Thursday, October 31, 2019

145. The 5 Benefits of Living Your Life on The Edge

It turns out that there are great benefits when we are constricted and when our backs are against the wall. On the surface, it might seem like we have so much great disadvantages against us. However, if we are keen enough, we shall realize more than 5 Benefits of living our lives on the edge. Listen to this!

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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

144. Why Google Might Not Help You With the Mot Important Life Question

In Life, questions are always going to be answered. The quality of the life we live will be in proportion to the quality of questions we are willing to ask. It will also be determined by the dare that we have to stay with the questions long enough to get the answers. Thankfully, Google is here...but does that solve our life problems? Here is where Google is limited and here are five or six.things you can do instead.

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Tuesday, October 29, 2019

143. Five Reasons YOU CANNOT BE ANYTHING You Want To Be

It is easy to be motivational and tell people that they can be anything they want to be. Is it true? Although it sounds like we can choose whatever we want to do, I think there is a major difference between being anything you want to and being everything you were meant to be. Here are five reasons why. Listen in.

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Monday, October 28, 2019


From the ends of the earth, the universe and the Divine are in a seeking mode always. Looking throughout the earth for men and women that have come alive.

These men and women are the world's most wanted. They are not special and few. As a matter of fact, we all potentially can be the world's most wanted. Here is why.

Check out this episode!

Sunday, October 27, 2019

141. The 5 Reasons Why You Need To Love Discomfort in Your Life

The biggest paradox in life is that between comfort and discomfort. If we embrace comfort, then discomfort visits us. When we are content in discomfort, our growth is stifled. However, when we intentionally choose to be uncomfortable for a season of time, we start growing. There are five or so crucial benefits for discomfort. Listen to this.

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Saturday, October 26, 2019

140. The 5 Personal Lessons I Learnt from Mandela’s Long Walk to Freedom

At times in life, we face insurmountable odds. Nelson Mandela faced his just as much as any human being encounters some personal odds. I have read Long Walk To Freedom for the umpteenth time and have drawn some five lessons we can learn when we are facing our odds. Listen to this.

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Friday, October 25, 2019

139. What is in the ToolBox or A Great Leader? Five Things To Note.

What a great relief when a leader of any sorts rises up. This world experiences order out of chaos, dreams are given hope and things are made to happen. A great leader though is distinguished by several things from other types of leaders. In this episode, we discuss just five of those. Stay tuned.

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Thursday, October 24, 2019

138. These are the 7 Things You Can Do To GROW WHILE STAGNANT

Growth is something that can almost be inevitable. However, in life, there are those moments where we are affected by one thing or another, and we become seemingly stagnant. How can we ensure that growth is taking place even when we are seemingly not progressing? I think there are at least seven things we can do. Listen in.

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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

137. The 2 Crucial Things to Do When Stagnant.

In our quest for progress in life, at times our growth and development is punctuated by stagnation. What we need to figure out is whether this stagnation is within our control of mastery or not. But even if we are not in full control, there could still be something we can do. Listen to this.

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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

136. The 7 Ways You Can Get Into The NEXT LEVEL of Your Life.

We were all created to progress through life and get to our destinations through levels. No matter how far you and I have come, there is always going to be a Next Level to aspire to.

What we need to learn is how intentional we can get to get to our next level. In this podcast, let's share the 7 different ways we can intentionally use to get to the next level.

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Sunday, October 20, 2019

134. The 5 Reasons Why The Word 'Impossible' Must Be In Your Dictionary

/The fact is that our greatest growth will always stem from facing our greatest impossibilities. The impossibilities are always going to be subjective. When we shun impossibilities, we are in a way shunning growth. Here are five ways impossibilities are good for you and me. Listen to this./

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Saturday, October 19, 2019

133. Listening To Your Heart and Creating Your Own Revolution

/We all are entitled to break with the status quo and do something that is revolutionary. Something that resonates within our hearts and yet it seemingly has no place in the status quo. How in the world can we create our own personal revolutions?/

Check out this episode!

Friday, October 18, 2019

132. The 7 Things To Do When Given an Impossible Task

/Once in a while, we have to make a decision whether to take on an impossible project or leave it. Our growth and development will be proportional to how much we are daring to over and over again challenge the impossible. This is what to do when you have to dare the impossible./

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Thursday, October 17, 2019

131. Five Ways to Overcome the Curse of the Internet and Master Personal Development

/At the centre and at the core of every achievement, there is personal development. That's just a fact. In today's world, it is easy to get access to resources to bolster our personal development from the internet. The question is: how do we manage the information overload of the internet? How do we leverage it for our personal development?/

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

130. Fulfillment of Dreams ~ The Crucial Play of Systems and Supporting Casts

/The honeymoon is in the dreaming. We all can dream. Only in the worst scenarios do we see people unable to dream, desire or wish. Where the rubber meets the road is where the dreams need to be materialized. That is where we need systems and structures to "pillar up" our dreams. Listen to this./

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Tuesday, October 15, 2019

129. Why Desire is Such a Powerful Life Force ~ 7 Lessons To Learn

/There is no one that is born without having an innate ability to dream and to desire for more, for better for good. However, somewhere along the way, we tune off our dream machines especially after we start facing insurmountable odds. There is a great power in desire, even God Himself backs us up to desire. Here is what we can learn from desire.

