Tuesday, November 30, 2021

900. The Power of Subtle Connections in Purpose Pursuit

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Virtually everything I see around me as well as the person I am becoming are a derivative of connections with people either directly or indirectly. That's why we need to leverage the power of connections in our pursuit of purpose.

There are quite a number of connections in this world, but in this new series, I will be focussing on Subtle connections. Listen to this.

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901. Patrick Ogwang. The Making of The Inventor of Covidex

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People of #Purpose are all around us. Some are prominent while others are yet to be. But as they keep doing what they are passionate about in their obscurity, sooner or later, their passion and purpose finds relevance in society.

When that happens, we are intrigued to find out what makes them tick, what makes them passionate and what makes them stand out. Professor Patrick Ogwang was ushered into the limelight in Uganda in 2021 when he invented #Covidex by sheer serendipity. Here is part of his story while growing up.

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Monday, November 29, 2021

899. The 7 Step Process of Harvesting Ideas In Your Life

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One of the most powerful things on earth are processes. If you can master process, you can achieve a great deal. Couple that with ideas harvesting and execution, you are in a great league of Productivity.

Ideas are more powerful than people or even events. In fact, the only powerful thing than an idea is another idea. That's why we need to learn to make the most of the ideas coming into our lives. Here is a summary of how we can do that.

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Sunday, November 28, 2021

898. The Importance of Execution With Ideas

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Motion is progress. I don't know who said that but there is merit in it. When we follow through and execute a concept or an idea to the hilt, we set ourselves up for massive change in our lives and possible impact in the world.

Ideas are a dime a dozen. What differentiates people is the execution of the ideas. You might have a million dollar idea and I might have a thousand dollar idea. If I execute mine, it becomes the million dollar idea while yours unexecuted becomes less than a mite in value. Listen to this.

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Saturday, November 27, 2021

897. How To Move An Idea From A Dream To The Path of Reality

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Ideas "die" daily because of several reasons. The majority of them die even before they could ever be tried on. The interesting thing about an idea is that you might not know whether it will work or not until you try it out.

The process just before trying an idea out is perhaps one of the most important of all. It is where work begins. Probably this is why consultants are paid quite a lot at times. Listen to this.

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896. Why We Need to Make The Difference Between Broadcasting and Intimating Ideas

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I don't know if this speaks of you but at times we get excited about ideas at conception that we go broadcasting to anyone and everyone that would hear.

Shortly after we get hit upside the head with "feedback" from lazy people who call themselves "realists". They tell us that our ideas won't fly, won't see the light of the day.

Yes, we must talk about our ideas. It is a very crucial step in ideation. But who and how we talk about these ideas is critical. Listen to this.

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Thursday, November 25, 2021

895. Why Meditating is Not About Emptying The Head But Ruminating On Ideas

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Ideas can always be captured and give us a foundation for the actions we take. At times, the most excited person is the one with an idea and at the same time, the person with stress, in a good way, is the person with an idea.

How we use the ideas in our lives determine the quality of life we lead. It goes without saying. Here is one powerful way to forge ahead with ideas.

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Wednesday, November 24, 2021

893. The Most Forgotten Powerful Ideation Technique

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The paradox in life is that as much as ideas would seem to be a dime a dozen, not so many people are leveraging their readily available state. We take them for granted but we know that the answers to most of our nagging questions would be ideas.

So how exactly do we get to make the most of the ideas that come to us in life? We need to first anticipate them. And then we need to go one step further. Listen to this.

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894. Book Ants. The Real Reason Behind Running A Business and The Reason For Money

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I had a discussion with some of the members of a Mastermind Group called BookAnts. Even though this was an impromptu interview, there were quite interesting submissions on interesting topics.

We talked about 8-5 jobs, Business, Money, Productivity, and of course, my favorite subject of Purpose. We were having a meeting at one of our friend's house. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, November 23, 2021

892. Why We Need To Anticipate Ideas

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It's a paradox. Ideas are all over the place but they are nowhere at the same time. What makes the difference is how we consciously intend to anticipate them.

But another paradox is that great ideas occur, they ensue rather than designed. Not that designing ideas doesn't work...but great ideas flow seamlessly to us. So that being the case, what should be our best approach in bringing them to life? Listen to this.

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Monday, November 22, 2021

891. The 4 Different Types of People Working With Ideas

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Even as the ideation process is critical in life, it at times seems as if it's a reserve of a few people in the innovation space. However, as I have said numerous times, everyone has the capacity to ideate.

