Thursday, February 29, 2024

1720. Dealing With The Insidious Enemy of Self Doubt.

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As already stated, one of our biggest enemies in life is feelings of self-deficiency. With this, even if we have been called, we will not succeed as long as it is still in operation. One of the manifestations of self-deficiency is self-doubt. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, February 28, 2024

1719. Why We Are Our Very Solutions To Conquer Self-Deficiency.

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Self-deficiency is an insidious force that has the ability of stopping us from attaining our greatness. It doesn't discriminate. As long as you are a human being, you are susceptible to this. However, there is one great mistake we make with it. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, February 27, 2024

1718. Unearthing The Insidious Cycle of Self-Deficiency

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We have already established how Self-Deficiency is an insidious enemy that needs to be overcome not once but many times. For us to get there, we need to understand the inner workings of self-deficiency-and we are the culprits. Listen to this.

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Monday, February 26, 2024

1717. Understanding The Enemy Within of Self-Deficiency

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The ancient African saying instructs us that if the enemy within is overcome, the enemy outside can do us no harm. Very instructive. One of the biggest enemies within is that enemy called 'Self-Deficiency'. It is a very insidious enemy that no man born of a woman is exempt from it. Listen to this.

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Sunday, February 25, 2024

1716. The 8 Reasons Why People Do Not Work at Work and How To Overcome Them

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The most sinister thing about our productivity is that we can claim to be at work, report, clock in and out but we are not really working. Staggering statistics show us that 68% of employees are disengaged. Here are 8 ways that help us not to work while at work.

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1715. Why You and I Must Hate Laziness Much Like We Hate Cancer

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A little sleep, a little folding of the hands to rest and poverty will strike you like a thief and scarcity as an armed robber. That's actually a scripture. The interesting thing is that we can do this laziness while at work and still draw a salary. Listen to this.

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1714. How Seeking Comfort At Work Makes Us Not To Work

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You should see how much we jostle for corner offices, seats at a vantage place at the conference room, nice parking spaces and all. We seek comfort at every turn and this plays into our psyche so much so that we are diverted from really working. Listen to this. 

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Thursday, February 22, 2024

1713. How Purposelessness At Work Costs Organizations A Lot

📢 New #Podcast!! 1713. How Purposelessness At Work Costs Organizations A Lot #Work #Purpose

They say that 68% of employees worldwide are disengaged. What does this mean? It means that even though they clock in each day, they are not doing all that they should, could, and can. Why? I guess it is because they lack purpose. Listen to this.

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1712. Why We Must Change Our Mentality About Joblessness

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In talking about work, people largely confuse it with jobs. So those who do not have jobs won't work because there is no pay, and those who have jobs won't work because there is no bonus for that extra initiative. We need to address this. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, February 20, 2024

1711. How We Cheat Ourselves To Be Working At Work But We Aint.mp3

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It's incredible the things that we do at work in terms of overall productivity. We can be in motion all day and no progress to show for it. There is a big reason why we do not get as productive as we should, and that reason is connected to the desire for comfort. Listen to this.

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Monday, February 19, 2024

1710. Why Discipline Is A Factor of Production.

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Do you know why we have workplaces? There are many reasons and one of them is so that someone can physically keep an eye on us to make sure that we are working. Some of us cannot be given the go-ahead to work from home because of the fear that we are not disciplined. Listen to this.

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1709. Could This Be The Reason Some People Hate The Work They Once Loved.

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One of the most heartbreaking phenomena at least in the world of productivity is people having work and not really working! There could be very many reasons for this, and one of them is distractions. Listen to this.

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Saturday, February 17, 2024

1708. The Two Powerful Motivations For Work.

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Have you ever stopped yourself and all the traffic thereof and asked yourself why you work every day? We need that data, we need that information. But even if you haven't, I can tell you that there are two major motivations for work, and both are important. Listen to this.

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Friday, February 16, 2024

1707. How Work Helps Us Meet Our 6 Psychological Needs.

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Every human has six psychological needs. It doesn't matter whether you were born in the palace or the streets, it is all the same. So the question is: How in the world do we get all these six needs addressed? Interestingly, work has a massive shout in this. Listen to this.

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Thursday, February 15, 2024

1706. We Love Working Largely Because It Meets This Psychological Need.

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One of the 6 human psychological needs is growth and development. Of course, this is very well provided by work, at least, ideally. Perhaps there is no better place to grow and to develop your potential other than work. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, February 14, 2024

1705. [Interesting]. How Work Helps Solve Our Need for Love and Connection.

