Wednesday, August 31, 2022

1174. Alex Matovu. The Audacity To Build A Law Firm From 26 Years of Age To A Well Respected Entity in Africa

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Today's conversation brings to a close a series of the same on the topic of #Daring. My guest in the episode dared to launch a law firm at the tender age of 26.

Today, Alex Matovu is 34 years of age, and a managing partner at an Award-winning law firm in Kampala, Signum Advocates. This law firm has an Africa-wide recognition for its exploits in just a few years.

Let's listen in as Alex takes us behind the scenes of his and his friend's dare!

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Tuesday, August 30, 2022

1170. Why The Very Thing That's To Your Disadvantage is What You Need Right Now

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Life inevitably gives us curve balls and if we are not careful, we shall find ourselves mentally disqualifying ourselves from many prospects.

We face brutal and glaring facts that communicate the improbability of us ever making it in this life. With that feedback, we go around life expecting less of ourselves.

I do believe that even then, we still have what it takes to make it in this life. Listen to this.

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1171. You Have What It Takes To Make It in Life Largely Because of THIS Reason

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When you face insurmountable odds, you could easily shift your mental assent to accept a position of failure based on the reality you are experiencing.

As such, your psyche could easily conmunicate that you dont have what it takes to make it in this life. That assumption could easily be backed by facts. However, let's consider the truth that you can still make it. Listen to this.

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Sunday, August 28, 2022

1169. This is Why You Have What It Takes To Make It In Life

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In this news series on the podcast, I would like us to be motivated and inspired with the message that regardless of the odds we face, we still have what it takes to make it life.

The most sinister thing for a human being to face is to be alive but not able to make it in life. Such an existence is abhorred and no human being wants it. I have reason to believe though that you have all it takes to make it in life. Listen to this.

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Friday, August 26, 2022

1168. Five Ways To Leverage On Your Purpose Evolution

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Now that we have ascertained that evolution is part of our daily lives and most especially in our purpose pursuits, we are learning how to position ourselves so that we can get the most out of this evolution.

Here is the thing: you've got to participate in your purpose evolution. Here are five things to do in order to get the best out of your purpose evolution.

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1166. Why Growth and Not Perfection Is The Greatest Purpose Catalyst

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I caught myself twice as I was recording this episode talking about evolution vs perfection. This was not in the script at all. "Evolution doesn't recognize perfection", I said.

Your purpose will evolve at least on the front of clarity. If you wanted to get the best of purpose evolution, the perfection is your worst goal. People seeking perfection seldom ship anything. Listen to this.

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Thursday, August 25, 2022

1165. The Power of Continuous Learning In Your Evolution of Purpose

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Learning is a universal trait of creation. We just have to differentiate it from education. The point is that your purpose is going to evolve as we will.

In order to make the most of our purpose evolution, we need to embrace learning. How great would it be that most of the things we are learning are those that help to beef up our purpose?

Listen to this.

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1164. The Importance of Patience In The Evolution Of Your Purpose

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Purpose will evolve just as the one seeking it will. We are learning that you might not know your purpose on day one of asking, and that's why we need to understand it's evolution.

In simple terms, it takes time to know, own and deploy your purpose. As you are involved in the process, there will be a metamophorsis of the clarity of your purpose. You need patience for that. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, August 24, 2022

πŸ“’1148. Uwera. A Mother's Daring Plea In The Last Resort To Save Her Daughter

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In this month of August, I have had conversations with several people on the subject of #Daring. The stories shared have been inspiring to say the least.

Today's episode is a heart wrenching story of a mother daring to climb "the last mountain" in order to get her daughter, Juru Banks cured of a condition that she's had since birth. No parent can stand seeing their child in pain and do nothing. Chammy Uwera has been trying to get respite for fourteen years now.

Listen to this, and as you do, I dare you to help her. You are about to be blessed.

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

1163. How To Swim With The Currents Of Your Purpose Evolution As You Seek It

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Someone said that in matters of principle, stand like a rock, but in matters of fashion, swim with the currents. We have already established that your purpose will evolve as you will.

