Tuesday, August 31, 2021

806. You Cant Leave Your Job To Your Children, But This is What You Must

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It's a fact that there are things that we can leave to our children and the next generation and yet the most important thing we can leave is what we leave "In them". A job, given that it belongs to your boss, can never be left for your children, but purpose can.

If we started living and pursuing our purpose hard enough, we might start building something great that can be taken over by our children. Passing on the baton is one of the greatest phases of the metamorphosis of our purpose. Listen to this.

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Monday, August 30, 2021

805. Why Payment of Your Purpose is Towards The Last Phase of its Deployment

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Towards the tail end of your purpose pursuit, at least in the purpose life cycle, there comes a time that it has to be monetized. It has been consistently pursued for years so much so that it has garnered some great clout.

That clout has given it trust and a foundation that forms the basis of it being monetized for it has been proven and tested by some and found that it works. It is transforming lives much as it is giving you fulfillment. Listen to this.

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804. This is How Critical Clout Is To Your Purpose Pursuit

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When you have been faithfully and consistently pursuing your purpose, it brings clout to you. Clout is the pre-currency of the monetization of your purpose. However, without the consistent pursuit, there will be no clout.

It is still easy to give up when all you have is clout and not payment from your purpose. In fact, quite a number of folks give up on their purpose here. This is why it is important to hold on a little longer. Listen to this.

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Saturday, August 28, 2021

802. Brace Your Self. This is the Most REWARDING Phase of Purpose Pursuit

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One has to connect with their purpose, hold on to it and consistently keep churning it out no matter what. When we go into purpose for what we can get out of it, we err a big deal.

That's why many people do not stay with it for long because seldom does purpose pay you immediately. However, the exciting thing about purpose is that in the end, it will come good. This is one critical phase of purpose pursuit. Listen to this.

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803. Why Clout is an Important Phase in your Purpose Pursuit

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After giving purpose some time for maturity, sooner or later, you develop some notoriety and clout. People start identifying you with what you do or they start identifying your niche with you.

This could never have happened if you were not consistent in what you were doing. Even then clout doesn't mean that you have 'arrived'. It just means that you have been noticed and that you should keep doing what you are doing. Listen to this.

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Friday, August 27, 2021

801. This is The Biggest Obstacle To Overcome In Your Purpose Metamorphosis

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The truth is that you can easily discover your purpose by yourself. However, many people do not do that for one major reason that I will discuss in this episode.

Here is a hint. You remember the career choices back in school? Why did you choose some and hate others? Look at it this way, if you had the money and the brains to choose, what course would it have been? The choice is easy...but still most people do not make that choice. Why? Listen to this.

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800. This is Why Your Purpose Was There Before You Were Born

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Purpose is not something you craft and create. If that was so, then you would also craft your own gifts and create your own talents and calling. There is an outside process of purpose design that you do not participate in.

However, your participation in purpose discovery and deployment kicks off another process for which you are largely in charge. This process is kickstarted when you intentionally conceive. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

799. In the Life Cycle of Your Purpose, This is The Nuclear Bomb

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Few people realize the importance of obscurity in life. The seed on the ground is obscure, and that's where it's power lies. Today, we have so many avenues that help us to champion our notoriety even before we can sprout out of the ground.

Those who know the power of obscurity will use it to their greatest advantage. It is one of the most important phases in the metamorphosis of your purpose from conception to fruition. Here is one more thing you do while at that phase.

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798. Here is One Tool To Use During The Obscurity Phase Of Your Purpose Pursuit

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In the realm of time, those who use processes to their advantage will advance more than those who don't. Time is limited but not that limited that we cannot make an impact.

In our purpose pursuit, we have to acknowledge that there will be moments of obscurity. It is how we handle the obscurity as we faithfully pursue our purpose that will determine how it will pan out. No purpose worth its salt takes just days to know, own and deploy. It is a metamorphosis. Here is what you need while in obscurity.

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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

797. Why We Need Decades, Not 30 Days, To Implement Purpose

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Our purpose will always take time to mature. There is no doubt about that. This is why incubation of purpose is important. We have to understand that incubation of purpose is not something done on and off.

