Thursday, August 31, 2023

1537. Why Visionary Education Dropouts like Gates and Jobs Excelled Because of The System

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I used to see young men and women pointing at Zuckerberg, Jobs and Gates as their example for not continuing with school. They forget that these luminaries would never, repeat, NEVER be where they are and achieve what they achieved WITHOUT the education system of the day. That's another strong reason why we should stop blaming the education systems. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, August 30, 2023

1536. If We Are Going To Blame The Education System, Let's Do This First

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It is so common and easy these days to blame the education systems of the world. Over and over again complaints have come from all over the place about it. However, I am here to challenge us a little bit. What is so wrong about the system and is so right about our culture and expectations? Sounds complex, but listen to this.

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Tuesday, August 29, 2023

1535. Why We Need To Stop Bashing The Education System

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Over the years and especially in the recent past, people have been speaking ill of the education systems. Coaches and speakers have been especially known for bashing the system. Policy makers and experts too have spoken up about it, not to mention HR practitioners. Should we bash it? I start speaking about why we shouldn't in this series. Stay tuned.

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Monday, August 28, 2023

1534. The 4 Powerful Actions To Take When We Face A Slump

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As has been discussed over and over in the past several episodes, a regression is part and parcel of our lives. We might not fully avoid setbacks, failure, crisis and slumps. When they do happen, here are some of the four things that we can do to get out better. Listen to this.

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Sunday, August 27, 2023

1533. This is What To Fight For With All Our Might When We Experience Regression

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There is an interesting cord that connects us to being alive. It is what we do daily to maintain a semblance of sanity. When we go through a setback and when we regress, it will be best if we fight tooth and nail to keep things intact. Listen to this.

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Saturday, August 26, 2023

1532. The Power of Patience In The Moments of Regression

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It is an uncomfortable place to be at when you are in a crisis and when you are generally regressing. You want out of that situation as soon as yesterday. However, that's not how life turns out, at least for the most part. We might need to stay there a little longer. Listen to this.

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Friday, August 25, 2023

1531. It Sounds Weird, But Let's Celebrate When We Regress. Here's Why

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By default, when a crisis happens, we all tend to curse, cringe and even give up on what we were pursuing. Maybe we are justified to do so. However, could there be another approach? How about to celebrate the regression? Listen to this.

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Thursday, August 24, 2023

1530. The 5 Things We Should Not Do When We are Regressing

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Regression is part and parcel of life, part and parcel of growth and maturity. It is unwise to think that we can circumnavigate it and become successful in life. Here is what we should NOT do as and when regression happens to us. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, August 23, 2023

1529. The Incredibly Powerful Force Acceptance of Regression Unleashes on Our Lives

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Two opposing forces determine two major outcomes in our lives. One is acceptance and one is denial. When we are going through a crisis in our lives, when we are regressing and it is out of our control, we can choose either of the two depending on our contexts. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, August 22, 2023

1528. Are We Using Life As A Crutch To Get Things? Here's How To Change Perspectives

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Our life's philosophies will ultimately determine how we approach it. More interestingly, it is our life philosophies that will determine how we handle moments of regression when they do occur. Does regression mean losing material things or losing essence of life itself? Listen to this.

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Monday, August 21, 2023

1527. How It Looks Like To Let Go and Let God

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Regression is part and parcel of our lives. Whether we have invited it in or it has come by force like Covid-19 did, we will face moments in our lives where we shall regress. However, what do we do in those moments? What do we avoid doing? Listen to this.

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Sunday, August 20, 2023

1526. Why Worry Is Such A Default Thing in Humanity

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If you ever found a human who has perfectly overcome worry, you will be in the presence of the most carefree and peaceful person this world has ever seen. When we go through a crisis, it is nearly automatic for us to start worrying. We shouldn't, and it's not easy. Listen to this.

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Saturday, August 19, 2023

1525. Why Just About Everything We Start Can Regress, And Some Good News

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We need to know this by now. We live in a dark, fallen world, and we are not perfect. Therefore, just about anything new is greatly susceptible to regression, but that is not an indication necessarily that it will fail. Listen to this.

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Friday, August 18, 2023

1524. How Our Brains Participate in Regression And How To Avoid It

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Since we love comfort as a default, any time something out of the status quo or out of the norm happens to us, we tend to automatically take it negatively or as a warning. Consequently, we tend to shut down. We might even think it is a regression when it is not. Listen to this.

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Thursday, August 17, 2023

1523. Why It is Important To Understand That Regression Has an Expiration Date

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Illusions have a way of ruling our lives only for us to realize later on that there was nothing to them. Perhaps by that time, we have wasted a lot of emotional capital in worry and so on. If we only knew that some things are not permanent. Listen to this.

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Wednesday, August 16, 2023

1522. Embracing Regression

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This might sound counterproductive but it is true. We need to embrace regression as part of life, and also as a very incredible part of the equation of our success in life. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, August 15, 2023

1555. Why Our Biggest Fight Must Be The Fight For Momentum

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I cannot overemphasize this. Consistency is one thing, but momentum is another. If I set my goals once each January first for ten years in a row, that is a lot of consistency. But there is little or no momentum in that. What we gain with our actions is momentum, not just consistency. Listen to this.