The question that we need to answer is: how do we position ourselves to swim with the currents of the evolution of our purpose? The answers begin to trickle in with this episode. Listen to this.

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1162. Understanding The Evolution of Your Purpose

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You will not know your purpose on day one of asking. In fact, your purpose will not be revealed to you, it will, for the most part, be discovered by you.

Even then, not all the ducks will be aligned. There will be an evolution of yourself as well as the purpose itself. Listen to this to understand the evolution of your purpose.

Check out this episode!

Monday, August 22, 2022

1161. One Reason Why Purpose is Not Revealed But Discovered

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In talking about the evolution of purpose, there is 100% certainty that your purpose will evolve even as you will. From the moment you set your heart on the purpose discovery path, that's the moment your real evolution begins.

Even as you move on in purpose pursuit, you will realize that what you started with is not what you are passionate with at the moment. It's simple: evolution has happened. Listen to this.

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1159. The Evolution of Purpose and The Purpose Seeker

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The truth is that we are all evolving, not like Charles Darwin said, because that will need millions of millions of years which nobody has anyway. However, each day we are different.

You will soon discover in your evolution that nothing you go through is useless. That's why it's foolhardy to stop doing things until such a time that your "purpose is clear" that you would start working.

Listen to this..

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Friday, August 19, 2022

1158. This is The Worst Mistake I Made in Purpose Pursuit

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When I knew that I needed to live a life of purpose, I went all out to know why I was alive. I examined my life and got fed up with the pattern of waking up, eating, working to pay bills, sleep and then pass the baton to my kids to pick up the rut.

In my holy discontent, I loathed doing things that lacked meaning and is so doing, set myself up for one of the biggest mistakes I ever made in my purpose pursuit. Listen to this.

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1157. Does Purpose Evolve?

πŸ“’ New #Podcast! 1157. Does Purpose Evolve? #Purpose

Have you ever seen something that doesn't have purpose? Can you find a single human being that was created for no purpose at all. I believe there isn't anyone since creation that fits that profile.

So, in our purpose pursuits, there are mistakes that we make. The greatest mistake is doing life with total disregard for Purpose. The second mistake is to do nothing until purpose is revealed. Listen to this.

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Thursday, August 18, 2022

1156. Three Powerful Reasons Why Comfort Is Not Your Freind

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If growth is our ambition in life, then seeking comfort would be one of the worst mistakes we would make. I am not saying that we should shun comfort and coziness wen it comes our way... Just that Comfort should not be the main agenda of our existence.

There are many reasons for this. In this episode, I summarize only three reasons why comfort is our worst goal. Listen to this.

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1155. Why We Need To Love Discomfort If We Are Interested in Growth

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The paradox of life is that getting what you want at times will happen when you go through what you don't want or like. It is true that there is no growth if there is only comfort.

So why do we set goals mostly seeking comfort and coziness. Fun is great as comfort is, but if comfort is the main target in our lives, we end up not growing. Listen to this.

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1154. Why Ease and Comfort Are Detrimental To Your Purpose Pursuit

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As much as we all naturally gravitate towards nice things and comfort, we now know that they are detrimental to our lives especially if our ambition is growth.

Denzel Washington said emphatically that "ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship". The message in there is important to note especially if your ambition is to pursue your purpose to the hilt. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, August 17, 2022

1152. The Hidden Blessing in Choosing Difficulties and Discomfort in Purpose Pursuit

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Inherently, we want the ease of life. Whenever we set goals, we seldom set stretching or growth goals. We hide them under the banner of comfort goals. Cars, money, bliss, adventure, experiences and so on are what we create as objects of our goals.

Nothing wrong with those. However, if growth is your ambition in life, these kinds of goals are the worst to have. They should instead be byproducts of growth goals. Listen to this.

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πŸ“’1160. Daniel Choudry. How The Fierce Urgency of Now Makes One Daring

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In this month, conversations were held with people from whom we can learn how to dare. Roosevelt said,"Far much better it is to dare a mighty thing, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that neither knows victory nor defeat"

Daniel Choudry is a phenomenal human being who has suffered much and yet is one man that dares. I had an hour long conversation with him and was very inspired. I am so excited to share this conversation with you. You are about to be blessed.

