Sunday, July 31, 2022

1143. The Real Definition of Fun. You will Love It!

πŸ“’ New Podcast!

Playing ball with your son is fun. Taking your daughter out for a *Daddy-Daughter Dance" is fun. Going to a stadium to cheer and support your favorite team is fun... especially if you win. Going on a date with your spouse and having exclusive time together is fun!

But all that is just half the story. In this episode, let's give an all-encompassing definition of fun. It's very instructive and interesting.

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1142. Is Fun Part of Life As A Whole Or Just An Addition to Purpose

πŸ“’ New Podcast!

In a conversation with some people somewhere about "work-life balance", I asked the question: when did that stuff start? Was it in the garden of Eden at creation? They admitted that it didn't, and somewhere along the path, things changed.
The idea of fun in life has been peddled as of life is a whole ardours existence that needs to be spiced up with fun. Therefore, we go all the way to exclude fun from meaningful work. It's wrong. Listen to this.

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1141. A Different Way To Look At Fun and Purpose

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Fun and purpose. Are they mutually exclusive? Is it possible to have fun while pushing purpose?! What's your definition of fun?
There is a school of thought that the people on purpose pursuit are too serious for life and therefore don't have fun.

Jesus said, "I have food to eat you know nothing about". He was saying that what they thought about him not having fun and fulfillment from his work was off. Let's learn more here.

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1136. Why Selflessness and Honesty Are Connected To the Hip and How To Leverage Them

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Any time someone is dishonest, you might easily connect it to selfishness. Their self interest is way above others. They want to protect their own skin.

On the same token, every time someone is honest, perhaps even to their own detriment, you can easily see selflessness lurking around. To be selfless is to be the very least. Listen to this.

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Thursday, July 28, 2022

1138. Is Fun Part of Life As A Whole Or Just An Addition to Purpose

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How do we do life? Do we live for events and ignore the intervals? You have heard about the TGIF craze... thank God it's Friday! It's as if the whole week is a prison devoid of fun which can only be delivered in two fleeting days.

So, is purposeful living devoid of fun? Is life structured in such a way that fun is a compartment that's different from purpose? Let's find that out in this episode.

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1137. Does Pursuit of Purpose Erase Fun From Life

πŸ“’ New #Podcast!

Fun is something that most of us live for. The human has been created to experience the full spectrum and vibrancy of life. Indeed, life ought to be fun! In fact, life without fun is not worth living.

So this begs the question: Does purpose eliminate fun out of life? Given that purpose is all about the benefit and transformation of others, does it hinder us from having fun? Let's dive in to this.

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1136. The 5 Ways To Cultivate Selflessness In Our Lives

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To be selfless is a desirable thing. However, it is not automatic. There are some things that we ought to do in order to get there and at the end of the day, we can't really graduate from it.

This is the last episode in the series Where we have discussed many aspects of Selflessness. Three are five or more ways that we can use to be selfless. Here is the fifth way. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, July 27, 2022

1134. How Selflessness Can Spread A Positive Vibe This Week

πŸ“’ New #Podcast!

The default mode for humans, unfortunately, is always on comfort and things that don't require energy, focus and intention. Without these three things, we are our worst enemies.

Selflessness is one of those things that need deliberate focus and intentionality about it. In this episode, let's see some of the ideas we can deploy in being intentional about selflessness. Listen to this.

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1133. How To Become Instantly Selfless By Counting Your Blessings

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Selflessness is a great trait, no doubt. It's an attractive and desirable character that's ideal for all humans. The interesting thing is that it's not automatic in us, but there are seeds of selflessness in all of us. It grows with practice.

This means that without focus, we couldn't expect to be selfless just because we have the potential. That's why we need to know where to start from. Gratitude. Counting our blessings. Listen to this.


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πŸ“’ New #Podcast! 1139. Charles Onyango-Obbo. Simple Advice For Those Who Desire To Be Rewarded in The Writing Industry

πŸ“’ New #Podcast!

Today's episode brings to a close a series of conversations I have had for the month of July with writers. There has been so much to learn from each of them.

Today's guest, Charles Onyango Obbo is a well respected writer and journalist that is seasoned with consistency in writing weekly articles for 29 years without missing a single week. I had a brief conversation with him and I would love to share it with you. Listen to this.

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Monday, July 25, 2022

1134. How To Be Selfless By 'Feeling The Weight'

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We all know that selflessness is largely an admirable human trait. But as we have already seen, it's not something that is switched on automatically. It takes effort and intention.