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1521. Why It is Wisdom to Embrace Regression and Failure

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It is foolhardy to think and actually expect smooth sailing in all our life's endeavors. We are not perfect and are not living in a perfect world. We are not God and do not know everything. Therefore, we are bound to regress at some point in life. We need to embrace that, here is why. 

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Monday, August 14, 2023

1520. The 5 Irreplaceable Weapons Against Existing Apathy In Our Lives

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The good news is that even if apathy has taken residence in our lives for decades, it can still be shown the door. Apathy is one enemy that is not permanent for as long as we have breath and we want to get better. Here are the five things we can do to terminate its reign on our lives.

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Sunday, August 13, 2023

1519. The Power of Chunking Down In Removing Apathy From Our Lives

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We get paralyzed sometimes when we cannot figure out something, especially when it seems to be so big or complex. In that way, we get steeped into apathy. We have nothing done because we are stuck. Thankfully, there is a way out of this. Listen to this.

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Saturday, August 12, 2023

1518. Want To Kill Apathy Out of Your Life? Do this This Week

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Apathy denotes lack of concern, enthusiasm and interest, insidiously even with the things that are important to us and that matter to us. In other words, we are all susceptible to it. How then do we handle our situations when apathy has been reigning supreme in our lives for months? Listen to this.

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Friday, August 11, 2023

1517. Use This Simple Tool To Get Out of Apathy In Your Life

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Once apathy has set itself up in our lives for a while, it creates an illusionary mountain that is impossible to climb. Fortunately for us, no matter how bad the situation is, there is always a way back to remedy from incessant apathy even if it has lasted for decades. Listen to this.

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Thursday, August 10, 2023

1516. How To Overcome Already Existing Apathy in Your Life

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There are so powerful words of resilience. They are include restoration, revival, redemption and so on. At the center of all this, there is apathy that probably set in a while back, and in some instances, has been in existence for years. How exactly do we start dealing with that? Listen to this.

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Wednesday, August 9, 2023

1515. The 8 Powerful Tools To Use To Kill Apathy Out of Your Life

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Immediately you get new information, ideas, discoveries, direction and even commands or orders, the enemy called apathy sets itself up to make sure that the conception of the new order doesn't happen. It is a very precarious moment that we need to be aware of. Here is how we can deal with apathy fully. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, August 8, 2023

1514. How Physical Health Is Curiously Connected To Apathy

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It is a very interesting thing to note the conjunction between our physical bodies, our minds and the spirit. They all work together. However, the more interesting of the three is the physical body. At times, when it is off, motivation is also off and that can open the door for apathy to come in. Listen to this.

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Monday, August 7, 2023

1538. One More Reason To Stop Blaming The Education System

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Parents have a lot of faith in the education systems of the day. Even thought hat is changing fast, we still have some who believe it its power. On the other hand, a lot of us have risen up to criticize it. Here is why we should rethink that.

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1513. Why It Is Important To Vet The Inner Circle In Your Life

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Not surprisingly, the company we keep can be very instrumental in the things that we do. They can motivate us and demotivate us. A lot of the things that we do are catalyzed by the kinds of people that we allow to have sway in our lives. Listen to this.

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Sunday, August 6, 2023

1512. The Power of Routine In Fighting The Spirit of Apathy

📢 New #Podcast!!   We are normally taught about the power of taking action. It is one of the most potent things we can do to fight apathy. However, you will notice that apathy is not an enemy that dies. It always rises up and always is lurking around seeking someone to attach itself to and stifle our potential. Listen to this.

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Saturday, August 5, 2023

1511. How To Fight Apathy In Microseconds

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A lot of power can be directed towards a good path in a simple decision that doesn't have to last even two seconds. This is how we can kill the spirit of apathy in our lives. If not, apathy just needs a few minutes of gestation to ruminate on our mind and get a foothold. Let's learn how to take care of it here. Listen to this.

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Friday, August 4, 2023

1510. How Critical 'Moments' Are in Our Lives To Turn Us To Either A Good Path or A Bad One

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A life can be destroyed in micro seconds. When you see things happening, a decision has taken place within seconds. It is in those seconds that you can decide to either respond or react, like the police officer in Uganda who shot a bank manager dead over some misunderstanding. We are all susceptible to this. Listen to this.

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Thursday, August 3, 2023

1509. This, Perhaps, Is The Greatest Arsenal That Fights Apathy Out of Our Lives

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Apathy is an insidious disease that is always lurking around us. It has to be mastered. This mastery is not just once, it is a continuous battle, if not daily. I we will not take care of apathy, we will lose our potential and make it dormant forever. Here is one of the most powerful things you and I can do.

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Wednesday, August 2, 2023

1508. Why This is The First Step In Conquering Apathy

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At all costs, apathy must be conquered. When Myles Munroe said that the richest place is the graveyard, one of the greatest catalysts to that state is apathy. We need to learn quick how we can conquer it. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, August 1, 2023

1507. This is The Kind Of Death We All Must Evade, Yet it Lurks Around Daily

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It is so amazing to realize just how pervasive apathy is all around us. It pervades all areas of our lives, especially those areas that are important to us: Relationships, purpose pursuits and intimacy with God and spirituality. The ominous thing is that where apathy goes, death follows. Listen to this.

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