from the third floor to your death. If you are afraid of public speaking though, it could rob you of an opportunity to influence and inspire.

As such, it is important for us to not over-analyze the fear. If we know what matters to us and yet we are afraid of taking action, we ought to actually go ahead and take the action. That is the way we get to know what lies on the other side of our fears.

Here are four questions we can ask that can help buttress us so that we can feel the fear and still do it any way. Listen to this.

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583. Discovering Your Purpose Against Fear By The Help of The Courageous

One of the easiest ways to gain courage is to hang around the courageous. If you wanted to be wealthy, you could hang around the wealthy. If you wanted to be wise, you could hang around the wise.

We don't have many things in our lives because we are afraid of the unknown. And so we stay in the tried, the proven and the tested, not wanting to venture out.

To discover our purpose, we might want to hang around the courageous, the fearless, the vision-filled people who are having results in their lives. Listen to this.

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Monday, January 25, 2021

582. How Daring In Life Activates Your Life Purpose

One of my favorite quotes is by Teddy Roosevelt. He said, "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that neither knows victory nor defeat"

Let's face it: In our attempts to know what our purpose is, we have to embrace the fear of the unknown and we have to do it anyway. When we do that the feedback we get tends to move us closer to our purpose than when we were before we did it afraid.

That's why the person daring to do great stuff is closer to their purpose than the one looking for comfort. Listen to this.

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581. Answering This Question Gives You The Tools To Activate Your Life Purpose

I saw a very powerful quote from T.D Jakes about #Fear. In his book, Instinct, he says, "If fear is in the car, that is Ok, for as long as it is not in the driver's seat". In other words, you might not do away with fear. The presence of fear should not stop you from moving forward.

In discovering your purpose, at times, fear is the indication of what you ought to do. If you are afraid of public speaking, how about you do it? If you are afraid of publishing the book, or article, or podcast, how about you do it? It seems as if the obstacle is the way.

How can we learn to embrace fear in the journey of our purpose discovery? Listen to this.

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580. When Given Comfort and Discomfort To Choose From This is The Best Choice in Purpose Discover

I will say it over and over again, that purpose discovery is done while in motion. If you sit back and wait for a burning bush experience, you will be waiting for a pretty long time.

However, when you are in motion, when yo are taking action, you tend to be "led" in the process. Part of the action that you can take is that which dispels your fears. It is that which is rather uncomfortable.
I have learnt that doing the uncomfortable and the fearful is one of the most potent ways of purpose discovery. Listen to this.

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Sunday, January 24, 2021

579. What A Blessing Fear Is In Purpose Discovery

At the risk of sounding antigovernmental, I want to contest the slogan "Securing Your Future". I am not doing this from the political angle, I am doing this from the philosophical point.

The future is unknown. Heck, even this evening is unknown. To the degree that something is unknown, to that degree will we be afraid. It is not about securing the unknown future, it is about daring to go against our fears.

Your purpose could be an unknown thing chiefly because you are afraid of pulling towards that direction. But when you do activate the fear factor and go there anyway, you will see incredible stuff revealed about your purpose. Listen to this.

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578. Can You Discover Your Purpose By Activating The Fear Factor

There are very many binaries in life. Life or death. Blessing or Curses. Good or evil. Black or white. Male or female (I'm sure this will be flagged on Facebook). However, there is one binary that I want to focus on: Comfort and Discomfort.

It is obvious that if you wanted to know your life purpose, the way of comfort will not work. One will need to select the route of discomfort. The problem is that the discomfort has to contend with fear.

Wherever we are afraid, that is where we need to act. In getting the feedback from our actions, we are able to discover what really matters to us. Listen to this.

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577. The 5 Tests To Put A Personal Vision Under

After clarifying your vision, one might face some doubts. One might wonder if it is the right vision. One might wonder if they are on the right direction in the first place.

These doubts are real. In fact, it is for the reason of these doubts that many people would rather not follow through with their life vision. People are afraid to fail, to be laughed at and to waste their time.

Thankfully, you can pass your vision through a series of tests that will help you to grow in confidence as you seek to deploy it.
Listen to this.

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Saturday, January 23, 2021

576. This Might Be Controversial But if You Can Do It Alone, It's Probably Not Vision

How do you test the validity of your vision? Let's talk about this for a minute. Is getting the best car of your dreams a vision? Is going on vacation a vision? Is it a vision if you can handle it all by yourself?

