Thursday, March 28, 2024

1748. The 7 Practical Ways To Overcome Self-Deficiency in Life.

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Self-deficiency is such an insidious force that doesn't discriminate at all. You might be living in the White House but still feel deficient. It is a feeling that we need to overcome, probably over and over again. Here are 7 Arsenals you can use to do that. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, March 27, 2024

1747. How Gandhi Was Right About Losing Ourselves In The Service of Others.

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Humans are social animals. At individual levels, we go through so much that we must overcome. One of the things that we need to keep overcoming are feelings of self-deficiency. Here is one powerful thing we can do to overcome it. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, March 26, 2024

1746. The 4 Ways Finishing Helps Us Fight Self-Deficiency.

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One of the biggest positives in our lives is when we are finishers. The opposite is also, sadly, true. But when we learn to be finishers, there is so much that accrues on us and in the process, we learn to kill feelings of self-deficiency. Here are four ways finishing helps us.

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1745. The Power of Executing New Ideas in Dealing With Self Deficiency.

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If you learn to be a finisher, you will realize that in so doing, you inherently attract new ideas to be executed. This is not the case with when you are not a finisher. A finisher is always excited about new projects and ideas and that's why they cannot continue feeling self-deficient. Listen to this.

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Monday, March 25, 2024

1744. How The Inner Working of Momentum Helps in Alleviating Self Deficiency.

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I have always said this: that the biggest fight for our lives, at least one of them, is the fight for momentum. This is what a finisher creates. There is no way you are having momentum in your life and still suffer self-deficiency in a big way. Listen to this.

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1743. The Internal Psychological Working In The Life of A Finisher That We Need To Understand.

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How exactly does finishing work to help us overcome feelings of self-deficiency? You and I do not need to be psychologists to know this because we experience it daily. But let's talk about just how that happens anyway. Listen to this.

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1742. The 5 Things That Can Help You To Become A Finisher.

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One of the most beautiful treasures of life is a daily aura of being a finisher. It helps us daily to overcome feelings of self-deficiency. If we are feeling deficient and we do not finish things, that feeling is multiplied a million times over. Here are 5 things to do to become a finisher.

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Thursday, March 21, 2024

1741. The Power and Importance of Consulting So We Can Be Finishers.

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Self-deficiency can be greatly overcome if we learn to be finishers. But if we are going to be finishers, we need to learn a few things about it. A finisher is someone who is motivated, happy, inspired and feels like they are needed. Here is one more way to be a finisher.

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Wednesday, March 20, 2024

1740. The Most Potent Thing To Do As A Finisher In Order To Kill Self-Deficiency.

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We are very good at strategizing. We even hire consultants and pay them top dollar to build together with us a million-dollar strategy. We go out for a retreat to even launch it. And then Drucker tells us that culture eats strategy for breakfast. We do not finish because we never get started. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, March 19, 2024

1739. How Being A Finisher Is A Powerful Antidote Against Self-Deficiency.

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Self-deficiency is something that we face daily, if we are not careful, it can easily slither into our lives and make a bed therein, hindering us from being the best versions of ourselves. Thankfully, there are things we can do daily to conquer. Listen to this.

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Monday, March 18, 2024

1738. This is One of the Most Potent Arsenals Against Self-Deficiency

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When we are feeling self-deficient, it is possible that we withdraw from life and just cower at it. If this continues, we will be a pale shadow of ourselves. To be self-sufficient, we need to do the exact opposite. Go on a dare. Listen to this.

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Sunday, March 17, 2024

1737. Massive Action. What It Means and How It Helps Cure Self-Deficiency.

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The more I sit and do nothing, the more I feed the feelings of self-deficiency. But if I take any form of action, I am beefing myself up and dealing with that spirit of self-deficiency. One type of action I can take is what is called Massive action. Listen to this.

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Saturday, March 16, 2024

1736. How The Biggest Fight of Our Lives Leads to Overcoming Self-Deficiency.

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I have a feeling that no human is exempt from feelings of self-deficiency, that we are all susceptible. If we are not careful, it can take over our lives and make us unproductive. Taking action is one of the best ways to fight it. Here is one type of action that is a massive cure for self-deficiency. Listen to this.

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Friday, March 15, 2024

1735. Why Instead of Bashing Motivational Speakers, We Should Take Them Seriously.

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After decades of bashing salespeople, the new victims appear to be motivational speakers and life coaches. These have been receiving stick of late. Of course there are some that are quacks, but before you can throw the baby with the bathwater, listen to this.

