Saturday, October 31, 2020

500. The 4 Crucial Advantages of Personal Numbers

One can never over-emphasise the power of numbers in life. All around us, we are governed by numbers. Our performance and productivity; and indeed, our very existence in life is governed by numbers.

What we ought to do is to become intentional about this. It is easy for us to track and recite numbers of our favourite athletes and sports personalities. It is easy for us to track numbers for business and even for the companies we are employed at.

Where the rubber meets the road is when we come to terms with our very own numbers at a personal level. That is when we shall see revolutions in our lives. Listen to this.

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499. You Want To Accelerate The Attainment of Your Goals. Have Numbers

The New Year will always be that one single time that all of creation stands in awe of life and has heightened hopes. It gives us a psychological "new start", if you will.

Part of what billions of people around the globe do is to decide and resolve. We call this "New Year Resolutions". Of course, many a motivational speaker will tell you that the resolutions do not last.

Why is that? The answer is simple. There is lack of numbers. Measures, metrics and statistics are great in governing decisions and resolves. Without these, the decision will be an emotional high that will lack the power to prevail when things get tough.

That's why numbers are important. Listen to this.

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498. How Numbers Help us Stay on Course With A Vision

It is one thing to have a vision and quite another to have the vision fulfilled. It is one thing to have purpose and quite another thing to pull through a day of drudgery where the inspiration of the purpose is not there.

This is where numbers, measures and metrics come in. At the individual level, it is important to run our lives with some measures and metrics. It is important for us to have statistics that govern our lives.

Without personal statistics, we are like a ship on the sea with no direction to go. It is just tossed up and about and ends up wherever place. The numbers do something unique to our vision. Listen to this.

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497. The Importance of Having Personal Statistics in Life

A friend of mine says that "Growth is not the default mode of operation in the human...drifting is". I totally agree. If you will not be intentional about anything in life, there is a pretty high chance that that thing will not see the light of the day.

That is where numbers come in. It is easy for us to track stats for players, business entities, athletes and so on. It is quite another for us to have our own personal statistics to track. Numbers are critical in our growth and development for they help us to see where we can change.

Listen to this.

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Thursday, October 29, 2020

496. If You Were To Just Track One Set of Numbers in Your Life, This is It

Life is defined by numbers. We might not have given attention to that fact, but it is what it is. Everywhere you look, numbers are there to define life. When you talk about performance, you cannot do so without the help of numbers. In fact, if your performance is not governed by numbers in any way, there is no knowing how much you can do and how far you still have to go. Much as we track numbers for sports teams and sports personalities, we only realise late on that this trait can be flipped and used in our own individual lives. When we start tracking ourselves and how we are doing in life, we will go places in terms of our potential and our performance. Listen to this.

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495. Why It is Important To Track Your Mental 'Numbers'

Numbers warn, they instruct, they inform. They tell us how far we have come and how far we are yet to go. They gauge our performance.

There basically can be no life if numbers are not there. In fact, the only place where you do not need numbers is the grave. We all agree about the importance of numbers in sports, business and school.

I think where the rubber meets the road is when we will start agreeing about numbers in our individual lives. What are our personal stats? If we can answer this question, we are well on the way. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

494. The Power of Statistics in Revolutionising Relationships

Let me ask you a question. Who out there does not want a sizzling, romantic, rewarding and fulfilling relationship? We are all built to want love and tenderness and care, to feel that we are wanted and needed and appreciated.

However, if we will only transact our relationships based on feelings, woowoo, spirit, romance, lovey-dovey and flowering feelings, that relationship will hit rock bottom faster than a tonne of stone thrown in the sea.

Introducing numbers! Yes, you heard that right. Numbers do not lie, they tell us. Numbers govern even where feelings have stopped...and someone aptly said, "You can act yourself into feeling more than you can feel yourself into acting".

Here is how personal statistics can make a difference in your relationships.

Check out this episode!

493. The Power of Health Statistics In Your Life

The funny thing is that if I asked people about the numbers of their sports teams, they will give them to me adequately and eloquently. But when I ask them about their own numbers, they will stare blankly at me like a cow on a new gate.

Let's face it: Statistics are a very critical part of life especially in terms of productivity. That is why I am advocating for individuals to start adopting and even having a lifestyle of tracking their personal stats.

We can do this in different areas of life that we want improvement. I can tell you this though: that there is no improvement in life without taking care of numbers. Listen to this.

Check out this episode!

