Wednesday, April 26, 2023

1412. Caleb Hiddleson. Re-Imagining and Providing Mission-Focused Higher Education Through Miscio

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This conversation brings to a close a month of focus on Educationists. Caleb Hiddleson, my guest today gave us very powerful nuggets when it comes to Higher Education. The focus on providing practical and accredited Higher Education is something that the world needs at the moment. Listen to this conversation and enjoy.

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Tuesday, April 25, 2023

1410. Two Aspects of Love That We Should Understand

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Love is such a beautiful thing. Many wonderful things have been done in the name of love. Whether we are talking about romance and relationships, revolution in business, or even patriotism for a country, love is always going to be a massive catalyst.

Here are two aspects of love that we need to be aware of initially.

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1409. The Challenge of Genuine Love In The World Today

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Love. What a word! When it is happening as it should, there is joy, happiness, fulfillment and bliss. When it is not happening as it should, there is heartbreaks, pain, confusion, bleak future and general suffering. There is a challenge of genuine love these days. In this new series, let us weigh in a little. Listen to this.

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1408. The 4 Ways Potential Speaks To Us Daily

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There are different ways potential speaks to us daily. In this episode, I do a summary of just four out of the many ways that potential speaks. I do believe that these four are the main ways that the voice of potential can be heard. In studying these, we get our ears attuned so that we can recognize potential when it speaks. Listen to this.

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1407. Noticing The Voice of Potential In Our Gifts and Talents

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Two amazing things about gifts and talents. First, quite a number of people believe that they do not have gifts and talents. Sad. Second, those who know they are gifted seldom use their gifts and talents as the core input of their main work. Potential normally speaks and one of the ways it does is though your gifts and talents. Listen to this.

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1406. How Our Passion Could Be The Voice Of Potential Speaking To Us

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There is such a thing as the voice of potential. When we learn how potential speaks and reaches out in communication, we start to learn how to listen to that voice. Could it be that your passion is another way your potential is speaking to you?

Listen to this.

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Wednesday, April 19, 2023

📢 New #Podcast!!1405. Alice Ddamulira. Building High School Education Focused on Character and Life Skills Development

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She's passionate about building young people to be employable, have content of character, and deploy their God-given potential. Alice Ddamulira is a Director at St. Mark's College Namagoma, a private Institution that takes care of over 2900 students.

Her joy is to see young people's lives transformed, so she blends in whole-person development in training young men and women. This conversation is about her story of building up the school. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, April 18, 2023

1404. How Potential Speaks To Us Through Problems

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Believe it or not, potential does speak and it does so in different ways. I can assure you that problems are one of the most common ways that potential speaks to us. We need to look at them in a different way going forward. Listen to this.

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Monday, April 17, 2023

1403. How We Can Learn To Listen To The Voice of Potential

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The fact that potential does speak and we do not hear means that we have not really learnt to listen to its voice. To change this, we need to start being intentional about hearing it. It is a learning process and a skill that we all can attain. Listen to this.

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1402. The 4 Ways We Wrongly Treat The Voice of Potential

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It is already established in the previous episodes that potential does speak to us daily. We shall see just how it does so in the coming episodes. However, how do we respond to it? Here is a summary of what we do.

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Saturday, April 15, 2023

1401. Why We Choose To Crowd Out The Voice of Potential

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As potential keeps speaking, we have priorities. We are so steeped into these priorities that we do not have time to listen and take note of what potential is saying. The point is that potential will never keep quiet, even to the time we are dying, potential will still have a say. Listen to this.

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Friday, April 14, 2023

1400. Why We Choose To Always Silence The Voice of Potential

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You will be surprised how potential is always speaking. Probably not through a megaphone, but loud enough for us to hear. The problem is that we do not listen. In fact, we can acknowledge what potential is saying but also choose to silence its voice. Listen to this.

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Thursday, April 13, 2023

1399. Why We Sadly Ignore The Voice of Potential In Life.

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There is no question that potential does speak to us every now and then, sometimes, everyday. However, we choose to ignore its voice...legitimately. Listen to this.

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1397. Does Potential Matter to Us? Here is the Verdict

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In talking about potential, I do believe that it has a voice and each waking day, it's voice is released to us. We shall know if potential does matter to us by the way we respond to that voice.

Listen to this.

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Wednesday, April 12, 2023

1396. The 10 Ways You Can Tell You Are Not Using Your Potential

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Humanity is laden with so much potential that if we all exploited even half of it, the world would be a much better place to live in. However, daily, we find ourselves crowding out this potential to do things that we think are urgent and important.

Here is a summary of the 10 ways you can know that you are not living to fulfill the potential that is inside of you. Listen to this.

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1395. How Your Passionate Concern Is Calling You To Exploit Your Potential

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One of the ways we fail to deploy our God-given potential is through failure to take up responsibility, not that which someone else imputes on us, but that which comes out of our own recognition for the need of change. "Someone needs to do something about this" is the way you can know that it is your responsibility. Listen to this.

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1398. Peace and Godfrey Epuchu. The Passion of Offering Individualized Education To Children

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There are quite a number of rare people out there who are passionate about what matters to them. When it comes to education, we have been so biased against teachers, especially in Africa, considering their 'Career' not that noble.