If we wanted to become selfless, we will have to put ourselves in other people's shoes more often. A life of purpose can easily be obtained by doing this, seeing that purpose, for the most part, is for others.
You want to be selfless? Listen to this.

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Friday, July 22, 2022

1131. Living Our Lives With the Perspective Of Eternity Through Selflessness

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At the end of the day when the curtain is pulled on our brief existence, what will matter the most? Daily, we spend lots of time chasing one type of temporary treasure or the other. Nothing wrong with that.

However, there is enduring treasure that we can have...not by getting, amassing and accumulation, but by giving. This is what selflessness is all about. Listen to this.

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1130. The True Definition of Spiritual Depth and How We All Can Get It

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Selflessness is such a deep change we can make that will not only liberate us, but also created depth in our spiritual lives. People wrongly think that spiritual depth is about religion and it's gymnastics.

They link depth spiritually to observation of religious tenets such as cramming scripture. Spirituality is nothing if it has no impact and if the so called spiritual person is in the prison of selfishness. Listen to this.

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Thursday, July 21, 2022

1129. The True Definition of Spiritual Depth and How We All Can Get It


The human is a spiritual being. It goes without saying. However, we live in a physical world and experience a physical life. At times you hear people talking about depth of spiritual character.

When they do, they speak of things dealing with rituals and all. Those are outside actions. They can't make us deep. Our depth spiritually is in our being. It's who we are and we can get there by being selfless. Listen to this.

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1128. How We Can Fullfil Our Need Of Contribution In Life


When we regard others more than ourselves so much so that we contribute to them, we have a sense of fulfilment. One of the top six psychological needs for the human is contribution.

The thing is that one cannot contribute unless they are selfless. They might do it for a show but true sustainable contribution that has no strings attached stems from being selfless. Listen to this.

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1127. The Most Sinister Prison To Be in And How To Stage A Prison Break From It


The word 'prison' when mentioned conjures up images of a facility where many hardened law breakers are forcefully confined. But there are many people out of prison who are imprisoned one way or another.

The most sinister prison, perhaps the biggest of all prisons is that of selfishness. It's tenants are found even in church leadership. The antidote is Selflessness. Listen to this.

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1126. Why Selflessness Is The Most Liberating Change We Can Make


Of all the changes we can make in life, the internal and personal ones are the most potent. Selflessness is one liberating change that we can make that has very many benefits.

Apart from giving us fulfillment, selflessness also has other advantages when we practice it. We are the ones who reap the benefits. In this episode, I discuss one more advantage of selflessness. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, July 20, 2022

1124. Why We All Could Do With Selflessness

πŸŽ‰ NEW #Podcast

The change that's liberating that we need to make in our lives is selflessness. It's possible to live in a free country but still be imprisoned in an invisible but powerful facility of selfishness.

The antidote is selflessness. It gives us what everyone in life is looking for, want everyone was created for, and that is fulfillment. Listen to this.

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1139. Lena Mirembe. The Calling and Joy of Building Africa's Platform For Authors, Publishers and Readers

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The publishing industry in Africa has come a very long way. There's been a great improvement in the quality of books being published both in terms of content as well as presentation.

My guest today shares passionately about the digital future of books in Africa. There is quite a buzz going on with her Startup, a digital platform for African authors and publishers. If you wanted to sell your digital book and receive payment locally, there is a wonderful solution here. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, July 19, 2022

1123. Simplicity. A Crisis Forces Us To Have it, But We Should Be Having It Anyway. Here's Why

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Change at times, coming from a crisis, imposes some things on us that we would have otherwise never dreamed of doing. The change not only forces us to grow, but also forces us to be humble.

We are made to see that we had complicated life so much so that the things we thought were important could actually be nothing but experience baggage. That's where simplicity comes in. To make a change for simplicity is very instructive. Listen to this.

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1122. The Things A Crisis Brings On Us That We Should Adopt Intentionally

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The only constant thing in life, we are told, is change. That's why it is Important for us to not wait for change to come, but be intentional in creating some of it in our lives.

Change never leaves us the same. It works on different aspects of our being. We can choose to be refined by it. There is one major change we can make thanks will liberate us. I will reveal it after building a foundation here. Listen to this.

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1121. The Four Phases of Change In A Crisis And How To Leverage Them

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Change is such an important and vast subject that it's offered at the highest levels of academia, business world, the world of politics and government as well as in families and individual lives.

In this new series, I want us to talk about change in general and the most liberating change we can make in particular that will help us grow and succeed. Your enlightenment on change starts here. Listen in.