492. The Power of Tracking Your Financial Statistics

Numbers literally govern our lives. You can find numbers in everything in life. In fact, if I asked you to think of any area of life that doesn't have numbers in it, you will be hard pressed to come up with any.

Sports fans track their teams numbers. They track the numbers of individual performers. Whenever a record is broken, numbers are always in play. It is a momentous occasion.

I would to God that we would track our individual numbers with the same fanaticism that we do sports and business and government things. When a recession happens, it happens in your house, with your individual numbers.

Here is one of the ways you can track your numbers. Listen to this.

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

491. The Crucial Need For Personal Statistics

Numbers are a big aspect of life. They help us to measure. They help us to number. They help us to track. If you talk about the performance of sports people, you realize that all of them track their numbers.

Any person that is a stickler for productivity will of necessity be so immersed in their numbers and statistics. Perhaps the greatest thing we can ever do about our productivity is to determine the numbers of it thereof.

This new series covers the importance of numbers in our personal productivity endeavors. Listen to this.

Check out this episode!

490. The 7 Elements of Life That Helps To Live A Life of Legacy

If you wanted to leave a life of legacy, there are some things that you need to be aware of. Legacy first off, is not something that you can legislate. Legacy is an overflow of a life well lived. When you are gone, what people say about you positively is your legacy.

Today is the day that you need to put some things in perspective so that legacy becomes something that is an offshoot of your life, not something that you have to worry about.

In this episode, I share in summary form, 7 critical pillars of a life of legacy. The other succeeding episodes have already expounded the individual pillars. Listen to this.

Check out this episode!

489. Why A Life of Contribution Impacts Us To Leave A Legacy

There is happiness on one hand and then there is fulfillment on the other. Happiness is fleeting and just on the surface. But that is not to say that it is not important.

Fulfillment is deep, long lasting and it is stuff of legacy. Our pursuits in life should rather be for fulfillment that for happiness. Some people normally say that happiness is a decision. You can decide to be happy regardless of what's happening.

But fulfillment is a result of your life being lived circumspect. That is why a life of legacy is important. What can you do to experience that life? Listen to this.

Check out this episode!

Monday, October 26, 2020

488. The Importance of Persistence In Building a Life of Legacy

In his very last speech, Martin Luther King said something very profound. "Longevity is not something that I am concerned about...I just want to do God's will"

He said. "I have been to the mountain top and I have seen the promised land. I might not get there with you, but we as a people, we shall get there".

We celebrate him every year as his legacy is talked about to succeeding generations. What made him have that legacy? There are several things that I have already alluded to in the previous episodes.

Today, we add one more thing that is critical to having a life of legacy. Without this, there is no having a life of legacy. Listen in.

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487. The Catalyst That is Excellence In Building A Life of Legacy

One of the ways to build a life of legacy is to build a life of excellence. They normally tell us that "cleanliness is next to godliness", but I will tell you that "Excellence is godliness".

There is no one in the entire creation that ever create a life of legacy living without excellence. It is not an easy thing to have excellence because it is costly. It will cost you not just an arm and a leg, it will cost you everything.

But that is how you build legacy. Listen to this.

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486. Why Uniqueness and Difference Are Important In Building A Life of Legacy

In building a life of legacy, there are some aspects of life that have to be looked at. If you studied big time visionaries that have a life of legacy, you will notice a common denominator around them.

Much as they might not have gone out to specifically create a legacy, you will notice that there are some things that run in their character as they lived that led them to leave a legacy behind.

One of those things is leaning on their uniqueness in one ever created a legacy in life by doing things that did not exemplify their difference. Listen to this.

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485. The Critical Importance of Systems in Building A Life of Legacy

Legacy is something that every human being should think about. Unfortunately, we can find ourselves so steeped in trying to eke out a living that at the time we exit the earth, there is nothing to write home about.

To create a life of legacy, we have to be deliberate about it. There is no knowing how that legacy will look like and to what extent it will reach. However, for us to have the legacy, we have to be intentional about it.

One of the ways to do it is to create a system that will govern our daily productivity endeavors. Listen to this.

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Sunday, October 25, 2020

484. Don't Worry About Your Legacy, Ask This Question Instead

📣 New #Podcast!

It is a waste of time to worry about how you will be buried, where you will be buried, what people will eat at your funeral and who will preach at the service.

By extension, we might find ourselves caught up in the thoughts of what kind of legacy we shall have. You see, legacy will always take care of itself, it will have it's own dimension that you cannot legislate.