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

1153. Diana Ninsiima. Daring To Stick To A Passion Even When It's Not Initially Paying

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Trailblazing is going where nobody has and make a dent on the earth. At least that's my definition. Many of our contemporaries are doing amazing things by daring to step out and make a difference.

What makes them tick? What's the psychology behind their dare? What can we learn from them? I had a conversation with Diana Ninsiima, the National Director of BMI Uganda Chapter about this. There's quite a bit to learn from her story. Listen to this.

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Monday, August 8, 2022

1151. Why Embracing Problems Is A Great Idea In Life

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Scot M Peck in the classic "The Road Less Travelled" told us something very profound about problems. I have lifted that quote and shared with you in this episode.

We are talking about the goals we need to have in our lives Some goals are very soft and uninspiring especially if all they target is comfort. Growth ought to be the object of our pursuits. Listen to this.

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Sunday, August 7, 2022

1150. Balancing Between Comfort And Growth. How To Set A Worthy Goal

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If we are growing, we are always stretching. If we are stretching, we are always uncomfortable. That's the paradox. We all want comfort. When we are comfortable, we are not stretching and hence we are not growing.

In this episode, we start going deeper into the subject matter: If growth is your ambition, then comfort is your worst goal. Listen to this.

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Saturday, August 6, 2022

1149. Navigating Through the Paradox of Growth and The Need For Comfort

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We begin a new series with this episode talking about growth. The three topics covered on this channel are #Purpose, #Productivity and #Resilience. These three topics can never be handled without talking about growth.

There will always be a trade-off when it comes to intentionally choosing to grow. That's what we shall be covering in this series. Listen to this.

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Friday, August 5, 2022

1148. Why Purpose Pursuit Not Only Brings Fun and Fulfillment, But Also Payment

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We have a choice to make in life. It is about living life with abundance and to the fullest. Thi choice is between having fun once in a while (Thank God It's Friday style) and enjoying everyday life.

If we led our lives primarily to look for fun, we will move from one place to another and still feel empty. It turns out that as long as fun is the objective of our lives, it remains elusive. Purpose is the answer. Listen to this.

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Thursday, August 4, 2022

1147. How To Integrate Fun In Daily Life

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Work-life balance? You mean work is not life? I saw someone's podcast episode titled, "Just life, no balance"😊
So how do we integrate fun into our lives so that there is no compartmentalization or fun and work?

How do we make it seamless so that we don't have Mondays and love Fridays? A study in the US decades back revealed that most heart attacks happen on Monday mornings. What can we learn from this? Listen.

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

1146. Jeol Aita. The Mechanics Behind Building Massive Projects, and Bidding To Buy Chelsea

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Roosevelt said, "Far much better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the great twilight that neither knows victory nor defeat"

Joel Jaffar Aita lives the above dictum. In this conversation, he takes us through his mental disposition of daring to build a CAF-recognized stadium as well as that serious bud he made to buy Chelsea Football club before the English government intervention.

You want to listen to this.

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

1145. This Is Why Fun As Normally Described is Wrong, And A New Approach To It

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Is fun something we go to get or a life we live daily? When we talk about having fun, people seldom think of work. Somehow, automatically, the idea of having fun at work and with purpose pursuit seems repulsive!

In this episode, we talk more about the subject matter and unveil how possible it is to have fun in our purpose pursuits and even at work. Listen to this.

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Monday, August 1, 2022

1144. A Different Approach To Fun. Attention Lovers of 'Thank God It's Friday'

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A friend of mine worked as missionary in South Sudan. She told me something profound about the people and days. They don't know when Monday is or any other day or the week. She has to ring a bell or remind them that it's a Sunday.

We, on the other hand, love Fridays and kind of hate Mondays. When did that begin? We even have a hashtag #TGIF that trends every week. In this episode, let's see a different approach.

Check out this episode!

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