Tuesday, September 17, 2024

1902. How To Know if Your Pursuit is Spirit Backed By Looking at the Vision Bearer

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I caught myself saying that the organizational vision is not an organizational vision. It is actually a personal vision big enough to need partners, financiers, employees, and clients. To infuse spirit into your organization or your pursuit, you need to make sure that what you are pursuing is a personal quest, not someone else's agenda. Listen to this.

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1901. Could Spirit Be Way Outside the Realm of Survival

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I have always admired the human spirit to survive incredible opposition. All the way from the beginning of time, we are a resilient species that has overcome many things. However, is survival the sole mode of our operation? If we are seeking to infuse spirit in our pursuits, should we look past surviving? Listen to this.

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1900. Why Personal Material Gain Could Not Be Connected to Spirit

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In our pursuits of life, there is absolutely nothing wrong with looking to gain materially from our quests. No one should fault you for that. However, if you are looking to infuse matters spirit into your pursuit, then you will need to look past this personal material gain. Spirit is about more than that. Listen to this.

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Sunday, September 15, 2024

1899. The Litmus Test of What Spirit is All About

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Speaking of matters spiritual, there are two things I can observe. Everything is spiritual and not everything religious is necessarily spiritual. If you wanted to determine the authenticity of anything that has been labelled or affiliated to the spirit, there is one major test you can use. This is true to any organisation or relationship. Listen to this.



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1898. What Origins Teach Us About The Spirit of Anything

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There's a lot of debates over the ages about the origin of man. The thing about origins is that they reveal the spirit behind a thing and perhaps that is one of the most critical ingredients of the success of anything or anyone. That's why it has to be clarified. Listen to this.



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1897. The 6 Hints That The Spirit in Your Organization is Awesome

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Any organisation or union, whatever the size, is always going to be driven by the intangibles. These are aspirations, goals, and causes. A disconnect from these will be a disconnect from the spirit of the organisation. Here though are the signs that the spirit in your organisation is awesome.



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Friday, September 13, 2024

1896. Family Away From Home? You can Find it at Work Because of This

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It is true. Even though blood is thicker than water, there have been connections between people that have been formed that were actually stronger than family ties. You know what brings that about? It's matters related to spirit. Here is how this happens. 



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1895. The Sure Sign of Growth and Vibrancy of The Spirit of An Organization

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You can tell when you walk into an organisation what's in the air. Colloquially, we call it "vibes". If things are alright, it will be mostly because there is a strong connection and vibrancy with the spirit of that organisation. Here is one sure way to tell. Listen to this. 


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1894. What We Can Learn About an Organization's Sense of Belonging

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There are two different ways to obtain information or insight about the spirit of an organisation. One is to observe when everyone knows they are being observed, and the other is when they're unaware that it's happening. 


If you wanted to see a sign that the spirit within the organisation is awesome, you will need to see a sense of belonging...genuinely. Listen to this. 


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Thursday, September 12, 2024

1892. When You Do Not Need to Push People To Work

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How do you know that the spirit behind the success of your organization is sizzling, alive and well? You can make many observations. At times, people wait to look at results on paper, which can tell you something. However, the immediate feedback you see daily could go a long way in telling you what's up. Listen to this.

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1893. Balancing Between Looking for Money and Deploying a Cause

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This is one of the greatest balancing acts any human being will have to do. If we approach work from the angle of a mission, and I believe we should, that work should also help us to generate enough income to pay our bills. Why do we approach work as a cause? Because of spirit. Listen to this.

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1891. The Spirit Behind Organizations That Make Them Tick

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If you find any unity of any nature among humans, that unity will not be arbitrary. It will be because the members share a particular ambition or mission or a cause that brings them together. Consequently, if you find any breakdown and disintegration, it will be a direct or indirect disenchantment with the spirit that brought them together in the first place. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

1890. The 10 Signs That The Spirit Of Your Organization is Suffering

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One of the best possible outcomes in an organisation or Union is unity. The unity is always going to be dictated by a common good or cause. This emanates from the spirit. It's a human thing, not a religious thing. Here are the 10 signs that the spirit in the organisation is suffering. 