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Wednesday, July 13, 2022

πŸŽ‰ New #Podcast! 1125. Beverly Namboozo. What It Takes To Create A Writing Enterprise

πŸŽ‰ New #Podcast! 

Writers can do more than just create amazing bodies of work. They can also develop an enterprise through and in writing. My guest today, Beverly Namboozo is a seasoned writer, author editor and founder.

She is passionate about the written word just as she is about the spoken word. She's a passionate practitioner in both worlds. Today's conversation helps us to get her brief history, the genesis of her writing career and what are her best practices.

It was a wonderful conversation. You wanna listen to this. Click the link below.

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Sunday, July 10, 2022

1120. The 5 Types Of People To Surround Onself With For Growth and Success

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No man is an island. We need each other in this world in order to grow and succeed. We are the average of all the people that we do life with.

Therefore, we need to be intentional about what kind of people we allow in our lives. If there will be growth in our lives, we need to intentionally select different kinds of people we can do life with.

This episode covers just six types. Listen to this.

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Thursday, July 7, 2022

1119. Why We Need People Who Can Challenge Us In Life

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There is a special group of people that just won't allow your potential to be wasted. They will call you out if you choose to sit on your gifts and talents.

For us to grow and succeed in life, we need different categories of people that will catalyze our lives differently. Comfort is one thing we seek by default but it should never be at the expense of our potential. These types of people will ensure it. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, July 6, 2022

1117. Why Those Better Than Us Are Needed In Our Lives

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It's ok to be in the presence of people who make you feel inferior without their knowledge. They are so good and better at what they do that you feel like you are wasting your existence compared to them.


People change us, shape us, catalyze us, inspire us and make us better. This is either automatically or through our intentions when we go out of our way to surround ourselves with them. As such, we need people who are better than us. Listen to this.

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1118. Oscar Ranzo. The Patience Needed In Building A Business From The Passion of Writing

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Whereas we are all creative in our respective niches, writers are one of the most amazing creators you will come across. A lot of things that never would have been have seen the light of the day by the power of the pen.

I sought to talk to different people in the field or writing in order to learn what gets them started and what keeps them going. Can people make a living just by writing?

My guest today is Oscar Ranzo, the CEO of Oasis Book Project. He is a full time writer whose skill has made him an employer. Let's listen in and learn from him.

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Tuesday, July 5, 2022

1116. The Need To Have People of Depth In Our LIves

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Deep calls to deep, but depth is relative. We all can't fit into a certain kind of depth. Nevertheless, our lives are impacted one way or another by different types of people.

One such a category are the people who draw depth out of us. Being in their presence has an alternating benefit of having a great audience as well as a great deliverer all wrapped up into one. Listen to this.

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Monday, July 4, 2022

1114. Why We All Need Like-Minded Visionaries In our Environments

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We learn daily from each other. Let me ask you this: imagine you didn't have anyone in your life to learn from or to get inspiration you think you would be better off today?

I don't think so. Humans need each other. There are different types of people that add value in our lives. If we want to be successful and grow, this group is among the best. Listen to this.

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1115. Why We Need People Of Passion To Cross-pollinate With

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As no man is an island, there are certain types of people that directly make us better. Some of these are those filled up with incredulous passion for their life Pursuits.

If you look around your life and find that you do not have a direct relationship with at least one of this type, you don't know what you are missing. Our lives are greatly impacted by people of passion. Listen to this.

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Sunday, July 3, 2022

1113. Why Relationships Are Critical in Forming Preferences, Values and Breakthroughs

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Was it Jim Rohn who said that we are the average of the five people we keep company with? Man is a social animal and directly or indirectly, our relationships automatically affect us.

This means that we can easily upgrade or degrade our lives by simply choosing the types of people that we want to do life with. People affect our passions, preferences, values and even determine the kinds of breakthroughs we shall have.

Listen to this.

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1112. If There Was A God-Made And He Needed Relationship, There's No Self-Made

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There is no denying that man is a social animal. If you removed that aspect from humanity, I think you would have entirely annihilated the human race.

Connections are so integral in life that without the direct or indirect value that they add, we would not grow or succeed to the levels intended. That's why we have to be intentional about the kind of relationships we want to form. Listen to this.

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Friday, July 1, 2022

1110. Why People Are Technically Never Self-Made. The Power of Relationships and Connections

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No man is an island. We all need each other. No human being is capable of accomplishing much alone. Whereas there is the recognition of people who went against all the odds thrown at them and still "made" it, technically, they were never self made.

The connotation that you did it alone without the help of the system, or the family, or against the standards and cultures of the day such as academia doesn't mean that you are self made. You needed others. Listen to this.

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