Friday, April 30, 2021

684. How To Use Your Prospect of Death To Be Productive Today

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We have quoted Steve Jobs a lot. Perhaps one of the most surreal words he ever spoke were at the commencement speech at Stanford. He talked about death itself.

We psychologically insulate ourselves daily from death, thinking that it is for someone else, until such a time when 'we are it'. That's when we realize how much productive we should be with our days.

That's why it is important not to wait till we have a brush we death. Let's firm up our lives of productivity by considering our mortality. Listen to this.

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683. Focusing on The Most Important Resource on Earth - Today

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The most forgotten thing daily is the day. The most critical resource we have is today. In this day, we have the time necessary to directly or, if not possible, indirectly do something that will impact our lives.

The purpose of the day is productivity. We err when we think that tomorrow will be a better day than today. We have even composed songs around that. In the process, we ignore in a massive way, the potential that today has in revolutionizing our lives.
Listen to this.

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682. The Top Ten Reasons Why People Do Not Maximize Their Potential

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One of the greatest treasure troves we have as humans is our potential. It is that resource that is inside of us. The possibility to be great, to do great and to impact greatly is not outside of us. All along, it is inside of us.

However, time and time again, we go looking for that which is outside of us, neglecting our potential over and over again. We only realize this too late on.

Here is a summary of 10 ways that we fail to maximize and deploy our potential. Listen to this.

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681. The Second Enemy of Success After Fear Will Kill Your Potential Faster Than Anything

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After overcoming the lie that you do not have potential, you now realize that the mountain to climb is the excavation of that potential.

There is one big mistake we do and this is what I call 'touch and go'. We have touched so very many things once and left them. We have sampled different aspects of potential but have not made them the mainstay of our lives.

If you wanted your potential to grow through leaps and bounds, here is what is the most important thing to remember. Listen to this.

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Thursday, April 29, 2021

680. The Reason Why Fear Wanes is the Same Reason Your Potential Is Increasing

πŸŽ‰ New #Podcast! 680. The Reason Why Fear Wanes is the Same Reason Your Potential Is Increasing

Internal forces have a way of keeping us from maximizing our internal resources. Perhaps one of the biggest thieves of potential is fear.

It is one thing to be unaware of your potential and therefore never exploit it, and it is quite another thing to be fully aware of it but be paralyzed by the spirit of fear.

No one is immune to the crippling tentacles of fear. We are all exposed to it. To maximize our potential, we have to do something drastic about our fear. Listen to this.

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679. The Real Difference Between A Master, Slavery and Contribution To Potential

New #Podcast!

Did you know that slavery is still pretty much around? Tell me: what are the defining blocks of a slave? No freedom. Shackles. Forced labor etc. Whereas we do not see these outside things, there is one more thing that you need to know.

Generally, slaves do not plan, think ahead, envision or even reflect. They have masters to do that for them. If you are not deploying your potential, chances are that you are not thinking, planning, reflecting and visioning.

It's that bad. Listen to this.

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678. Why The Thought That Death is Far Away Steals Our Potential

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Tuesday, April 27, 2021

677. Why 'I Can Do All Things' is Detrimental To Potential Development

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Suppose you are multi talented. You have at least three things that you are good at naturally, maybe four. Are you better off than the person who either doesn't know that they are gifted, or they just have one gift or talent?

That's the question we address in this episode today. There are different reasons why we seldom get to the level of deploying our God-given potential and this is just one of them. Listen to this.

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676. Of All the Reasons, This is The Weirdest Why People Don't Deploy Their Potential

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On an assignment that was failing one day, one boss that I reported to told me these famous words: Inspect what you expect. In other words, where there is no accountability, you cannot expect growth and progress.

In deploying our potential, there are several reasons why we fail. One of the major reasons is the fact that we lack accountability, especially accountability to the Divine. This is one controversial thing to say, but there is merit. Listen to this.

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675. How We Fail To Deploy Our Potential Following Maslow's Pyramid

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No doubt that our generations today are the ones most exposed to information unlike any other generation since the beginning of the world.

One would think that we should, consequently, be the generation that is most glorious at the individual level in terms of discovering and deploying our purpose and potential in life.

There are different reasons why we do not deploy our potential and perhaps this is one of the greatest of them all. Listen to this.