As a matter of fact, there is no human being that doesn't have an idea. The difference between people is in the implementation of ideas. Listen to this.

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Saturday, November 20, 2021

890. The 5 Levels Of Ideas in Purpose Pursuit

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One of the Most powerful things in life is an idea. Each one of us has the capacity to connect to ideas. The more we work with ideas, the more we deploy our potential and ultimately connect to our purpose.

There are several levels through which ideas come to us. Each of this level is just as crucial as the next one. That's why we need to be aware and alert about them. Here is a summary of the 5 levels of idea generation.

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Friday, November 19, 2021

889. Once Again, Stop Bashing Motivational Speakers. Here is Why

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Here is the simple reason: ideas at times are born of motivation or inspiration. The speaker might be talking about something totally different trying to inspire, inform or motivate you in a particular dimension.

However, there is a level of idea generation that emanates from inspiration that could have probably never come to you any other way. Ideas are central to your purpose pursuit so if you can expose yourself to the environment of inspiration, it would be a great thing. Listen to this.

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Thursday, November 18, 2021

888. Why Good People Fail Even Though They Position Themselves To Succeed

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There are different levels of ideas. Each work for a specific scenario and for a specific purpose. All these ideas help us to be better people and to deploy our purpose.

However, there is a specific ideas level that we must learn to harness and deploy. Just because I am a good person doesn't necessarily follow that I will succeed. I must apply these special type of ideas in order to make it. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, November 17, 2021

886. How We Can Generate Ideas By Changing How We Gather Knowledge

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Ideas are everything in life. Literally. There is nothing you see that was never an idea. Think about that. One might even argue that we are ideas!

I do believe that whoever wanted to discover their purpose, they could do well with an idea being pursued. I think that ideas are somehow connected to our purpose. There are different levels in which ideas occur. Here is one of them.

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887. Bill Bekunda. Getting People Productive Again Through Passionate Addiction Recovery Efforts

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I had a very "vulnerable conversation" with Recover Coach Bill Bekunda who refers to himself as a Recovering Alcoholic. He has turned his ashes to beauty and now helps countless others to rise above their addiction and become productive members of society.

I loved this conversation because it teaches us that nothing we go through is useless, and that we can use our pain and wounds to heal others who are experiencing the same, or even worse. Listen to this.

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Monday, November 15, 2021

885. This Is the Most Horrifying Thing About Instinct and Intuition

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Someone said that an opinion is like a nose, everyone has it. True. But have you ever considered instinct? Have you ever considered intuition?

The difference between a nose and instinct is that one is prominent and visible while the other is invisible and doesn't have a permanent prominent location...so we ignore it.

There is a strong connection between the ideas that come from your intuition and your purpose. Listen to this.

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Sunday, November 14, 2021

884. Why Many Big Entities Thrive on Intuition Rather Than Market Research

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I have always believed that a Creator of humans will not have any one of them clueless on how to live and make sense of this life. As such, I believe that installed in every human there is a natural system of intelligence far above academia, market research and even science.

This, I believe, is the foundation place where great ideas come from with freshness and power to transform. Think of any great entity today on earth. It's source was intuition or instinct. Listen to this.

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Saturday, November 13, 2021

883. Why We Need To Take Special Attention to Ideas In Our Lives

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Weak things can be very powerful. Ideas in their pre conception and even in their conception stages can be ignored. The truth is that nobody knows how they will pan out at that time.

However, most, if not all things in life around us are connected to ideas. They came from there. I have this firm belief that our purpose can be revealed through the ideas that occur to us and we pursue them. Listen to this.

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Friday, November 12, 2021

882. Leveraging The Power of Ideas in Purpose Pursuit

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One of the most powerful things on earth are ideas. If you wanted to transform any area of your life, you will do it through the seed of an idea. It goes without saying.

What I have found intriguing is that ideas come to us related to areas of our passion. In other words, if we are careful, we can easily connect to our purpose through the ideas that come to us. Listen to this.

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Thursday, November 11, 2021

881. Eight Reasons Why People Fail To Live Their Purpose

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There is no doubt in my heart that no one enjoys being purpose-less. People want to live a life that matters to them. However, a large percentage fail to attain to the levels of purpose that are desired.