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1889. How Apathy is A Critical Negative to the Spirit of An Organization

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There is no invidious vice against the spirit and life of an organisation or even an individual. Why? Because the person who has apathy has not left the organisation. They are still there. Grumbling might be open and obvious but apathy might not. Listen to this.



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1888. What Could Lack Of Interest Mean To The Spirit In An Organization

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When you want to gauge whether the spirit of your organisation suffers, there are different signs you can deploy. One of those is an observation of lack of interest in what matters, in the changes taking place (whether good or bad) and in the need to be more invested in it. Listen to this. 



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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

1887. The Thing Behind Low Levels Of Engagement At Work

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Employee engagement has always been rated average across the continents. It's a human problem. At the heart of its growth and sustenance is the disconnect and disregard of the spirit of the organisation. It's one of those big signs that people are not connected to the organisation. Listen to this.



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1886. The Insidious Force of Grumbling And How It Kills The Spirit of An Organization or Union

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"Grumbling" refers to the act of complaining or expressing dissatisfaction in a low, muted tone, often about something minor or trivial. It can be a passive expression of discontent, usually without direct confrontation. People grumble when they're unhappy about a situation but either don't want to or don't feel able to voice their concerns openly. It's a tale tell sign that the spirit of the organisation is not well.


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1885. How Stunted Growth Is A Sign of Lack of Spirit in An Organization or Craft

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When you talk about spirit, you are inherently talking about growth, newness, creation, innovation, inventions and all that. Spirit is about newness and future. it is not faithful to the past more than it is committed to the future adventure. Therefore, one sign that spirit is suffering in an organization is when there is stunted growth. Listen to this.

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Monday, September 9, 2024

1884. What Could It Mean When People Leave At A High Rate

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The ideal is to have people working with you who are connected to the reason behind what you are doing. The common is people working with you for their selfish gain, and that's still valid. People still have to pay bills. If you wanted to know that the spirit of your organization is messed up, this is one major hint.

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1883. One Sure Sign that The Spirit of The Organization is Gone

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There is something deeper than groupthink and group dynamics. It is the spirit of the organization. If you want to know about it, you go way back to the founding of the organization and ask questions related to why it was founded. You ask questions related to what matters to the organization. That would give you the hint. Consequently, here's how to know that the spirit of that organization is not being adhered to.

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Sunday, September 8, 2024

1882. Beware Leaders. Onboard The Innovations and Suggestions of Your Employees

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There are different signs in an organisation that will tell yoi that the spirit in the organisation is well and alive. At the same time, you can know if things are off as far as the spirit is concerned. Spirit is about newness, creating, innovation and inventions. If you lead an organisation, this is a great thing to note. Listen to this.


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1881. Why Passion Is A Measure of The Presence and Attachment To The Spirit

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If you are leading an organisation, you want most of the people you work with tonbe fully immersed in the spirit of what matters to you as an entity. You want a deep connection with your cause. What can you do to gauge that? What shows that th3 spirit in the organisation is suffering? Listen to this.



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1880. Why There Should Be No Seperation Between Spirit and Our Craft

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Why do we work? Why do we form organisations rallying behind a cause? At times, our efforts and our work are purely for the sake of generating income so we can pay our bills. We Shouldn't be faulted for doing this. If all things remain constant, there really should be no separation between spirit and our craft. Listen to this.


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Friday, September 6, 2024

1879. What Is The Spirit Behind Our Crafts and How Do We Know It?

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Someone said that "The thing behind the thing is the real thing." There is a thing behind LGBTQ. There is a thing behind Islam. There is a thing behind Christianity. There is a thing behind Racism. There is a thing behind corruption, and certainly, there is a thing behind your craft and organization. How do you know it? Listen to this.
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1878. Why All We Do Should Be A 'Cause' and Not Just a Job

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In life, we get to understand the reason behind it, unfortunately, more when we are close to our deaths. That's why it is easy for us to meddle in it as if we have 500 years to live. We need to urgently dedicate our lives to things that are worth the cause, and that's where spirit comes in. Listen to this.