However, you can do something that contributes towards that legacy. You can design it or can determine where exactly you want to be remembered in terms of a niche. How you will be remembered is another ball game altogether, something that you are not in control of.

Listen to this.

Check out this episode!

483. Trying To Build Legacy? Listen To This

Legacy. What a fresh thought. I know that every one born of a woman will leave a legacy. The question we have to grapple with is this: what kind of legacy will it be?

I know it is counter-intuitive to be thinking about the kind of legacy you will have. What happens with legacy is that it will take care of itself. Probably what you think your legacy will be might not necessarily be what people will have in remembrance of you.

Listen to this

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483. The 5 Ways To Balance The Law of Attraction

If you haven't watched "The Law of Attraction", popularly packaged as "The Secret", you need to do so. Just go to YouTube and check out for it.

You will be inspired, no doubt. However, I am more for transformation that is sustained than just an inspiration that is fleeting.

The Secret taught very pertinent things in life. However, I do believe that the crucial aspects of life were not given prominence. I do understand that the message was supposed to go out.

The problem is that without what I consider the "back-end" of The Secret, what you are looking for in life will not be sustained. Is it any wonder that the craze died down?

Listen to this.

Check out this episode!

481. This is What The Law of Attraction Will Never Circumnavigate

The Law of Attraction and The Secret had very beautiful topics to cover. First, it was about our thoughts. That thoughts become things. Then we were taught about virtualisation.

We were taught about monitoring our feelings for they reveal our thoughts. We will not throw away the baby with the bath water, but I am sorry to say that what the Law of Attraction teachers left out is the most critical.

In this episode, we take a look at what was left out that you need to include in your pursuit of life and achievement. Listen to this.

Check out this episode!

Saturday, October 24, 2020

480. If You Are Pursuing 'The Secret' And You Lack This, You Won't Make It

I know one thing: That there is not a single formula for success and achievement. It is contextual and varies from one person to another even in application.

That being said, there are some common denominators are critical in the success equation. These are universally accepted and applicable, that if we do away with them, we wont make it.

That is why when I introduce to you something else that I call a secret, you have to be careful in application of the same. If at all it ignores any of these common denominators, you are in for trouble.

That's why "The Law of Attraction" has to be put on the spot today. Listen to this.

Check out this episode!

479. Why The Law of Attraction Works Not

We will always be looking for what works. We want what can help us with efficiency and effectiveness. In fact, you will excuse us for wanting to achieve things faster.

The reason why many people delved into "The Secret" and "The Law of Attraction" was that it promised some of these things.
It never focused on hard work, blood, sweat and tears. In fact, it taught that nature is about harmony and manifestation. That is until people started realizing that something was off.

There are critical aspects in the equation of success and achievement that must be in place as you are using The Law of Attraction. In today's episode, we discuss one of those. Listen to this.

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478. The Critical Aspect of Life That The Law of Attraction Missed

When "The Secret" came out in 2006, there was a world-wide craze about it. People wanted to know it and wanted to use it. That's a given, because human beings will always want to find the better way of doing things.

I keep repeating that we cannot throw away the baby with the bath water. There are powerful teachings in there about money, about thoughts and about visualization. We learn that what we focus on becomes our reality.

However, we miss a lot when we think that The secret and The Law of Attraction are all you need in order to succeed. Here is why that's a lie.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, October 22, 2020

477. Why The Law of Attraction and 'The Secret' Doesn't Work

Why doesn't the Law of Attraction work? Is it working for you? I know for a fact that for a season now, the craze about "The Secret" and the Law of Attraction has tapered off. Why would that be the case?

There are very great merits around The Law of Attraction as it was taught. However, I have realized in life that if someone tells you that life has only one answer, you have to think twice. Unless of course we are talking religion.

However, when we are talking about success, growth, development, achieving our desires and so on, there is no one answer, there is no one secret.

I explore further why I think there is little craze with the Law of Attraction anymore. Listen to this.

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476. Debunking The Myth Of The Law of Attraction

Let me ask you a question. Are you using the "Law of Attraction" in your life? Sometime back in the year 2006/7 thereabouts, "The Secret" documentary was unleashed to the world.

It promised us that "thoughts become things", which is a fact. It promised us that what we visualise, we attract. It is also a fact. The question is: How come the same intensity of the craze we had about it has faded?

