Monday, August 26, 2024

1865. The 5 Things About Being Humane That Children Should Know

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If we are building spirit-led children, we of necessity have to teach them to be humane. This is smack in the middle of what the spirit does. There are five elements of being humane that we need to understand. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

1864.Celebrating The Very Heart of Collaboration As We Raise Spirit-Led Children

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We can either foster competition or we can push for increased levels of collaboration. Of course, you cannot rule out competition from life and throw it away altogether. It's just that if you are raising spirit-led children, you will need to talk more about collaboration and foster it than competition. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, August 14, 2024

1863. This is One Powerful Aspect of Being Humane That We Should Teach Our Children~ Responsibility

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Someone said that there is no calling without responsibility and discipline. When we talk about raising spirit-led children, the parents who normally vow that their children will not go through 'trouble' because they themselves did are in danger of not raising spirit-led children. Listen to this.

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1862. Why We Need to Teach Our Young Ones To Intentionally Overflow As A Blessing To Others

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Several people have the feeling that we are all naturally selfish. That might be true, and that's why we need to be very intentional to teach our young ones about selflessness. The good thing is that there is a spirit of humaneness in all of us when we are born, and that's why we can raise spirit-led children. Listen to thi

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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

1861. Why Abundance Is Not About Quantity, But Spirit and The Will

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In raising spirit led children, we do not teach that you give out of abundance, or you share your life with others because you have extra. Abundance, in this case is not about material things, but about the willingness of the heart that is humane. Listen to thisl

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1860. Being Intentional About Raising Humane Children

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Where does our humanity come from? If you observed how selfish humans have become, you will not think that we are inherently created to be humane. But to be humane is not a function of religion, it is a function of the spirit of man. That's why we need to emphasize this as we seek to raise spirit-led children. Listen to this.

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Monday, August 12, 2024

1859. The 5 Ways A Selfishness Manifests Itself

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Selfishness is a cancer. It is one of those most default human traits that at times we don't even need to be mentored. It just flows naturally. When we delve into it, we stifle matters related to our spirit. In raising spirit-led children, we cannot encourage selfishness. Listen to this.

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1858. Why Negative People Tend to Also Be Selfish

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We are talking about raising spirit-led children in this long series. One of the things we have zeroed in is selfishness, juxtaposed against selflessness. There are several elements of selfishness that automatically stifle the spirit. One of that is negativity. Listen to this.

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Sunday, August 11, 2024

1857. Could Selfishnes Be The Center of Competitions

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At home, in school and carried on in life, we are surrounded with competitions galore. We are taught to compete and be better than the others. In raising a spirit child, ✨️ we can't encourage them to be competitive as a way of making it in this life. Listen to this.

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1856. Why Need to Avoid The Scarcity Mentality in Raising Spirit Led Children

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I once read a book by Naveen Jain titled: Moonshots. It's about th3 abundance possibilities we have in energy, health, and agriculture. Jain is tapping into the spirit when he explores that subject. In raising spirit-led children, we have to plug into the spirit that kills the scarcity mentality. Listen to this.

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Saturday, August 10, 2024

1855. How Selfishness is a Limiting Thing

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It sounds so obvious but when we are practicing it, it feels harmless and self protective. But it's not. When raising spirit-led children, you cannot allow selfishness to foster. Spirit is about abundance and limitlessness. Listen to this. 

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1854. How Selfishness Can Derail Raising Spirit-Led Children

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Friday, August 9, 2024

1853, Raising Spirit Led Children By Teaching Them Initiative

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Spirit is about growth improvement and adventure. Unfortunately, it is possible to box a child's Spirit and ignore it altogether. That would be probably because you are more committed to what you know than the spirit. 

To raise a spirit- led child, one of the things you need to do is to nurture initiative. Listen to this.

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Thursday, August 8, 2024

1852. The Power of Self Competition in Raising Spirit Led Children

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One aspect of life that goes against the spirit is competition. At the heart of competition, people might look at others as a standard instead of looking at the best possible version of themselves. So a child might win but still performing below their capacity. Spirit though dictates that the child out competes themselves. Listen to this.

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1851. The Importance of Teaching Balanced Personal Development

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Personal development is a critical pillar in building a human. Personal refers to self-driven. A spirit-led child would be someone that is self-driven. For the most part, personal development feeds into the spirit of a child. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, August 7, 2024

1850. The Power of Personal Development in Raising Spirit-Led Children

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Most coaches and motivation speakers will tell you that people normally say, "I wish someone told me these things earlier!" That is whenever they are confronted with information about personal development. That's why we need to do it for the children, in order to raise spirit-led generations. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, August 6, 2024

1849. The 4 Ways We Can Nurture Creativity In Children

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In raising spirit led children, we understand that there are some things that are not scripted. Actually, a lot of things. If, therefore, we will not have foster freedom to create, we shall be doing the children a great disfavor. Here are four things to consider when we are nurturing creativity. Listen to this.

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1846. Learning To Celebrate 'Kids Play' Like It Is Their Masterpiece

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We are talking about raising spirit-led children. Spirit is about growth, expansion, newness, and mostly, adventure. If we approach parenting or education from the known, tried, proven, and tested, we might be missing out a lot on the potential that is hidden in the spirit of a child. This is one way of unearthing it. Listen to this.

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Monday, August 5, 2024

1848. How Giving Children Leadership Nurtures Their Creativity

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One of the aspects of raising spirit led children is to allow them to explore their creative natures. Creativity is not a reserve of a few individuals, it is in fact, in all of us. It is an aspect of spirit.  Let us explore this further, listen to this.

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1847. The Importance of Creating a Conducive Play Environment to Foster Creativity in Children

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If we are raising spirit-led children, then we will need to count all the costs even before we start. A spirit led child is allowed to explore as much as possible their creative genius in whatever sector. That's why a conducive environment is important for this to happen. Listen to this. 

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Sunday, August 4, 2024

1845. Why Teaching Creating Things is Central To Raising Spirit Led Children

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Creation is part of all humans. It's not a reserve of a few "creatives", in my opinion. All individuals should look at where they can come up with a Creation of their own. It is from the human spirit. Listen to this. 

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1844. The Four Things that Are Detrimental to Teaching Children Self Exrraction

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Extra action means that the valuable things are not lying on the surface waiting to be picked. Self extraction is an important aspect of tapping into the spirit of a human in order to leverage on the gems in there. We have to be careful with it. Listen to this.

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Friday, August 2, 2024

1843. You will Be Shocked At How We Are Parenting and Educating Through Copying and Pasting

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We are talking about raising spirit-led children. I realize that it is an intentional act; in that it does not happen automatically. Unfortunately, copying and pasting what is already existing is what we are using to lead and parent the next generation. Spirit-led children will not be raised the same way the past generation was, being faithful to what we already know. Listen to this.

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