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Monday, October 14, 2019

128. Why A Personal Reflection is Critical for a Quality Life of Purpose.

/The quality of life we live will be in direct proportion of our own introspection. If we can withdraw from the hustles and bustles of life and ask ourselves questions related to meaning, purpose, direction and intention, we will immensely increase the essence, depth and quality of life that we are living. Listen to this encouragement./

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Sunday, October 13, 2019

127. Two Things We Must Do To Change Our Inner Game

/An African proverb goes something to the effect that "If the enemy within is conquered, the enemy without can do us no harm". If our inner game is not on point, well polished and fortified, chances are that we will be deviating from the core direction of our lives. What can we do to rectify this? Listen here./

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Saturday, October 12, 2019

126. Confession Time. This is my Biggest Addiction and my Plan for Recovery

/I can tell you this: We are all susceptible to addictions. We all have some things that we need to conquer lest we get absolutely derailed from our calling and purpose. What can we do about our addictions? Listen to this/

Check out this episode!

Friday, October 11, 2019

125. The 3 Greatest Distractions To Daily Full-Engaged Living.

/It is possible to live with our foot on the break our entire lives because of internal issues. However, for the most part, we waste our days because we allow ourselves to be distracted and to be derailed on a daily basis by things. What do we do if we wanted to be fully engaged daily? Listen to this./

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Thursday, October 10, 2019

124. How a Hungry Heart is Your Greatest Asset in Life.

/Every great thing we do has its unction, its anchor and its core in our hearts. The content of our hearts determines what we broadcast into our world. Hunger for more, hunger for excellence and hunger to accomplish things is a great asset in life. Listen to this./

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Wednesday, October 9, 2019

123. Making the Most Powerful Decision For Your Life

/Being known for what you stand for can be one of the most unpopular things in your life. I am interested though in that moment of decision making when a soul considers their life and decides which direction it will or will not take. When that is done, believe me, things are bound to happen. Listen to this./

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Tuesday, October 8, 2019

122. Remove These Two Spiritual Ingredients and You have no Gates, Jobs, and Zuckerberg

/There is a massive spiritual side to success that without it, you will not have the huge visionaries that we have today. If anything, success is not a complicated thing. First, it is personal. Then, it has only two major things that you and I need to be aware of. Here we go!/

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Monday, October 7, 2019

121. The 5 Basic Ways You Can Become an Influencer of Choice

/We live in a highly distracted and competitive world. What should happen if you wanted to be a service provider of choice? How do you prepare yourself so that you will be always remembered in case someone picks you up for a split second? Let's find out./

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Saturday, October 5, 2019

120. What Can You Do Even When Jobless

/The title "Jobless" does demoralize a lot. That's why we try to come up with more appealing titles that still do not mean much. "I am in between jobs" for example. There is something though that you and I can do when we are in that situation. Actually, it is much more than just one thing that will be of great help. Listen in./

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Friday, October 4, 2019

119. Why Being 'Just Obedient' is A Detrimental Philosophy in the Modern Job Market

/People say that there are no jobs on one hand. On the other hand, would-be employers are looking for a special crop of people. People who are not going to wait to be told what to do, but who would take initiative. People who will not be bossed around and micromanaged, but those who would be self-motivated. Here is how the philosophy of "Robotics" is detrimental in the current job market"/

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Thursday, October 3, 2019

118. Why A Salary is a Deadly Philosophy in the Modern Job Market

/If I came after your salary, I am sure going to be in total trouble. However, if you are unemployed, the philosophy of salaries could be something that is working against you unbeknownst. Could it be that you have been hoodwinked? Listen to this./

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Wednesday, October 2, 2019

117. The Philosophy of 'Graduation' Will Devalue You if You are not Careful

/Graduating is a great thing. It used to be a great thing in the job market. However, things have changed. In the modern job market, the philosophy if Graduation is increasingly becoming deadly. How do we get aligned?/

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Tuesday, October 1, 2019

116. The Curious Philosophy of 'Jobs' and Its Detrimental Impact in Society

/Is a job the only thing that you and I can do to add value in the world? For job-seekers, the philosophy of jobs could be one detrimental factor in their seeking to make it in life. Jobs are important, but are they sufficient? Can we function without them?/

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