Saturday, September 30, 2023

1568. Why Servant Leadership is Not Theory

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It sounds so nice when we have conferences and throw around the key word, "servant leadership". At times we even introduce ourselves, "I am a servant leader." A lot of theory on the subject. If it really was in practice, we would be having a revival. Listen to this.

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Friday, September 29, 2023

1567. Leadership Can Never Be A Profession or Career! Here's Why

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Do you want a career in leadership? Let me give you some advice. Look elsewhere. If you are going to leadership because it is your career, you, in my opinion have already failed at it. Here is why.

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Thursday, September 28, 2023

1566. Why No One Should Lead Unless They Have Clarified This

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Leadership and purpose are intertwined. We should never even separate the two. However, because of the brand of leadership that humanity has generated, there exists a chasm between the two. It is kind of like separating the body from the spirit...and using the body mechanically. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, September 27, 2023

1565. The Case For Purpose in Leadership

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John C Maxwell said that "Everything rises and falls on leadership." When you think it through, you realize that this is one of the most profound statements ever made. You know why? Because leadership is simply purpose deployed. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, September 26, 2023

1564. The 5 Signs That You Have Owned Your Purpose

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Purpose ownership is a process. One can easily get discouraged when they go through this five points and feel like nothing is going on. These are simply guidelines that should actually become milestones in our purpose journey. Listen to this.

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Monday, September 25, 2023

1563. How Dominion Shows Us That We Have Owned Our Purpose

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One thing that can show part of our success and significance in life is the level of ownership we have with our purpose pursuit. If we own our purpose, we shall see something called Dominion in our lives. Look at people that you think have owned their purpose, and tell me if they lack dominion. Listen to this.

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Sunday, September 24, 2023

1562. Owning Your Purpose And Becoming An Authority. Five Simple Steps

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Man is not like other species, obviously. Our difference is in our purpose and the intention over our lives. We are supposed to "Master" things. Hopefully, what we are mastering is what we have a calling in, and we are passionate about. It's about authority. Listen to this.

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Saturday, September 23, 2023

1561. This is The Most Obvious Way To Know Someone Owns Their Purpose

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We shall be known by our fruits. The most obvious way to know that my purpose is owned by me is to look at what I am doing in serving others with it. I cannot proclaim it and when it comes to action, I am doing something totally different. Listen to this.

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Friday, September 22, 2023

1560. This Is the Most Potent Way We Interact With Your Purpose

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We know people of purpose by what they do. In fact, we are told that we will know people by their fruit, and not by their words. Purpose ownership is not something that you talk about, it is rather something that other people talk about you. Here is how you can know you own it.

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Thursday, September 21, 2023

1559. No. You Cannot Do All Things Dear Christian

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This is controversial, I know. When we are talking about purpose, I do believe that you cannot do all things, unless you are God. You and I are only human, and we are designed in such a way that we can do specific things...and release other things to other people who can do them well. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, September 20, 2023

1558. Why Ownership Is About Identity

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When your name is mentioned, what do people have their minds focus on? Ideally, it should be what you are about...what you are purposeful or passionate about. That is one sign that you have owned your purpose. But when people can't relate to anything you do other than put food on the table....

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Tuesday, September 19, 2023

1557. Why It Is Easy To Notice People Who Have Owned Their Purpose

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We have one major problem in life. If you ask quite a number of people this question: What are you about? You will seldom get an answer that connects to their purpose or their passion. That's why it is important for us to start talking about purpose ownership. Listen to this.

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Monday, September 18, 2023

1556. The 3 Reasons Why You Should Never Give Up On Your Inspired Actions

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The anatomy of giving up, if well dissected will reveal that we rely so much on our physical senses. I am talking about giving up too early or even after the first attempt. We give up because our natural senses have not seen any value from our actions. Too early. There is something happening that you can't see. Listen to this.

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Sunday, September 17, 2023

1554. Why We Should Make The Most of The Law of Unseen Increase

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We give up way too easily because seemingly, there is nothing of value that is happening in response to our inspired actions. What we do not know is that the increase that is taking place is unseen to our five senses. No inspired action goes to waste. Listen to this.

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Saturday, September 16, 2023

1553. One More Reasons We Should Love Obscurity

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Obviously, only introverts do not like to be seen. But even then, an introvert doesn't really like to be obscure. However, obscurity can be one of the major blessings that we can have in life. A lot goes on undetected. A lot of good things. Listen to this.

