Thursday, February 27, 2020

250. The 6 Things To Do In Order To Stay Fulfilled in Life

Fulfilment in life is something that can be attained on a daily basis. It is not something that should be relegated to the twilight of our lives when we are launching foundations after our names. It turns out that the more we are fulfilled each day, the more we are contributing to that good feel factor of life as it comes to a close on us. Here is a collection of the six things that you can do on a daily basis in life so that you can have fulfilment in life, which is something that all of us are always looking for. Listen in.

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249. This is Perhaps the Greatest Contributor to Fulfillment in Life

Fulfilment in life cannot be obtained without getting involved in life. That's just the way life is structured. However, it is one thing to be involved in life and quite another to have fulfilment.

There is one thing that we need to do on a daily basis so we can be guaranteed of fulfilment, and that is finishing what we started. If you wanted to see a person who is very fulfilled each day, chances are it will be a person who has tasks completed.

Listen to this.

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248. Why The Difference Between Perfectionism and Excellence is Fulfillment

I have realized that there is something that saps away strength from our lives and causes us to not be fulfilled. Perfectionism. If we are not careful, we can be steeped into so much perfectionism that we shall not be able to ship what we need to ship.

The spirit of excellence is different from the spirit of perfectionism. If you are looking for fulfillment in life, perfectionism is something to keep away from. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, February 26, 2020

247. How Unfinished Business Keeps Us From Being Fulfilled

Fulfilled lives are the beacon of every soul. That's what we are all looking for albeit through different means.

It is possible to be fulfilled on a daily basis. It is possible to institute some higher laws in life that will help us to attain daily fulfilment.

One of such laws can be learnt from the life of Kobe Bryant. During his memorial service, Michael Jordan said that Kobe "left nothing on the court while playing". He gave his all.

Listen to this.

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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

246. How Getting Involved Brings Us Fulfillment In Life

We are social animals. The tragedy of the world today is that we are building a society in which we think we are self-sufficient. We do not want to be involved in each other's life.

We are building a society where we want to be alone with our gadgets. If we are looking for fulfilment, it will be difficult coming if we will not relate to each other. Let's see one more way we can get fulfilment in life.

Check out this episode!

245. Want Fulfillment in Your Life? Do this Daily

Since all of us are looking for fulfilment, it is imperative to know that it is not something that is way out there in our twilight of life.

It is possible to get fulfilled each day. I am not talking about the fleeting feelings we get each day when something positive happens. I am talking about what happens to us as a result of us choosing to impact, influence and contribute to our society with our strengths.

Here is one thing that you can do daily that will cause you to be fulfilled.

Check out this episode!

244. My Money and The Lack of Fulfillment in Life

There is one thing that we are always in search of in our lives: Fulfilment. Where the rubber meets the road, it is the one serious thing that ultimately we all want.

There could be different routes that we could take because of our different-ness and uniqueness. Whatever the case, it all ends up in one thing: Fulfillment. How can we start narrowing down our actions so we can get this fulfilment?

Check out this episode!

243. The 5 Reasons We Need To Listen To The Voice of Instinct

Instinct is a very powerful force. As much as people are always seeking the ins and outs of success, the so-called secrets, instinct, on the other hand, is always communicating. It is always giving us these ideas that we could use to progress in our lives in virtually every aspect of it. The question is, are we listening to it? Are we attuned to the voice of instinct? Here are the 5 ways that we gain from listening to the voice of instinct.

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

242. One of the Most Powerful Connections That is Created By The Power of Instinct

One of the biggest headaches that we have in life is about connections. People want connections that work in relationships, business, family and so on.

I think there is a solution to this, at least if we cared enough to listen to the voice of instinct in our lives. Instinct is a powerful thing and has a way of telling us which connections will work even before we get connected. It has a way of warning us of which connections will not work.

Listen to this.

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Monday, February 10, 2020

241. Why We Had Better Trust Ideas That Came By Instinct

Great ideas at times are not that great at inception. In other words, you cannot know how it will turn out when the idea is in the conception stage.

