Sunday, December 31, 2023

1660. One Reason Experts and Geniuses Can Be Useless

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We are different. Crrated intentionally different, the color and beauty in the world is brought about when we celebrate variety and function with it deeply. That’s the first step. Then relationships help us to connect the different and unique parts of life and individuals. Listen to this.

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1659. Purpose and Relationships. Why One Cannot Do Without the Other

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We are social animals. If you removed our association with each other from life itself, the world crumbles. Relationships are therefore critical for the humans for different reasons, chief of which is connection of people's individual purposes in life. Listen to this.

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Saturday, December 30, 2023

1658. Why The Original Design For Fulfillment Is In Relationships

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We should know by now that anytime we veer off the original design, we get a problem. It goes without saying. Relationships are an original design that is absolutely integral to the human race. Listen to this.

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1657. Where Did Heart-To-Heart, Soul-To-Soul Relationships Go?

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It's a valid question. Believe it or not, the human was made to enjoy depth in Relationships. The fulfillment we gain from it is nothing comparable elsewhere. This is only reflected by the misery we get from a bad relationship. Listen to this. 

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1656. The Urgent Need To Re-Evaluate Our Relationships

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Relationships are one of the few top three fundamental basics of life. We as humans are at the core meant to relate. Tiday, more than any other age, Relationships face a living dead phenomenon, having a semblance of it, but lacking it's depth. Listen to this.

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Friday, December 29, 2023

1655. The 4 Interesting Life Principles That Equalise Us All

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All of us can meet somewhere at the basics. The only thing that differentiate us is the degree to which each individual worked well to take advantage of the basics. I do believe there are at least four equalisers in life. Listen to this.

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1654. Why We Shouldn't Think That Success Is Elsewhere

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No, it's not self hate. That's a strong word to use. It's a belief system that says the grass is greener elsewhere. Somehow all of us humans are always on the lookout for greener postures, perhaps rightfully so, but at the cost of what we already have. Listen to this.

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1653. The Three Simple Things That Our Lives Should Revolve Around

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Life can be more uncomplicated than we make it to be. When we are stripped of all these appendages and additions, we all realize that there are quite a number of things that are basic and fundamental but are taken for granted. Listen to this.

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Thursday, December 28, 2023

1652. The Universal Definition Of Success and Why It Is A Massive Problem To Individuals

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I once interviewed someone on this podcast then posted the episode on social media. I mentioned that my guest was a successful entrepreneur who moved to the the employment world only to receive a backlash negating that my guest wasn't successful. 

That's one way we complicate life, thinking there is one parameter of success that applies to everybody. Listen to this. 

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1651. Going Back To The Basics Of Life. What We Need to Focus On

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Is it possible to uncomplicate life? Is it true that an uncomplicated life gives room for everyone and becomes an equaliser? Chances are that the more we complicate it, the more we disenfranchise others. Listen to this.

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1650. The 5 Strategies On the Road Less Travelled That Help Us With our Re-birth

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The first time we were born, we were passive participators in the process. For us to grow into what we must become and lead from purpose, we need to actively participate in a self-birthing process over and over again. This happens on the road less travelled. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, December 27, 2023

1649. Why Taking Care of Your Goliath Gives You A Re-birth

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You can never be the same after the conquest of your vilest enemy. Immediately it happens, you are ushered into a brand new world. Your world has changed and you are not the same person anymore. But if you do not defeat your Goliath...listen to this. 

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1648. The Man in The Mirror Again. The Goliath That Stands In Our Own Way

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One of the most potent ways to give birth to ourselves is to take out a Goliath in our lives. Goliath denotes an impossing and paralysing enemy ready to instill fear and interfere with your destiny. One such a Goliath is the man in the mirror. Listen to this.

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1647. How The Goliath Moment Exchanged Destinies In One Act. Dont Pass On Your Problems

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David vs Goliath is a story told the world over. Books have been written about it. There's quite a number of lessons we can puck from it, most especially as concerns self birth and destiny formation. Listen to this.

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1646. The 6 Benefits We Get When We Dare

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"Far much better ut is to dare a mighty thing, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure..." There are great benefits to daring that we miss out when we don’t. Listen to this.

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1645. How We Can Open Up Boundless Possibilities and New Frontiers For Our Lives

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Did you know that we are all surrounded by limitations even though we might not even notice? When we are steeped in the status quo, it's hard for us to even imagine that we are limited. Listen to this.

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1644. Dealing A Telling Blow On Fear

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To magnify fear, stay immobile. Do nothing. Move no muscle. To punch holes in fear, start moving. To obliterate fear, dare to do the very thing you are afraid of. Listen to this.