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Saturday, April 24, 2021

674. If You Lack Purpose in Life, You Might Not Deploy Your Potential. Here is Why

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I have always said that the easiest way to locate your purpose is to look at readily available hints. Perhaps the strongest hint of your purpose is found in your potential.

Potential and purpose are inextricably connected one to another. There is no deploying of potential without going into your purpose to do it.

There are many reasons why mostly people do not deploy their potential, and this is perhaps one of the biggest of them all. Listen to this.

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673. This is the Biggest and Vastest Thief Of Potential For All Humans

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On a scale of one to ten, every human being is a ten in terms of potential. Being an unused capacity and unspent possibility, the difference in humans is in deployment of their potential.

It is obvious that the biggest collective failure of the human race is the failure in deploying potential. There are many reasons why that is the case, but perhaps the greatest reason is one that is pervasive all over the world.

It affects us all alive. We respect it so much so as we would respect the rule of law, but all along it is eating and wasting away our potential. What problem is that? Listen to this.

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Friday, April 23, 2021

672. Could This Be The No. 1 Reason Why Prayers For Breakthroughs Are Never Answered

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When someone dies at 99, there is less grief as compared to someone dying below 20, or a little younger than that. Why? Because we know that there is one thing that they had that we probably didn't see...a promise....potential.

The sinister thing though is that one can die at 99 with all the potential that they have unused, untapped and undeployed. We all have potential. On a scale of 1 to 10, we all are a perfect 10. How we deploy it is the issue. Listen to this.

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671. The 6 Things To Do When Faced With Failure In Comparison With Others

πŸŽ‰ New #Podcast! 671. The 6 Things To Do When Faced With Failure In Comparison With Others #Failure #Comeback

When life gives us feedback telling us that we could be more than what we are, we could be doing much better than what we have done or we are wasting our days, it is time to take the feedback on the chin.

It is time to be happy with that feedback and embrace the feelings of failure and disappointment. Then, it is time to choose a way out.
This episode summarizes the 6 things that you and I can do in order to make the most of the feedback life gives us when we meet acquaintances, colleagues, school mates and friends who are seemingly doing better than we are. Listen to this.

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670. Every Day Is An Opportunity To Choose. This Is The Best Choice To Make

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Perhaps the most liberating and powerful things that we can do as humans is to choose. When we are faced with feedback in life that tells us that we have failed or have misused our days up until now...what do we do?

When you meet a friend whom you were with in 'the same boat' few years ago and now they are seemingly doing better than you are...even if we are not comparing and competing...what do we do?

In this episode, I cover one of the most powerful aspects of life. Forget what lies behind...choose to live. Listen to this.

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Thursday, April 22, 2021

669. Why The Essence of Life is Not About 'Making It In Life'

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When you come to realize that your life is not as impactful as it was meant to be, especially when you meet a person you were at the same level with doing better than yourself, you have a choice to make.

You can easily feel jealous but there is no denying that this feedback will highlight the fact that you can do better. The question is, what exactly can you do to be better?

We have to agree that we each have our own races to run. We are all unique in our own ways. However, we can learn from others and at the same time, we can also be inspired by others. There is one important thing to do though, and that's staying committed on a cause. Listen to this.

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668. One More Thing We Can Do To Deal With Failure

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We have no problem as humans in taking action. We are always on the move. The question we need to ask ourselves is this: towards what end are we taking action?

This question is most especially important when you are faced with failure. In fact, when we are failing or when we are seeking to rectify the situation, we are adept at wanting to take action as soon as possible.

That is why it is important to be reflective before we take action. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, April 21, 2021

667. [Book Review] What's Your Genius By Jay Niblic

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Every once in a while, you come across a book that can trigger a massive shift in your life. I'm sure if you look at your life right now, you can pinpoint resources that have given your life a shot in the arm.

What's Your Genius? by Jay Niblic is such a book for me. I came across it just one year after it had been published in 2009. The subtitle is "How the best think for success in the New Economy".

It was a massive read. Over the years, I think I have read it several times, and each time, it makes absolute sense. I recommend this book to parents, teachers, people who are making choices in career and life. Listen to this.