To hatch her chicks, the hen sits on the eggs for 21 days continuously. Therefore, consistency and momentum are critical to your purpose pursuit. You see, we are talking about the metamorphosis of purpose from conception to fruition. Listen to this.

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796. Why The Life Span Of Your Purpose is Decades and Not 30 Days

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There are certain deep things I believe about purpose. One of them is that purpose has a metamorphosis whose incubation period is dictated by our consistency, momentum and commitment.

We start talking about the metamorphosis of purpose from conception to fruition in this brand new series. It will be exciting. Listen to this.

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795. The Different Kinds of People Necessary For The Success of Your Purpose

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At the end of the day, no one really did anything great alone. Great souls have always found help from different types of people at different levels of their purpose pursuit.

We are told that people come to our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime. Whether for a reason, a season or a lifetime, different kinds of people will come alongside to help our endeavors in life. Here is a summary of just but a few.

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794. This is The One Most Critical 'Helper' You Need To Push Your Vision

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A crowd can lie to you. Ask Mike Tyson, Tiger Woods and Mikel Arteta. As long as you are feeding what they like, they are on your side. One side step and they are baying for your blood.

When you are pursuing your purpose, you need people, but do not ever be fooled by crowds. There is one category of people that you cannot do without in your purpose pursuit. Listen to this.

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Sunday, August 22, 2021

793. How 'Lifters' Get Attracted To Fund Your Purpose Pursuit

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Momentum is a very good thing. The good thing about it is that it can always be taken further than it is at the moment. When you are pursuing your purpose, the fact that you might not have all in place to do it should not dissuade you.

All you need to do is to have some momentum to the degree that you can...and thereafter, you attract the right people to help you see it through. Listen to this.

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792. What TD Jakes Got Is Exactly What You Could Use In Your Purpose Pursuit

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Sometimes your purpose pursuit needs input from people, if not all times. In fact, if it is to be successful, your purpose will need as much input as possible from as many people as possible.

There is a special group of people that we all need. Such a one introduced TD Jakes into the world. We need such like people and I talk about them in this episode. Listen to this.

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Saturday, August 21, 2021

791. This is Why You Should Not Pull Down Motivational Speakers

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Next to insurance salespeople, motivational speakers have come under serious attack in the recent past. Granted, there are some quacks out there who are making the name of the industry bad.

However, I posit here that inspiration is one of the greatest values in life "In" means inside. "Spire" is a word that talks about giving life. To inspire is to give life where it seemingly was ebbing away. In your purpose pursuit, you will need inspiration from time to time. Listen to this.

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790. The Advantage of Helpers In Your Pursuit of Purpose

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In your pursuit of purpose you have already realized that you will need people. Actually, you will need different kinds of people. The category I am talking about today and the rest of the episodes is important.

These are what are called "helpers". As the word suggests, they come alongside to help you in different ways that you need, for you are not all sufficient in yourself. Listen to this.

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Friday, August 20, 2021

789. Of All The Groups Of People You Need in Life, These Are The Most Exciting

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The most invigorating part of life is to do life with people with the same motivation or even more than what you have. These are people that believe like you do, are passionate like you are and are in the same 'class' so to speak, trying to push their ideas to life.

In this episode, we look at the importance of comrades in your pursuit of purpose. You want to listen to this motivation, and you want to have a comrade in your life immediately.

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788. Two Major Things That Hypocrites Will Readily Teach You

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As you already know, we need people in our lives to succeed in anything we pursue. Life is structed in such a way that we don't end up with people we WANT, but as it is, we inevitably get different types of people as we move along.

In this episode, we shall talk about hypocrites. These are a dangerous bunch, for some of them can be in your payroll, managing board and all that...but they are not with you. Listen to this.

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Thursday, August 19, 2021

787. The Importance of Haters in Your Purpose Pursuit

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When you are pursuing your purpose, you will notice the need for people to help you. Interestingly, you are bound to get help from very unlikely sources--your haters. Those who envy and spite and throw jealousy against you.