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Thursday, March 14, 2024

1734. The Most Potent Antidote Against Self-Deficiency.

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Things that hold us back are sometimes things internal. They may have originated from outside of us, but they will ultimately breed internally and stop us. We need to deal with them. Such a thing is Self-Deficiency. Here is one more way to deal with it.

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Wednesday, March 13, 2024

1733. How Purpose Discovery and Deployment Is Critical In Curing Self Deficiency.

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Self-deficiency is a killer of instinct, a killer of productivity, progress and even success at the end of the day. If you are not aware of its working, you are already losing. There is one powerful weapon against it, and that is purpose. Listen to this.

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1732. The 5 Ways Self Education Cures Self Deficiency.

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Self-deficiency plagues even the most resilient of us, and that's why we have to keep arming ourselves against it. If we are not careful, it can slither in, take over and keep us from being productive in life. Here is how Self-Education deals with it.

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Monday, March 11, 2024

1731. The Power of Self-Education in Helping Deal With Self Deficiency.

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When I start educating myself, I get much more potent capacity in dealing with my illusions of self-deficiency than when I am completely relying on someone else. Chances are that I am educating myself on something that I know matters, something that I am passionate about, than being steeped in the education of something I hate. Listen to this.

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Sunday, March 10, 2024

1730. How Self Education Puts You In Charge and Helps Kill Self Deficiency.

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Self-education is one of the greatest antidotes of anything in the self that is negative, including self-deficiency. One of the ways it does this is to put you in charge of your own growth and development. In so doing, there is no way self-deficiency continues to stay with a man who has taken charge of his own growth. Listen to this.

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Friday, March 8, 2024

1728. Healing Self-Deficiency by Reclaiming Our Identity.

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If we are going to get healed from self-deficiency, we will need to immediately and aggressively address what affects our identity. If we do not, we are inviting an insidious disease to continue wasting us away. Listen to this.

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Thursday, March 7, 2024

1727. The 4 Places Where Self-Deficiency Is Bred

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Virtually everywhere we interact, we will find avenues where self-deficiency will rear its ugly head. It is because we are human and issues of our self-identity and worth are always at the surface of our psyches daily. To know where to look is to know where to start to solve the issue. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, March 6, 2024

1726. School is A Great Place for Helping Us Get Self-Sufficient, But Does it Do That.

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In the days that have past, especially immediately after getting independence, it wasn't a big deal deciding where a child would go to get an education. Not anymore. School is supposed to be that place where your child goes and their self-sufficiency becomes the center of their nurturing. Is it? Listen to this.

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Tuesday, March 5, 2024

1725. The Most Unfortunate Place Where Self Deficiency is Bred.

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I have realized that as long as humans are in interaction, there will always be an opportunity for self-deficiency to rear it ugly head. Unfortunately, some of the places where we least would expect self-deficiency to be bred are the most potent places for it to grow. Listen to this.

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Monday, March 4, 2024

1724. The 5 Ways Self Deficiency Manifests Itself.

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Self-deficiency is something we can easily diagnose, even if we are the ones suffering from it ourselves. However, it is easy to make excuses about it and say things like, "I am just an introvert". Anyway, here are the 5 ways in which it manifests and how we are to deal with it.

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Sunday, March 3, 2024

1723. Why There is Nothing Enlightened About Shrinking.

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One of the manifestations of self-deficiency is shrinking. We do not want to take the stage; we feel we are inadequate and do not deserve. Consequently, even if our idea was good, we do not front it. It is an insidious thing this self-deficiency. Listen to this.

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Saturday, March 2, 2024

1722. Why the Human Being Is Harsher a Judge Than God.

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You know this by now. If God judged us the way we judge each other, nobody would stand. Jesus said, "Let him who has no sin cast the first stone." Without that admonition, many people would judge others so harshly...and sadly, at times, that's how they also judge themselves. Listen to this.

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Friday, March 1, 2024

1721. Wanna Know You Have Self Deficiency in Operation? Listen To This.

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What is your response when someone corrects you, rebukes you or criticize you? I know that in our day and edge of social media, we easily shoot from the hip whenever we feel "attacked." That has its place, but if you do this every time you are given feedback, you have self-deficiency issues. Listen to this.

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