There are critical characteristics of vision that we need to internalize. If you find yourself in pursuit of whatever "personal vision" it is, then it follows that you need to check the validity and see if it really is a vision.

At times we confuse things that are goals or milestones, wishes and dreams as vision. There is nothing wrong with that. However, vision really is a different ball game altogether. Listen to this.

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575. This is The Litmus Test of The Validity of Your Personal Vision

Getting the vision could be easy. It could take you, like I keep saying, just about 15 minutes to clarify what your personal vision is. After that, there are questions about it.

Doubts come up. The question is: how do you test the validity of the vision that is now yours to deploy. The reason why this is an important question to answer is that people tend to give up on their vision because they do not feel it.

There is one critical test that we can make about the vision of our lives. Here it is. Listen.

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574. One Critical Component Of Vision That Makes It Easy To Own and Deploy

Without a vision, people perish. People cast off restraint. I mean, there is no point of being circumspect in life if you have no vision whatsoever.

But having vision is one part of the equation. There are two other parts. There is owning it and then there is deploying it. Frankly, as much as people say that finding personal vision is hard, it is not. It is the easiest thing in life.

Where the rubber meets the road is when that vision has to be lived, breathed and deployed on a daily basis. How do we do that? That is the question that we have to answer to day. Listen to this.

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Friday, January 22, 2021

573. One Way You Can Gauge And See if Your Vision is Worth Being Called A Vision

Perhaps you have overcome massive doubts and even time to clarify your vision. I knew that I needed vision on a personal level twelve years or so before I ever clarified it. It might take that long due to some reasons, or it might take just 15 minutes.

But now that you do have the vision in place, what happens next? In fact, what do you do to TEST and see the worthiness and the value of that said vision? How do you confidently pursue it? This first test will help you. Listen to this.

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572. The 5 Top Reasons Why People Do Not Have Personal Vision

If you asked any random stranger about their "Personal vision", at most, you will get shocked looks. It is as if the issue of personal vision is not in the psyche and vicinity of people's minds.

And yet if you talk to the successful people at all levels and all niches of life, they will tell you that personal vision was critical to their success one way or another.

Why is it then that most people that you and I know do not have a personal vision? Why is it that they are not living and leading their lives around that personal vision? Let's summarize these reasons. Listen to this.

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571. One Genuine Reason Why People Do Not Pursue Personal Vision

Life affords us options. Even the person that thinks that they have no options, it will just be a matter of perception that will make them realize that all along, they had been surrounded by options.

There will always be an option to pursue personal vision or to do what status quo has conditioned you. I was in that bracket for some decades until I documented what my vision in life was and started following it.

Even then, there will still be opposition. There is either internal opposition or external opposition to the pursuit of vision. Let's find out a curious reason why many people do not pursue their personal vision. Listen to this.

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Sunday, January 10, 2021

570. Why Technical Know-How is A Stumbling Block in Crafting a Personal Vision

It is so refreshing these days to hear the language of some of the children who attend some special schools. You hear them talking about goals for the day, goals for the week, goals for the month and so on. And I am talking about pre-teens! It is very refreshing.

That is the route of locking our sights on a personal vision. Unfortunately, for the large percentage of pupils, we are steeped into the cramming of general information and technical know how.

In the end, we fail in having a personal vision for our lives because we have elevated other types of information so high and forgotten vision. Yet when push comes to shove, it is vision that is needed for us to succeed. Listen to this.

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569. Why Having A Personal Vision Can Easily Get You A Job

📣 New #Podcast!

This is not a sales pitch. It is not a hidden secret. Tony Robbins says that "clarity is power". The best way to have clarity about your life is to create a vision for it. Vision will have that life not only focused, but also respected.

Personal vision is a seed that opens up the boundless possibilities in the world. It helps you to unearth your potential and to push up in life with direction and urgency. Without the vision, you are all over the place.

People sadly think that getting focused with vision is to limit the opportunities that can come into your life. Nothing can be further from the truth. The opposite is actually true. Listen to this.

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568. One Big Reason As To Why People Do Not Have Personal Vision

Even though we are aware that having vision on a personal level is important for success, we still have a very large percentage of people in any gathering visionless. Some statistics show that it is less than 10% of any gathering that have vision.