In this episode, we discuss just three things that you need to do wit the haters, but we also point out that you should rejoice when haters come into your life. Probably, nobody will hate you if you are not doing something positive. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

786. Why Retrospectively, We Really Need Haters in Our Purpose Pursuit

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Purpose pursuit needs help from as many sources as possible. Some of these sources are intentional at helping us, and some do help us even though they do not know that they are helping us. All the same, for our purpose to be deployed, we need people.

However, there is a group of people commonly called "haters". Nobody wants them, but as sure as the sun is out daily, you will have different degrees of haters. Believe me, they are good for you. Listen to this.

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785. The Importance of People In Purpose Pursuit

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Technically, no man is an island. We can have raging debates about "self-made" this and that, but you can agree with me that even the so called "self-made" needed input directly or indirectly from others.

Your purpose could be big or it could be miniscule. Either way, one of the most important pillars of support for that purpose is people. Other people. At the end of the day, as you do your purpose, you are also helping others. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

784. We Are All 'Needy' And It is Extremely Powerful. Here's Why

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Purpose can be so daunting. One of the biggest mistakes we make with purpose is to drop it because we could not accomplish it alone. But that's how life has been designed.

We are all wired to be 'needy' if you will. No one makes it in this life 'alone'. Not a single huge organization did it 'alone'. We are all intertwined in life. That's why people are important in purpose pursuit.

Check out this episode!

Saturday, August 14, 2021

783. The Importance of Complete Health And Vitality In Your Purpose Pursuit

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The most underrated thing on earth is the body. For the most part, we only take note of the body WHEN it is not functioning. This is not right. In addition to the body, we also have our emotions, our mental health and our spirit.

In this episode, we come to a close of a series where we have been discussing the importance of our health in our purpose pursuits. You want to listen to this.

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782. This is Why Divine Health is In Our Domain, and Not God's Responsibility

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Matters related to health should not be reactionary. Divine health is not about getting healed. It is about having a proactive mindset and taking action to make sure that we are 'healthier'.

In this episode, we look at the importance of taking deliberate care about our physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health so that we can be productive and be released to do our life's work. Listen to this.

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Friday, August 13, 2021

781. How To Get The Most Precious Gift of A Worker--Refreshing

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There could be so much to do and so many places to go, so many books to read and just 24 hours to do that...with just one body! The fulcrum of all this is the body. In other words, if the body is not take care of, the to do list will still be there as well as the 24 hours, but no longer for that body.

In this episode we see further the importance of health and vitality in your purpose pursuit. Listen to this.

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Friday, August 6, 2021

780. This is One Powerful Way To Generate Physical Power

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The purpose of the body is to house us and enable us to do our best works. It therefore goes without saying that taking care of the body should be the biggest agenda for anyone who is interested in their personal productivity.

In this episode, we look at one of the most powerful advantages of taking care of your body so that you can deploy your purpose much better. Listen to this.

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779. This is One Powerful Reason You Should Care About Your Health and Wellness

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For those who are pursuing purpose, want to be creative or at least to increase their level of creativity, you will find that your health and vitality has a big part to play.

This is especially when you are intentional about movement. When you exercise, there is something powerfully positive that comes out of it. In this episode, we take a brief look at that. Listen to this.

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Monday, August 2, 2021

778. You Want A Sharp Mind? Do This

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You are the SI unit of productivity and purpose pursuit is you--and your health. Remove your health from your life, there is no purpose, there is no productivity, and certainly, there is no you.

That's why we need to prioritize our health. There are many advantages in doing this, and in this episode, we take a look at just one of them, and you are going to like it. Listen to this.

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777. About Health, This is Why It's Not an Issue of Not Having Enough Time

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Well, at the end of the day, the man or woman who tells you that they have no time or that they are busy, the issue will not be the time. The issue will be about their priorities.

Sadly, we only consider health a priority when something in our body or mind goes awry and we need medical attention. It is at that moment that the priority is shifted. Listen to this.

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