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One of our deepest psychological needs is love and connection. A lot of things are done in the name of love, both good and bad. Today for instance is Valentine's Day. You will see drama untold because of it. But did you know that work has an interesting way of fulfilling this human need? Listen to this.

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Tuesday, February 13, 2024

1686. [Controversial]. There Would Be No Need For Goverments (And Democracy is A White Washed Tomb) If Humans Did What They Were Intended To Do.mp3

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1704. [Controversial] There is No Place Else You Will Get Significance Other Than This.

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One of our biggest psychological needs as humans is the need for significance. If we really understood how we get this need sorted, we would not be overly excited about retirement. We will not be chasing for things but looking for our life's work. Listen to this.

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Monday, February 12, 2024

1703. How Work Helps Us With Our Psychological Need of Variety.

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We have 6 psychological needs. They are not automatically catered for just because we are humans and we are alive. We have a direct responsibility to make sure that these needs, at least a bulk of them, are catered for. Work is one great conduit for this. Listen to this.

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Sunday, February 11, 2024

1702. How Work Helps Meet The Psychological Need of Certainty

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Those who think that work is a curse have no idea how much of a blessing it is. We need to realize that one of the main reasons for our existence is to be productive. As a benefit of work, we gain certain psychological benefits. Here is one of them. Listen to this.

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Saturday, February 10, 2024

1279. Injecting Meaning In Life By Way of Rest and Relaxation

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1082. How Daring The Impossible Affects Fulfillment In Life

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1701. Why We Are Needed To Work.

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This, is perhaps one of the strongest messages I have ever 'preached'. It applies to just about all of us and it is about the interesting subject matter of work. If you and I do not do our part in deploying our life's work, the world, one way or another is affected. We might only know the extent in the afterlife. Listen to this.

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Friday, February 9, 2024

1700. The Two Ways of Fulfillment Everyone Should Know.

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What's the ultimate reason for the existence of humanity? It has to be work and productivity right? Tell me another if there is. Now, at the end of the day, there is one thing we always look for, and that is fulfillment. Here is how it operates in two ways. Listen to this.

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Thursday, February 8, 2024

1699. Why Work Is The Only Place For Fulfillment, Not Religion.

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People wrongly think that religion is where there is ultimate fulfillment in life. It partly explains why they can be easily taken advantage of by religious quacks for their own selfish gain. Let me state it here: Religion was never meant to be the ultimate place where you get your fulfillment. Work was. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, February 7, 2024

1698. Work, The Conduit For Purpose Deployment.

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Purpose and work are connected to the hip. It would be a great thing that the work that we are doing is our life's work, our purpose or our calling. However, we have to be careful, we all do not fall smack in the middle our purpose at the first asking. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, February 6, 2024

1697. We Err Castigating Graduates Looking for 'Any Job'. Here's Why.

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There is something we need to address, all of us motivational speakers or teachers. We like talking about ideals, black and white. We need to realize that life is full of grays...and so when someone asks for "any job", please understand it is better than nothing. Listen to this.

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Monday, February 5, 2024

1696. Can Work Be Defined Devoid of Pay, Bonuses and Vacations?

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Our definition of work can and should be liberating. Unfortunately, when people think about work, they feel discouraged, have their strength sapped and they just feel worn out. However, work is a blessing. This is how it should be defined. Listen to this.

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Sunday, February 4, 2024

1695. Can Your Work Affect or Should It Affect Your Identity?

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That's a good question to ask, actually, a great question to answer. Does it? Should it? Well, I can tell you that the answer is an emphatic Yes. Even if your identity is know at birth, it means nothing if you do not use it to do your core work. Listen to this.

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Saturday, February 3, 2024

1694. Why People Do Not Like Hiring Christians.

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You have probably heard people in employment positions not so overly excited about hiring Christians. I have. At times, even Christian employers themselves would rather hire someone who is not a believer because of the employment reputation that Christians have created over the years. What can we do as Christians? Listen to this.

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Friday, February 2, 2024

1693. Dispelling Two Toxic Notions About Work.

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I have sung the song for more than 15 episodes now about work. It is a positive thing. It is a human thing. It is even, a spiritual thing (More about that in the episode tomorrow). There are two things that we need to bring back to perspective about work. Why do you work? Listen to this.

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Thursday, February 1, 2024

1692. The 5 Ways In Which Work Is Exemplified In Our Lives.

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Work is a blessing, not a curse. Look at it this way. What will you see in your imagination if you imagine life without any human working? In two years, there will be no human. Here are 5 ways in which work is exemplified. Listen to this.

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