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Saturday, December 23, 2023

1643. Do This To Know Where You Are Actually Limited

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This is not alarmist but all around us, we have limitations and blockades to our full potential even though we might not realize it. The situation remains unchanged we we remain in chains until the day we go on a dare. Listen to this.



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1642. Why We Are All Hidden, and We Might Not Even Know Ourselves

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Would our real selves please stand up? I dare say that a very small percentage of the human population know who they really are. Why? Because our hidden identities, who we really are, cannot be exposed in the status quo. Wanna know the real you? Try this. 



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1641. The Powerful Force That Kills Self Doubt in Us

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Self-doubt has robbed all of us of many possibilities. It keeps reigning supreme inside of us until it is confronted head on by new evidence that says the contrary.

That's why when encumbered by it, we need to go on a dare. Listen to this.



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1641. The Powerful Force That Kills Self Doubt in Us

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Self-doubt has robbed all of us of many possibilities. It keeps reigning supreme inside of us until it is confronted head on by new evidence that says the contrary.

That's why when encumbered by it, we need to go on a dare. Listen to this.



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Monday, December 18, 2023

1640. Getting Out of the Sin of Conformism By Mounting a Dare

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Humans, because of the cultures we have created and because of the inherent desire to have certainty, it is easy for us to conform to what we have always known. However, conformism doesn't birth anything new, something that we desperately need in order to reinvent ourselves. Listen to this.

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1638. The Importance of Doing the Unconventional in the Self-Birthing Process

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To do the normal and the expected is to get the normal and probably the expected. If you and I have to birth something new, then we have to do the unconventional. This can mostly be done on the road less traveled. Listen to this.

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1638. The Importance of Doing the Unconventional in the Self-Birthing Process

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To do the normal and the expected is to get the normal and probably the expected. If you and I have to birth something new, then we have to do the unconventional. This can mostly be done on the road less traveled. Listen to this.

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1638. The Importance of Doing the Unconventional in the Self-Birthing Process

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To do the normal and the expected is to get the normal and probably the expected. If you and I have to birth something new, then we have to do the unconventional. This can mostly be done on the road less traveled. Listen to this.

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1639. Two Ways To Do The Unconventional So as To Birth Yourself

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We are immersed every day in convention and status quo. if we keep worshipping the convention and doing only that which we have always done, the chances of giving birth to ourselves are slim to none. Here is what we should do instead. Listen to thsi.

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Monday, December 11, 2023

1638. The 6 Factors That Crucially Determine Our Self-Birthing Process

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The self-birthing process is a critical thing for all of us. It might not be an event or even a process, but a lifetime thing. We need to keep evolving. If we don't, we risk not deploying all our potential. Here are some six considerations for that. Listen to this.

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1636. Working On Your Abilities As A Way of Giving Birth To Ourselves

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The evolution of the self is always going to be a continuous process. We all need to keep self-birthing as we go on in our lives. However, this process can never be complete without deploying all that we have as potential...our abilities. Listen to this.

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1635. Why We Should Keep Rethinking The Competency Based Curriculum

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I know the topic is about self-birth but there is quite a crucial point to make by looking at what we do with our academic school systems. Even though we have been rejigging the curriculums, there is something that we need to learn. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, December 5, 2023

1634. Are We Daily Doing What We Are Passionate About? Let's Find out.

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Passion is such a powerful force. At the center of creation, there is passion. In fact, without it, possibly very few things, or no things will be created. The paradox is that we can live our lives without doing what we are passionate about and just about make it. Listen to this.

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Monday, December 4, 2023

1633. All Humans, Whether they Owned A Phone Or Not, Have Had Missed Calls

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The road less traveled is invariably the road that will help us to realize who we really are. It's giving birth to self. It is on that road that we get to realize just how much we are called. People think that a calling is a religious thing. it's not necessarily. Listen to this.

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Sunday, December 3, 2023

1632. This is Perhaps Why We Do Not Self-Birth

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There is such a thing as coming face to face with who you really are. For the most part, this never happens arbitrarily and that's why many people live their lives without going through a process of self-birthing. Here is one reason we don't do it.

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Saturday, December 2, 2023

1631. Why This Might Be The Best Form of 'Education' That Leads to Self Birthing

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We confuse 'Γ‰ducation' and academics a lot. What we need to be aware of is that education is all over the place, whether formal or otherwise. Academics are limited. If there was to be the best of education and academics, I believe there is one that we should consider. Listen to this.

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Friday, December 1, 2023

1630. The One Weapon That Will Stop All Traffic To Bring Us To A Self-Birthing Process

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There is such a thing as giving birth to oneself. It's a personal process that is needed. The thing is that we can go through life for 9 decades without doing this and still be filled with activities to do. Here is how to start breaking that cycle.

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