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1877. Why We Need to Infuse Spirit into Our Crafts

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There is such a thing as the source and the center core of life. Even in our pursuits and crafts, even in our unions and organizations, there is the spirit that is the source. It is therefore imperative for us to make it intentional about nurturing that spirit in our lives. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

1876. The7 Ways To Raise Spirit Led Children

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Raising spirit-led children is not indoctrinating them to a certain religious tenet. All of us are spirits regardless of the religion or irreligion we have. Spirit was not created by man. It precedes religion. The best we can do is to be spirit-oriented in our pursuits. Listen to this.

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1875. Raising Spirit Led Children By Being Faithful To their Gifts and Talents

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We can be more given to already set up systems and templates in raising children than we are about their gifts and talents. Just because the monetization aspect of a child's passion for bugs is not immediately apparent today shouldn't make us force them to abandon it for other things that we know worked for our grandfathers. Listen to this.

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1874. Allowing Children To Experiment in Order to Nurture Their Creative Capacities

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Keeping a tight rules either at home or at school or any growth environment that focus more on things and the appearance of things rather than the curiosity of children can be detrimental. We just need to know that it will cost us something. Here's how to raise spirit-led children by focusing on the environment around.

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Monday, September 2, 2024

1873. Providing a Creation Environment To Help Raise Spiri-led Children

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Careful attention is needed in building an environment where potential can be nurtured. It is actually a thing. I know at times we just look at the person, but the environment does matter. Spirit is about newness, creativity, problem solving, invention and revolutions. Those need an environment to thrive. Listen to this.

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1872. Raising Spirit Led Children By Teaching Creation and Solutions

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One of the things that I fight against in my life is status quo...or templates. It is easy to raise people to do just what we were doing and through a template, prepare them for a job. However, spirit is about value creation, problem solving and creation. We need to teach children for this. Listen to this.

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1871. The Four Ways of Speaking Into The Spirit of A Child

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When we are raising spirit-led children, one of the key tools we need to use is to speak into their spirit. There is such a thing indeed. This can be done officially but also daily and unofficially. Our words are powerful. Here are four ways to do this.

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1870. The Power of Encouragement in Raising Spirit Led Children

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Speaking into the life of an individual is a powerful thing. It is part of raising spirit-led children, to speak directly into their spirit regardless of what they face at the moment. One facet of that is encouragement. It is a powerful tool we can use. Listen to this.

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1869. The Power of Perception in Raising Spirit-Led Children

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Parenting and raising children are a deeply spiritual facets of life. At times it is very easy to get bogged down with the here and now and forget to have perception of who the children are in the spirit and who they are supposed to be. Perception is critical to this. Listen to this.

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Sunday, September 1, 2024

1868. The Power Of Naming in Raising Spirit Led Children

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What's in a name? A name can mean nothing but a person or an entity can give it meaning by the actions they take. Still a name can mean so much and become prophecy to the person given it. Think of Usain "Bolt", for instance. What comes to your mind when naming a child? Listen to this.

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1867. The Unfortunate Thing About Speaking Into the Spirit of A Child

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If we knew how powerful words are, especially spoken directly to a child by a person in authority, we would choose those words ever so carefully. We won't be lazy with our speeches, hasty in lashing out and slow in affirmation. The unfortunate thing about words is that they can destroy too. Listen to this. 

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1866. How Words Spoken Are Creative, EIther Positively Or Negatively

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In raising Spirit jed children, you can never fail to recognise the power of words spoken directly into their Spirit. We are warned that the power of life and death is in the tongue. With a spoken word, we can destroy or build a child. Listen to this. 

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