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666. The Easiest and Most Common Way To Overcome Failure

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When life gives you feedback and you feel like you either have failed or have wasted your time alive, you can respond in two ways. First, you can have apathy and just continue down the road of failure.

Or, you can be inspired by that feedback, draw a line in the sand and decide that it shall not end that way. When you do so, there will be several tools available to you to transition into a better you, both physical tools and psychological tools.

Here is one of the most common and most potent tool that you can apply in life to change its trajectory. Listen to this.

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Monday, April 19, 2021

665. The Most Powerful Way To Mount A Comeback When It Feels Like You Are A Failure

πŸŽ‰ New #Podcast! 665. The Most Powerful Way To Mount A Comeback When It Feels Like You Are A Failure

Life gives us checkpoints are many turns. These checkpoints can become transitions into something better or they can become bottlenecks that seal our "failure" as fate.

That of course depends with what we do at any one of these checkpoints. I have a feeling that as long as you are alive and well, there is something that you owe this world...and if you will be determined enough, starting with what you have, you may very well deliver on that promise at the end of the day.

Listen to this.

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664. The Best Way To 'Bake' The 'Cake of Life'. Picking Yourself Up From Failure

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Perhaps the thing that makes me stuck in life the most is the always wanting to have everything figured out before I get started. I have realized that life doesn't give you solutions while you are uninvolved.

People will tell you to "do market research" and do some "analysis" for things before you get started. There is merit for that. However, when you are reviewing your life for the sake of overcoming a failure, at times just launching out with only what you have is the solution. Listen to this.

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663. The Two Biggest Options Available In Life When We Feel Like We Have Failed

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At times you take a look at your life in comparison to that of your peers and you feel wanting. At times you see that they are progressing more than you are.

What do you do when faced with such prospects? Of course, they are running their own race as you are. It makes no sense to compare, but there is no escaping the fact that we can learn quite a bit from them.

Listen to this.

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Saturday, April 17, 2021

661. The No. 1 Reason That We need To Trust Our Hearts

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What people do we commonly reward with success? There are two types of people generally in life. There are those who are true to their selves, and those who seek outside information to "make them".

Most of the people that we reward with "Making it in life" are not necessarily those who are true to their calling. Everyone has a safe place that they can retreat to in order to seek clarity of what cause they can take in life.

However, we seldom reward those who retreat there and take charge of their lives. We reward those who have "studied". Nothing wrong with studying, only we shouldn't neglect ourselves. Listen to this

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660. [Book Review] Exactly What To Say, By Phil M. Jones

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We are all connected one way or another in this world. One of the most beautiful things in life is that we can always learn from one another. Nobody has a monopoly on information. That's why we have this book Review.

Phil M Jones has written a cracker of a book. Just 148 pages but full of nuggets that you can implement on your daily conversations in order to influence and persuade people. Listen to this review and get yourself a copy.
PS. I'm not being paid for this review. Just looking out to help you be productive by sharing as many resources as possible.

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

657. If There Was One Thing We All Should Learn About, This is It

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One of the most standard things we do in life is to go to school. Hundreds of motivational speakers have bashed "the school system" for years on end.

In turning your purpose in to profit, one of the fundamental things needed is schooling, I mean, learning. The more you lean into it and learn, the deeper and better you become.

This course teaches you some of that.

If you wanted to serve your tribe with finesse and excellence, you need to dig deep and find data, knowledge, insight, information, about that purpose. Listen to this.

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656. The No.1 Reason Why People Do Not Turn Their Purpose Into Profit

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It is not that we lack things. It is that we lack intention. Tony Robbins says that it is not about lack of resources, but it is about lack of resourcefulness.

Even then, resourcefulness obeys a higher law of intention. To turn your purpose into profit, there has to be an intention. Without it, forget. This online course can help you to turn that purpose into profit:

When we lack anything, if we can look past our intentions, then the only thing that is left is due course, we shall have it. However, without intention, nothing happens. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, April 6, 2021

655. What I Did To Turn an Overwhelm. You Can Use The Same To Turn Your Purpose Into Profit

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Turning purpose into profit can be an extremely overwhelming venture as it can be fun and fulfilling at the same time. The trick is to know how to work out the overwhelm and cross the bridge to the promised land.

