Friday, June 30, 2023

1475. Age Old Advice From A World Champion. No Secrets Needed

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Ask any champion in any niche about 'the secret' to their success. A large percentage, if not all of them will not mention things such as their gifts and talents, their 'luck', their connections...and even their coaches. They will all agree unanimously on this age old nugget which is not really a secret to success. It is the way. Mike Tyson says so. Listen to this.

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Thursday, June 29, 2023

1474. What Mike Tyson Said About 'Impossible'

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Impossible is a word that is common to all of us. The interesting thing is that we have different experiences with it. What might be impossible with you might be a walk in the park for me. As such, I cannot fault you and your impossibility, but there is a common thing about all of them. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, June 28, 2023

1473. The Difference Between Being In Shape and Being Conditioned

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There are three groups of people in the world. You have heard about the 13%, the 87%, and the 3%. Normally, the 3% are the crème de la crème in any niche of life. The 13% are those who are in shape but the 87%, the majority, are those who are neither conditioned nor in shape. Mike Tyson distinguished between the top two. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, June 27, 2023

1489. Why We Do Not See All The Possible Inventions Around Us

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There is an inventor in you but you probably have never embraced him or her. There is an inventor in your son or daughter and you have only nodded your head to their creations and moved on to other important things. Is it possible that inventions are not a reserve of a few people but the portion of all of us humans?

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1472. The Powerful Forces of Push and Pull We Must Leverage In Succeeding in Life

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Mike Tyson said something powerful in his interview with Joe Rogan some time back in 2020. I paraphrase, "Allow the pull of life to respond to your push." This is an incredible life nugget to note and I have dissected it here in this episode. Please have a listen.

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Monday, June 26, 2023

1471. Why We Must Confront The Conditioning In Our Lives

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The power of conditioning cannot be overstated. Mike Tyson says that we need to learn and be alert to the moment where we must start confronting our conditioning. It is in that moment that we open ourselves up the power of possibilities. What 'could' happen? That's a powerful question. Listen to this.

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Sunday, June 25, 2023

1470. Learning To Overcome Our Conditioning

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Powerful things are subtle, at times not even seen. They can even be unconscious and such is the power of our conditioning. Mike Tyson teaches us one thing about this conditioning from a conversation he had with Joe Rogan a couple of years back. Here is what we can learn. Listen to this.

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Saturday, June 24, 2023

1469. Why The Champion In You Needs A People Support System

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There are very powerful life lessons that we can pick from champions. One such a person was Mike Tyson. When he had a podcast conversation with Joe Rogan, for over two hours I watched and was mesmerized by the wisdom of the man...practical wisdom from what he went through. Here is one life nugget from there. Listen to this.

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Friday, June 23, 2023

1468. How To Break Out Of The Twilight of Wastage of Life

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There is a very terrible situation in life that I call "The twilight of wastage". This is a stage in life where you are in a mess but are discouraged or feel powerless to do anything about it. What you want done seems to demand so much from you that you just give up before starting. Mike Tyson was there. Listen to this.

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Thursday, June 22, 2023

1467. Lesson From Mike Tyson~ Learn to Face Off Your Fears

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It is incredible to realize how much things could be but never are. Possibilities can be stifled and effectively muted by the power of the fear within. We learn from Mike Tyson when he said that he was afraid to start working out again because he was afraid of what things he would awaken...listen to this.

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Wednesday, June 21, 2023

1466. Learning Comebacks From Mike Tyson. A New Series

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We are starting a new series today. For the next twenty episodes, we shall learn life nuggets as gleaned from an interview that Iron Mike Tyson had with Joe Rogan somewhere back in 2020. Whenever a champion, a world champion at that gets vulnerable, we can't help but listen. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, June 20, 2023

1465. The 4 Effective Rules of Collaboration In The Purpose Economy

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The purpose economy is here to stay with us. It is going to keep increasing until there is a good critical mass world-wide so much so that we will change our education systems and the way society operates to mirror and also to help the purpose economy. In there, we will need to collaborate. Here's how.

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Monday, June 19, 2023

1464. The Most Important Rule of Collaboration in the Purpose Economy

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There are rules of collaboration and networking. When you go to a 'networking meeting', there are many things done traditionally that do not speak into the spirit of collaboration. In the purpose economy we need to learn how to do it well. Here is one of the ways. Listen to this...

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Sunday, June 18, 2023

1463. Why People Do Not Collaborate When This is In Play

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The purpose economy is here to stay. In order to thrive in that economy we need to learn how to collaborate one with another. Collaboration is an inescapable necessity if we are to do this right. If someone goes to this economy and tries to do it alone, they won't make it. Listen to this.

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Saturday, June 17, 2023

1462. Why Service Must Be Prioritized Over Profit For Collaborative Ventures To Work

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People come together for various reasons. Someone said that people come to your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. In the purpose economy, people need to collaborate for one priority reason. This doesn't mean that other reasons are not valid. However, look at the priority. Listen to this.