How come we are looking for "other secrets" in life? If indeed this was the secret, shouldn't everything we do in life revolve around it? Well unfortunately not. This is one reason why.

Check out this episode!

475. The 7 Intelligences We Can Gather By Being Reflective and Visionary

When you have "Intelligence" that is the correct potent information, then that is when you can truly say that "information is power".

Not all the information you have is useful. Someone should tell the school system that. Knowing all the past 45 Presidents of America by name is information...but is not intelligence that can help you become a better person in a sustainable way.

But there are critical pieces of information that you do need in your life that will revolutionize it. I have just curated only 7 of them. Listen to this.

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

474. The Beauty of Life's Regrets

There are two critical places we can get crucial information from. This information once applied in our lives will be invaluable. It will help us grow, improve and get direction.

I have been calling this kind of information, "Intelligence". This is because the world is flooded with so much noise. What we need is not a lot of information. What we need is "Intelligence" that we can use in our contexts.

That intelligence can be obtained when we either reflect about our past or we project about our future through vision casting. Listen to this.

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473. The Crucial Intelligence About Risk That We Need Life

As much as we love to operate in comfort, what we need in life will have to be obtained, for the most part, through discomfort. Whatever the case, for us to progress in life, we need to know what kind of information we can work with.

This is the information I have said is called, "Intelligence". Countries around the world have developed intricate security systems that can pick up "intelligence" that can be acted upon swiftly to avert crises.

That is the same thing that we need to employ in our own lives. In this episode, we cover yet another form of intelligence that you need to have that will help you progress in life. Listen to this.

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472. If You Cannot Find Any Personal Growth In Your Past, You Need This

There are different kinds of "intelligence" that we need in our lives. When we work on this crucial information, we move the needle of our productivity and growth.

When we talk about intelligence, we are not talking about all the information in the world. For example, it is useless to know how many nuclear bombs are there in the world. That intelligence is not useful to your development.

However, there are specific "Intelligences" that you need to have in place in order to grow and mature and become the very best version of yourself.

Such an intelligence is discussed in this episode. Check it out.

Check out this episode!

471. This is one Critical Intelligence That You Need In Your Life...Without it, You Die

Intelligence is a crucial resource in life. It gives us needed and potent information that helps us to focus on what we can maximize in life.

If you wanted to win in life, you will need intelligence. I am not talking about academic intelligence, though. I am talking about invaluable information that is potent enough when you act upon it.

We live in a world that is flooded with lots of information. If you are not careful, you can get lost in it. This piece if intelligence is one of the most powerful you can ever have.

Listen to this.

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

470. The Power of 'The Impact of Our Lives' In Making Us Even Better Humans

We can easily live a flipped life where the things we are chasing after with all the urgency and strength are not those that we need to chase after all.

The sad part is that we only realize this late on once we have achieved what we thought we must. That's when the feeling of emptiness comes.

The worst of it all is when we have packed 6, 7, or 8 decades in life thinking that the priorities in life are all about us. And then it hits us.

To live life well, we need to have the necessary intelligence that we can use before we get started and even as we keep going. One of that intelligence is a life if impact. Listen to this.

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469. How To Apply 'The Intelligence of Achievement' to Be Better In Life

One of the greatest pieces of information we can get is what we call "intelligence". When acted upon, intelligence can either help you overcome an attack, or it can help you launch one.

An effective life needs to be lived on the basis of the intelligence you have. One of the greatest mistakes we make in life is to think that this intelligence must of necessity be academic. Nothing can be further from the truth.

Listen to this for the first kind of intelligence you need in your life.

Check out this episode!

468. Two Extreme States We Can Learn From Today

There is a great sandwich in life. You are in the present, but you also have a past, and yet the future beckons. What we do today determines how the future will be, but what we do today benefits from the intelligence of both yesterday and tomorrow.

Living in these two extremes is done through reflection and visioneering. It can be an absolutely powerful way to gain the much needed intelligence to do life with. Otherwise, we risk doing life as if we are on autopilot, something that the human being was never created to do.

Listen to this.

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467. Why The Day To Unearth Your Inner Resources is Today

There is no day like today. There never will be another day like it. Tomorrow never comes, yesterday is always dead, but today is the day of power.

It is in this day that we can make alterations in our lives like never before. Perhaps one of the greatest thins we can do today is to delve into our inner selves and determine deep seated decisions that we can make to anchor our lives.

This happens today. Not tomorrow. Listen to this.

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