I have prepared the Purpose To Profit Course to help people with this. You can access it here:

I learnt a very powerful trick years ago when I was given a responsibility that scared me. This is what you can use too. Listen to this.

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654. Why 'Profit First' (I Know That Book Has Merit) Will Not Serve 'Purpose To Profit'

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Let's answer the question: Why are we in business? There will be two answers to that question, at least two schools of thought. First, some people are in business to make money. Pure and simple.

Second, people are in business to cause transformation. You will judge for yourself what makes sense. In converting purpose to profit, profit will not come first.
This is part of what we teach in the Purpose To Profit course. Get it here:

In this episode, let us look at one of the most powerful tools you can use to turn your purpose into profit. Listen to this.

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Monday, April 5, 2021

653. [Book Review] Made To Stick By Chip Heath and Dan Heath

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Once in a while you come across an incredible resource that just fits into your needs like a hand in gloves. If you are a communicator either professionally or otherwise, this book is an absolute read.

If you are interested in passing your message across in a compelling manner to your audience so that it sticks and transforms them, you have a powerful resource here.

Chip and Dan Heath outdid themselves with this treatise. It is indeed one of those those that you do not want to put down. Listen to this.

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652. Why We Should Stop Living Our Lives in 30-Day's Intervals

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If we are not careful, we have reduced our lives to expectations within 30 days. We repeat that for the rest of our lives and then we call it a "career".

This is one of the biggest reasons why people never get to turn their purpose into profit. You can find the course from this link (

You know why? Because turning your purpose into profit is not a matter of 30 days. It takes time, hard work, patience and a lot of hurdles, obstacles and hoops to jump through. That's what the online course will be showing you. Listen to this.

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Sunday, April 4, 2021

651. Turning Purpose Into Profit Must Be Adventurous To Work

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Seeing that converting your purpose into profit is not something conventional, one must consider venturing into it with a serious spirit of adventure. Otherwise, you wont.

We have created an online course to help people to turn their purpose into profit, going at $30 for a limited time. The value is $250.

The idea is to equip yourself with a spirit of curiosity and adventure and fun, but also be serious about it. That's one of the tools to convert your purpose into profit. Listen to this.

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650. How To Pay Shame, Fear, Embarrassment On Credit In Order To Turn Your Purpose Into Profit

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When trying to get anything done, there will be two forces that will either be for you are against you. These are internal forces and external forces.

If you can solve the internal issues you are having, such a fear, shame, embarrassment and be OK with them, then you are ready to take it head on. You are ready to turn your purpose into profit.

We have prepared an online course for that (Worth $250 but only going for $30 for a limited time).

It is time to overcome these internal issues with this powerful tool. Listen to this.

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Saturday, April 3, 2021

649. Why My Trying To Help Jacob Was Ill Advised

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In my first job, a colleague introduced me to a thoroughly gifted individual. Seeing that I was good with words, these two wanted me to create a Resume so that he could find a job.

I did. Looking back, I see that it was one of the most useless things I ever did. I was contributing to the culture that gifts are not useful, jobs are.

For good measure, I have created an online course that can help people convert their gifts into profit.

Find out why that move in helping to draft the resume was wrong. Listen to this.

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648. Solving The Conundrum of Purpose To Profit in A Highly Developed World

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The way the world operates today is mostly digital. Think about it. Most of the things are being digitized ostensibly to enable speed, ease, comfort and 'coolness'.

However, if you are to convert your purpose into profit, probably you will need to be as analog as possible in order to do it. Why? Because purpose is deeply analog. It takes time to mature.

We have created a Purpose To Profit Course that will help you to circumnavigate this.
If the mode of operation in your life is for what gives you income in intervals of 30 days, there is a conundrum. Listen to this.

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Friday, April 2, 2021

646. [Book Review] Think Again, By Adam Grant

New #Podcast! 646. [Book Review] Think Again, By Adam Grant

Adam Grant is a professor but the way he has written this book would make you feel like it was written by an average person. It is easy to understand, it is rich and it is absolutely deep.

The subject that he is covering is about questioning our original ideas, listening to other people to accommodate their ideas and sharing our ideas with other people.

I recommend this book to teachers, leaders, parents and scholars. You will enjoy it and it will make you grow.

Check out this episode!

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