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Friday, September 15, 2023

1552. Balancing The Cost of Good and Bad Habits

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In physics, we learn that for every action, there is an equal but opposite reaction. There is no doubt about that. However, what we need to realize is that for every action, there is unseen increase and benefits even if the reaction in the physical that we receive is negative. Listen to this.

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Thursday, September 14, 2023

1551. Why We Need To Have Faith In the Unseen Benefits of Our Actions

📢 New #Podcast!! 1551. Why We Need To Have Faith In the Unseen Benefits of Our Actions #Faith #Motivation

Faith, we are told, is the substance of things not seen, the evidence of things not seen. In other words, there are unseen things that are actually affecting us. We need to trust that this is happening, especially in the contexts involving us taking action towards our goals. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, September 13, 2023

1550. What Is The Law of Unseen Increase Anyway

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We err when we think that the only real world is the visible world. Even in our empirical and tangible world, there are very powerful things that are there that are unseen. At times, most of what we see was actually a product of the invisible world. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, September 12, 2023

1549. Why We Need Not To Give Up~ The Law of Unseen Increase

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If you look carefully across the board on why people give up, you will realize that for the most part, it is lack of information that favors them. They start something and do not see any changes and so they give up. There is need to be aware that something is happening even when we do not see. Listen to this.

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Monday, September 11, 2023

1548. The 5 Types Of Pain We Need To Face In Order To Grow

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Every time we attempt something new or we seek to grow, we invariably will encounter some form of pain. It is, at times, the price we have to pay for our success. Pain in this context is simply anything that interrupts your comfort zone and status quo. Listen to this.

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Sunday, September 10, 2023

1547. Must We Always Do That Which is Quantifiably Profitable?

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We interact with this world largely through our five senses. Therefore, we want to see growth, progress and direction in a measurable way. The question is: Must we do that? Should we only do that which is tangible value? Listen to this.

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Saturday, September 9, 2023

1546. This Is The Strongest Reason Ever That We Should Celebrate Pain

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Pain is something  naturally unwanted. Nobody in their sane state would want to gravitate towards it. However, in an uncanny way, pain is actually connected to our weaknesses. The more pain we feel (please take this in context), the more weak we might be. How do we handle this?

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Friday, September 8, 2023

1544. Why I Should Choose To Be A Fool Now and Become Cool Later Than To Be Cool Now and A Fool Forever

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Life is full of trade offs. We can choose something now at the expense of another later, or vice versa. Unfortunately, we are more predisposed to choose pleasure now and suffer pain later...which can be is what we ought to do.

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Thursday, September 7, 2023

1545. How To Deal With the Mental Disposition That Says Things Are Impossible

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One of the greatest things that we grapple with is our minds. Coming out of a status quo is no mean feat. it can be really painful to want to grow and yet your mind is convinced that there is an impossibility with it. How do we handle this?

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Wednesday, September 6, 2023

1543. Why We Need To Embrace Pain Rather Than Status Quo

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It is a paradoxical rule of thumb in development: Pressure equals pleasure. If we really want to grow, we need to embrace some aspects of pain. The same is true with success. It is not arbitrary. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, September 5, 2023

1542. What Really Is the Definition of Pain

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Growth and success are in the equation of pain...and I know that sounds strange. Other names can be used instead of pain. Names such us pressure, work, patience, pushing, hustling, and so on. But really, what is the definition of pain in this context? Listen to this.

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Monday, September 4, 2023

1541. It is True. Pain Is Weakness Leaving The Body

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We are generally predisposed to want comfort and coziness. These, interestingly, are brought about by exertion and by pain. So every time we set off to start a new direction in life, we might feel pain. But is it really pain we are feeling? Listen to this.

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Sunday, September 3, 2023

1540. The 4 Ways We Wrongly Blame The Education Systems

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So, there are legitimate reasons why we should blame the education systems, but I think we also need to look at the flip side of it. The system is not living in a silo, it is part of the society. Here are four reasons why we should re-think our blame.

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Saturday, September 2, 2023

1539. Why The Education System is Not An End In Itself

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Expectations always rule our outcomes. We have placed a lot of expectations on the education systems over the years while changing little of its form. At times, we need to be aware that our expectations, and not the system are the ones that are off. Listen to this.

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