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Friday, June 16, 2023

1461. The Power of Collaboration in The Purpose Economy

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There is no success in this world and especially in the purpose economy without collaboration. This is because there is  no human being or even any entity in the universe that is self contained and self sufficient. Collaboration is predicated on the Law of Connectivity. Listen to this.


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Thursday, June 15, 2023

1460. Why Collaboration is Foundational In The Purpose Economy

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One of the powerful principles in creation is the law of connectivity. The need for connectivity is predicated on several facts, first which is that nothing is self sufficient and self sustaining. Second, that each individual is unique and has a difference to contribute and third, each is needed. In the purpose economy, this needing each other cannot be overemphasized. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, June 14, 2023

1459. Why Is The Human Race Fundamentally Different And Yet Still Lives Like Other Species

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By the time someone has given up on life, there are many things at play and I cannot even begin to assume what those things are. Understanding the difference between us humans and the rest of the species is important. It seems thought hat there is no difference between us and them at least in the way we strive for survival. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, June 13, 2023

1458. What Fuels The Purpose Economy And Why We Need To Embrace It

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Given that the purpose economy is increasingly becoming a mainstay, we need to start thinking not only how to entrench it (previous episode), but also how to thrive in it. This is why collaboration at it is important. In order to collaborate, we need to understand and appreciate our different-ness. Listen to this.

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Monday, June 12, 2023

1457. Why The Purpose Economy And The Startup World Need To Be Entrenched The Same Way The Education System Is

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Many organizations and governments are making efforts in trying to alleviate joblessness. One of the solutions that is being proffered has been the startup world and the gig economy in the recent past. I do believe that it should be a mainstay other than just being a 'Plan B.' Listen to this.

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Sunday, June 11, 2023

1456. My Theory : The Purpose Economy Is Not A Revolution. It Was There In the Beginning

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Solomon said that there is nothing new under the sun. In matters revolutions, it is increasingly being touted that the purpose dispensation will be the next biggest revolution. As such, the purpose economy is something that we need to consider. However, I have a theory. The purpose economy is not new. It is something old that we departed from as a human race. Listen to this.

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Saturday, June 10, 2023

1455. How The Purpose Economy Is Becoming A Reality In Our Dispensation Today

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Whether we like it or not, we are increasingly gravitating towards the purpose economy. This is the economy driven by our passions, gifts and talents, ideas and startups. The other economy has always been driven by education towards 'employability'. As it is, that is not working ever so increasingly. Things are changing. Listen to this.

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Friday, June 9, 2023

1454. Why We Need To Re-think Our Education as a Human Race

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Why do we work? When you answer this question, it will start explaining the philosophy behind what we do in order to get work. For instance, a huge percentage of humanity will go to school ostensibly to be "employable". As such our education system doesn't churn out people who can deal well with the growing needs of a purpose economy. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, June 7, 2023

1453. Why The Purpose Economy Is Something We Need To talk About Seriously

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The just concluded series on the podcast focused on Work, and mostly the philosophy behind the work we do. Today, let's start talking about the purpose economy which in many ways affect the work that we do. Increasingly we are seeing that what used to work in the 90's is not going to help us anymore. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, June 6, 2023

1452. Why It's A Life That With Purpose You Will Not Work Another Day

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When you have a wrong philosophy about work, you easily become prey to con artists because they will craft a pitch and sell you things that guarantee that you will not work but you will gain. At the heart of every con, there is someone who doesn't want to work, and doesn't want to honor time, processes and principles of maturity. Listen to this.

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1451. Fulfillment From Work. How Does it Come About?

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Why do we work? Why do we look for work? We know that the number one reason for going to school is so that we can be "employable". We go there so that we can raise our chances of getting a job. But have we sat down to think why we do work in the first place? Listen to this.

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Monday, June 5, 2023

1450. How Wrong The General Work Philosophy In The World Is

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Some people go to lengths of using scriptures to declare that work is a curse, a toil, an unwelcome punishment. Their philosophy about life is that there should be comfort, coziness, enjoyment and such like things, but guess what, at no expense. In other words, their philosophy is that life should be devoid of work but filled with bliss. Listen to this.

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Sunday, June 4, 2023

1449. The 4 Elements of Work That We Need To Give Us Perspective of What We Are Doing

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There is such a thing as the philosophy of work. We identify our work and its proceeds from what we believe matters about the work itself. Frankly, each person has a different philosophy from the next person, but the biggest problem we have here is the sea of sameness. Listen to this.

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Saturday, June 3, 2023

1448. Would You Work On Your Purpose Where There is No Pay?

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Is it true that if you discovered your purpose, "You will never work another day in your life"? I contend that if we got our philosophy of work right, we will be saying that that statement is the exact opposite of the truth. So let's ask this question: would you work in your purpose where there is no pay?

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