It is even a smaller percentage when you talk about a vision that has been written down and clear and being followed or worked upon daily.

The question therefore is: Why is it that people do not have vision on a personal level? Where could the problem be? Let's find out in this episode.

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Friday, January 8, 2021

567. The Case (Again) For Personal Vision

The Scriptures say that "without a vision, people perish." They cast off restraint. In order for us to succeed, we need vision. There is no success at an individual level worth mentioning that did not come about as a result of vision.

And yet personal vision is one of the most ignored tools in the world today. We are so adept at seeking information from all over the place but neglecting the nucleus that will give us exactly what we need to succeed.

Here is why vision, especially that at a personal level is paramount for anyone who wants to make it in this life and succeed. Listen in.

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566. The 5 Bodies of Knowledge That Are Critical To The Success of All Humans

As you already know, we are in the midst of a flood of information overload and yet we are starved of information that can lead us to success. You might have all the military hardware in the world for example, but if you have no intelligence, an inferior enemy can take you out.

That is the same thing with success. We need "intelligence" in order to know what to do, when and where and in what order. Success might not necessarily need all the information in the world.

We just need few bits and pieces that we can create from them a combination that can work. Here are the five pieces of information that are critical to any success, especially at the individual level. Listen in.

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565. This is The Most Powerful Piece of Information Relating To Our Success

There is no doubt that in order to succeed in life, we all need knowledge. We need information and we need revelation. The question is: what kind of information will be potent enough to give us the success that we need?

We live in a world that is flooded with information. Information is not necessarily the problem we have...unless of course we are talking about an overload of information. It makes it a bit cumbersome to try and sift out the useful from the millions of trash. It's a task.

Success though does not need lots of information. It needs the right kind of information in the right context. Still that information has to be applied. Application is the foundation for fruitfulness. Listen to this.

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564. Why Knowing Our Purpose is A Great Catalyst To Success

You will rarely find a person who is not interested in success. Of those you find, probably their identity has been so messed up that they think they do not qualify for it.

Nevertheless, different people will tell you different things about success. Most of them will also allude to the fact that success was directly connected to something greater than themselves.

Some will call it destiny, calling, higher purpose or such like. At the end of the day, there will be no success worth writing home about if we do not find that purpose. Listen to this.

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Sunday, January 3, 2021

563. Surprisingly, The Knowledge About Your Origin Affects How You Succeed in Life

We are all anchored somewhere. There are some people whose anchors are so strong that they affect them positively. As a human race the knowledge about our origin, whether in terms of our actual cradle or where we have been cultured will automatically affect our success.

As such, the question of where we come from has a dimension that will determine different pieces of information that will be critical to our success.

At the end of the day, success is about the right amount of knowledge, in the right context and used the right way and with the right timing. Listen to this.

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562. This is The Most Potent Crisis in Personal Success, But Here is How We Sort it Out

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561. Why It Is Critical To Get Knowledge That Leads To Success

They say that knowledge is power, but we now know that it is acted upon knowledge that is power. If you have all the knowledge in the world and you do not act upon it, it is as useless as not having the knowledge.

In fact, the Bible says that knowledge puffs up...but loves builds up. There is no way that you and I can be successful if we do not have the right knowledge and in the right context and then we take action on that knowledge.

The knowledge I am talking about here is not academic knowledge. For instance, if you did not have the knowledge that you are entitled to succeed, you might not. Listen to this.

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Friday, January 1, 2021

560. The Powerful Connection Between Knowledge and Success

There is a curious connection between success and knowledge. I am not talking about general knowledge, technical knowledge or current affairs. Those do have a critical place they play.

However, the knowledge and the revelation that we as humans are entitled to success will go a long way in catalyzing our success in life. If we knew that we are to be successful, then we have a chance.

The opposite is also true. If you knew that you were not entitled to it, you won't seek it in the first place. Listen to this.

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559. The 5 Powerful Daily Efforts That Automatically Lead to Success

Success in life is attainable by "whoever". It is all about a matter of following some "simple" principles. No one in life is exempt from the life of success.

All are candidates. Whereas we often look at what is not in place that can help us to succeed, at the same time we always overlook or are oblivious of what is already available that we can use to get the journey started.

A good example is the day that we have been given. The secret to success is to use this day just the way it is and put in some efforts that can lead us to success. What efforts could those be? Listen to this.

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