There are a number of internal and external factors that will bring this situation. I have taken some time to examine just eight factors that I think will resonate with you. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, November 10, 2021

880. Shamim Nirere. Creating Futures For Children Through 21st Century Skilling

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Shamim Nirere is one of the few luminaries in the Education sector that will not be blaming the "education system" left right and center. Instead, she has chosen to passionately pursue her purpose to equip children in Low Income communities to become "Solution Thinkers".

Hers is an interesting journey that she says she would never change doing what she is doing even if a windfall of dollars comes her way. She's the President of Kampala Toastmasters and I had a conversation with her about her passion. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, November 9, 2021

879. How Greed Keeps You From Fulfilling Your Purpose in Life

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There are those who know what they are supposed to do but they still don't do it. They are kept away from it by some internal or external factors.

People fail to pursue their purpose even when they know they should due to this very powerful internal reason. It is so sleezy and can sneak up on just about anyone. Listen to this.

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Monday, November 8, 2021

878. Why Lack of Passion Can Lead to Lack of Purpose

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It is almost impossible to find a human being that lacks passion for anything, it all things are kept constant. In fact, if you ever found such a person, almost always, there would be something amiss either internally or externally.

Passion is a rare quality that is nearly a reserve of the human species. If you can locate your authentic passion, within it's vicinity, there will be your purpose. People fail to live their purpose because of lack of passion. Listen to this.

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Sunday, November 7, 2021

877. We At Times Fail To Pursue Purpose Because We Are Ahead of Time

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Purpose is at times lonely, unique and integral. It doesn't operate in a group, but in an individual. This can be a problem because when an individual downloads an idea or a passion, either it might not be readily accepted with the larger group, or it might be too far ahead of time.
It's one of the biggest reasons why people do not pursue their purpose. Your idea might be weird today but valid in 10 years. Therefore, look for maturity and not relevance. Listen to this.

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Saturday, November 6, 2021

876. It's True. 100% of Those Who Don't Have Personal Vision Fail To Deploy Purpose

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You will not find a normal, sane human being that lacks any desire at the personal level. Every time there is no desire of any kind for the human, then their death, whether literal or metaphorical is at night.

Just a notch higher of your dreams and desires you will find vision. It speaks of a grand thing that you envisage for the future. You will find very many sane and normal people lacking vision, and that's why God says that they "Perish". Their purpose is never fulfilled. Listen to this.

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Friday, November 5, 2021

875. The Greatest Impediment to Purpose Pursuit In Life

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There are several reasons why people fail to pursue their purpose even though that's exactly what they want in their hearts of hearts. It reminds me of "The Parable of the Sower".


A man went to sow seeds. As he spread them abroad, some fell among the thistles. Even though they started growing, they couldn't reach their full potential because they were chocked up by the thistles. That's the same thing why people fail to pursue their purpose. Listen to this.

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Thursday, November 4, 2021

874. Our Greatest Purpose Problem is Our Culture. Here is Why

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People want to pursue their purpose but fail. One of the things that are subtly embedded in our lives is our traditions. Once we accept them, it is so hard to accept any other suggestion in life. That's why things such as memberships, culture, citizenship and even religion provide us with near iron clad codes that can't be unwritten.


That's why you find it so easy to not subscribe to your unique purpose but stay loyal to a culture or a traditional way of doing things. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, November 3, 2021

873. Ogwang Oongo Omuga. Why Commitment, Dedication and Hard Work Are Better than Just Having Passion

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Welcome to #ConversationsWednesday. Every week on a Wednesday, I will be bringing you discussions I have had with different people on my favorite subject of Purpose, Productivity and Resilience.
I had a wonderful opportunity to sit down with Ogwang Oongo Omuga and hold a telephone conversation that was absolutely insightful. You will learn about Passion, Purpose and Commitment and see how exactly this brother talks about talent.

Listen to this

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Tuesday, November 2, 2021

872. People Want To Know Their Purpose But this is Why The Fail To Pursue It

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You can fault people for very many reasons why they fail to live a life of purpose but you can never fault them for never desiring it. Nearly everyone you meet wants to know exactly why they are here, and they want to fulfill it.


There are other reasons outside of their desire to know their purpose that causes them to fail to live it. Let's take a look at one common reason. Listen to this.

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871. Why Everyone Wants To Know Their Purpose

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There is no doubt that in the heart of every human, there is a search going on for meaning. We might cover that urge or dull it's cutting edge but it is still there.

But this begs the question: Why is it that most people fail to live a life of meaning? There is no doubt that it's what they want. But why do they fail? Listen to this.

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