However, there are those who take it as a calling. Such is Peace Epuchu. I had a conversation with her together with Godfrey Epuchu to understand their passion for education. It was refreshing. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, April 11, 2023

1393. Why this is one of the Greatest Thieves of Potential

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We all have it. No matter the color, class, creed or calling, we have all been filled with potential. The fact is that we seldom live to deploy it in full. Edison said that if we were to do all that we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. Listen to this, one of the biggest potential thieves.

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1394. How Procrastination Kills Our Potential Daily

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There has been a lot of talk and even books written on the subject of procrastination. One thing we need to take special note of procrastination is that it is a killer of potential, perhaps the most sinister killer there ever was. Listen to this.

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1393. Why 'Rebels' Are Smack In The Middle Of Fulfilling Their Purpose

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We all are raised in already pre-determined and pre-constructed environments. The 'growing up' that we do, for the most part is to fill the expectations of other people in authority over us.

Consequently, we risk not living in our potential because of this pre-determination of expectations. That's why being a rebel at times helps. Listen to this.

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1390. About Work and Potential. What We Really Must Do?

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The most common thing about humanity is work. In fact, we pretty much like to define our purpose through our work. If you met someone and they asked you who you are, you would probably answer them according to what job title you have.

But is that true? What can we learn about exploiting our potential when at work? Listen to this.

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1389. Why Many People Don't Think They Are Gifted, And Its Repercussions

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The most amazing thing about our potential is that we think we don't have it. Invariably, when you talk about gifts and talents, people who are not 'prominently' gifted like Ronaldo, Lebron James and Barrack Obama are, will feel like they have no gift or talent AT ALL!

Consequently, they live their lives way below their privileges, not able to fulfill their God-given potential. Listen to this.

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📢 New #Podcast! 1388. The Power Of Introspection In Unearthing Potential

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It amazes me how we are able to go through life without a thought. How we operate like machines...but even machines have downtimes and maintenance times. But we have this ability to go on with life without a thought, until such a time that we are in a crisis. That way, we don't live our potential. Listen to this.

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Thursday, April 6, 2023

1387. Survival And How It is Not Good For Fulfilling Potential

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Someone said that if we were to do everything that we are capable of doing, we will literally astound ourselves. They were talking about our potential.

Another person said that we only use ten percent of our brain capacity. They were also talking about potential. The fact is that we all have it. Here is one more way you can know you are not fulfilling your potential.

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1386. How Living Outside Of Purpose Makes Potential To Keep Lying Dormant

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There is no question about the fact that every human being comes on earth loaded with potential. The question is normally asked at the end of life what became of that potential.

It is possible, unfortunately, to do life without deploying our potential. Many people have, but that's not how life should be. Here is one way you can know that you are not fulfilling your potential.

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Wednesday, April 5, 2023

1385. Understanding Two Reasons Why We Do Not Fulfill Our Potential

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All of us have it. It doesn't matter where we come from, what color of our skin is and how much we are earning today. Where we are all the same is in regards of potential. Even if that varies from person to person, it a fact that we all have it.

However, for some reason, we fail to deploy our potential. Here are some two reasons that is so. Listen to this.

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1384. The Most Sinister Thing About Potential

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Potential is a powerful subject. It applies to all of us, in fact, it applies to, would you believe it, both living and non living things. it is one of those rare gems that cuts across both of those strata.

There is a very sinister thing about it though. There are also several ways we can know we are not using it. Here is an introduction to a new series about Potential.

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1383. The 5 Reasons Why We Fail To Monetize Our Purpose

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Purpose Monetization is something that can go a mighty long way in helping us all over the world to deal in part, with the joblessness scourge. The same people that are 'jobless' are gifted, talented, called, and passionate. They have ideas too.

What lacks is turning all these things into money. Here is a summary of just 5 reasons we do not monetize our purpose.

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1382. Why Lack of A Supporting Environment Makes People Not Monetize Their Purpose

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One reason why we thrive in life is because we are surrounded with an accepting and supporting environment. Without that, we tend to struggle and if we make it, we become outliers or trailblazers.

The one reason why we do not monetize our purpose is because there is no critical mass of a supporting environment that we can plug in. Listen to this.

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1381. Grappling with No Proven Path for Purpose To In Order to Monetize It

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We, to a large extent, love precedent. Most of the things we do in life are those that have been done, proven and tested. Purpose discovery and monetization is not in the mainstream of life for many countries, and that's why we find it hard to monetize it, at least to that extent of our ignorance. Listen to this.

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1380. Why Lack Of Evidence Makes People Not To Monetize Their Purpose

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Monetizing our purpose is always going to be a challenge as long as certain things will not change. For a long time now, gifted, called, talented and passionate people have been living way below their privileges. 

Here is one major reason why they fail to monetize their purpose. You will love this one.

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1391. Basemera Stella Marris. The Love For Learners and A Different Approach to Mathematics Tutoring

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In a continent where many look down on teachers, quite a number are approaching their calling with passion and dedication. They are innovating and creating solutions out of the ordinary.

One such is my guest today who is passionate about learning support. A trained teacher, she has created a startup that is approaching education, especially mathematics differently. Listen to her story here.

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