However, if we can choose to trust the fact that instinct generated or connected us to the idea, then we can trust that it will come out good. We go out there looking for grand things yet at the very core, instinct has always been hooking us up.

The question is, will we listen to instinct? Check this episode out.

Check out this episode!

240. The Power of Instinct In Connecting Us To The Future We Need

Steve Jobs said that we can only connect the dots of our lives going backwards, but we must live our lives going forwards.

The thing is that we can't live our lives going forwards without the benefit of instinct. Instinct is what connects our dots going forwards especially given that we cannot see how everything will pan out today.

Listen to this.

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Saturday, February 8, 2020

239. The Reason We Should Trust Our Instincts

I see people discussing the adage, "follow your heart" on a friend's timeline. It is a pretty interesting discussion.

Some people agree that it's the way to go. Others totally disagree. In following your instinct, there are different benefits that do accrue.

Let's look at one of them.

Check out this episode!

Friday, February 7, 2020

238. Overcoming The Voice of Failure and Choosing The Voice of Instinct

They say that experience is the best teacher. Well, if that experience is failure, chances are that one of the most unfortunate lessons it teaches is to not trust instinct.

We have scars and wounds inflicted on us by reality. At times, this is because we listened to the voice of instinct and then ventured out. 

That experience does not mean that instinct was wrong. For the most part, instinct never is wrong. That's why we need to keep a sharp mind and keep trusting it. Listen to this.

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Thursday, February 6, 2020

237. Daring To Follow The Voice Of Instinct Even When Failure Beckons

When someone is matching differently, chances are that he is listening to a different drum beat than the rest.

I think it was Henry David Thoreau that said that paraphrase. For a large part, the person listening to instinct  is tuned to a different beat.

Here is one more reason why people do not trust their instinct. Let's see what we can do to resolve that.

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

236. Killing Paralysis Analysis To Run With an Idea of Instinct

Since we live in a physical world, we tend to transact our lives based on what we see, feel and experience. We tend to move with what can be seen and counted.

So when it comes to engaging our instinct, we find that we ignore the hints so much because we have not learned to lean on it.

That does not limit the voice of instinct speaking to us and delivering to us *intelligence" from the spiritual.

Let's see one reason why we do not rely on instinct. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, February 4, 2020

235. Why We Should Lean on and Trust Our Instincts

I believe two world or two realms dictate our outcomes in life. There is the visible realm where we live and experience life.

There is also the invisible and intangible realm where I believe all great ideas come from.

Here is the thing: what connects us to the spiritual realm is instinct. Therefore, how we lean on listening to instinct will determine how fresh our ideas will be.

Listen to this.

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Monday, February 3, 2020

234. Learning To Download Ideas Through Instinct

Instinct. It is a rather powerful but veiled force available to each of us. Every major thing that has been accomplished in the history of humanity was triggered by instinct.

Every minute thing like a hint on how to relate with someone, what business decision to make, what school to not go to will also be directed by instinct.

At times we are aware of an impending loss, setback or crisis. This happens through instinct. At the same time, a breakthrough in the offing is also communicated to us through instinct.

Let's learn more about instinct here.

Check out this episode!

Sunday, February 2, 2020

233. How To Handle SmartPhone Distractions and Improve Productivity

In an interview some time back, Simon Sinek said that we get addicted to smartphones the same way someone gets addicted to drugs or alcohol.

This is affecting our productivity daily. Think of it this way: Are you chiefly a producer or consumer of technology? 

If we will not arrest the distractions that we face daily with our smart phones, am afraid we will see less and less productivity in our lives. What to do? Listen to this.

Check out this episode!

Saturday, February 1, 2020

232. The 150 Ways We Get Distracted By Smartphones Daily. This is Even Conservative!

We can be proud as a human race of the advancements we have made ever since the beginning of time.

Today, we boast of technological advances incomparable to any generation. But I am afraid we at the same time are being thoroughly distracted by the same technology.

In terms of our productivity, we risk being the most distracted generation of all time. It's a ticking time bomb. Listen to this.

Check out this episode!

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