Monday, September 30, 2019

115. How Resumes and CVs Are No Longer The Arsenal That Fetches You a Job

/As we continue developing in the world, the job landscape has totally been altered over the recent past. No longer is a CV the most celebrated arsenal you can use to acquire a job. What can you do?/

Check out this episode!

Friday, September 27, 2019

113. How the Philosophy of Job Titles is Detrimental to a Job Seeker

/If you are looking for a job, there is one belief system that you will need to exterminate. You are not looking for a Job Title. You should be looking for opportunities to serve. Here is why./

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Thursday, September 26, 2019

112. Understanding the Powerful Philosophies that are (mis)Guiding Job Seekers

/If you are hunting for a job, chances are that you are operating under some recycled belief systems that no longer serve their purpose. These philosophies move you away from your core, and can easily distract you from developing yourself. Let's listen in and find out what this is./

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Wednesday, September 25, 2019

111. Being in God's Will Is Overrated at times. Here's Why.

/God is not in the business of ‘zombifying’ people and robotizing every action they take. Be in synch with Him as you use your free-will to make decisions other than sitting and waiting on God when the ball is in your court. It is important to be in God's will. However at times, this is overrated. Here is why/

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Tuesday, September 24, 2019

110. The Best Answer to 'What Do You Do' Especially When In a Crisis

/A crisis has a way of messing up with our identities. When we are in a crisis mode, we do not want people to see us as inferior. However, we need to learn how to introduce ourselves even if we are "jobless". This is how we do it./

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Monday, September 23, 2019

114. Why Having a Degree Is No Longer A Big Deal-Entitlement Philosophy

/We used to feel entitled when we acquired some academic heights such as a Degree. We always felt like we should be rewarded in the job market accordingly. Well not any more. Things have changed and they still are changing. What do we do now?/

Check out this episode!

109. The One Thing To Do While Waiting For Your Breakthrough

/When we are in crisis, it is so easy to get paralyzed. We want to wait until we are back to normal before we can take some kind of action. What can we do when we are stuck and our options are seemingly out?/

Check out this episode!

Saturday, September 21, 2019

108. How You Can Buy Back Your Greatness in One Second…

/When we face adversity, our thought patterns are at times severely affected. We tend to think negatively about our identity, our prospects in life, our hope of making it and the general outlook of life. It is, however, an illusion. What can we do to buy back our greatness in an instant?/

Check out this episode!

Friday, September 20, 2019

107. Why We All Must Become Surgeons…and Pilots Too

/Soldiers put their lives on the line for oblivious people. However, Pilots and Surgeons are faced with the unenviable task of ensuring that lives will not be lost. They are expected to perform to the utmost. Here is what we can learn from these people./

Check out this episode!

Thursday, September 19, 2019

106. That Opportunity Never Knocks Half a Truth

/We are generally a very hopeful lot, us humans. It, therefore, does not bode well when we are told that opportunities never knock twice. Coupled with the fact that we are not necessarily perfect and so we can fail at first attempt. How do we connect hope and second chances? Listen in./

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

105. Forget The Lords Prayer, or the Prayer of Jabez! There is Your Prayer! Oops

/Prayer is a universal language. The problem we have is when people complicate things. We do not need to borrow prayers or regurgitate words. Find out from this the greatest prayer you can make./

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

104. Is it Possible To Craft A Personal Vision for 300 Years?

/There are people that we know who though dead, are still impacting the current society immensely. This is notwithstanding the current technological improvements. Their secret is a long term vision. How can we create such a one?/

Check out this episode!

Monday, September 16, 2019

103. Here is How You can Know What a Blessed Life Looks Like

/What does it look like to be blessed for you? Have you ever sat down and considered the full extent of what a blessed life looks like and what it would mean to you? Listen to this and learn about mine. See if it is the same as yours./

Check out this episode!

Saturday, September 14, 2019

102. Why I Do Not Have A Million Dollars....Yet. What's the Plan For Yours?

/Is there anyone who is not interested in a million dollars? A large percentage of people want the privilege to own a million dollars. The question is: Why is it ever so elusive? This is an attempt to answer that question. Listen in./

Check out this episode!

Friday, September 13, 2019

101. Let's Fire All The Teachers. No, Not Really!

/There is one aspect of the function of a traditional teacher that makes them so powerful. With the improvement in technology, the traditional teaching profession as we know it is at stake. And this is exactly why we must "fire" all the traditional teachers. Listen in/

Check out this episode!

Thursday, September 12, 2019

100. Why Is it that We Fail To STOP supporting our Sports Teams??

/Have you ever tried to stop supporting your favourite sports team and be successful? I would like to talk to you if that's the case. For the most part, though, it is next to impossible to stop supporting a team. What can we learn from this in terms of our pursuits in life? Listen to this!/

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

99. Why is it that 'Success Secrets' and Formulas Do Not Work

/Did you notice how easy it is to give attention to someone who purports to have a secret formula for just about anything? Even if that secret formula worked for them, here is what you need to consider so that it can work for you too!/

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

98. Five Swipes at The Church: Learning to be Relevant in the Current Age

/It was not easy for me to record this, neither was it easy for me to post this...but I think it is necessary. Fact: I am the least of the people to have any kind of "review" or even "judgment" against the church. Anyway, let's hear this out/

Check out this episode!

Monday, September 9, 2019

97. The Five Most Rewarding Battles To Wage and Win Daily

/The good news and the bad news is that battles are being fought each day to such an extent that we are oblivious of them. In your life, there are five major battles that you can wage that will leave you successful, impactful, fulfilled and satisfied. Find out here/

Check out this episode!

Saturday, September 7, 2019

96. The World's Most Exceptional Ingredient For Making it in Life

/Unfortunately, it is part of life. What I am sharing with you today is not necessarily a secret, neither does it promise comfort. The ingredient for making it in life is like a silver bullet that can be used in just about any endeavour that you have. Listen to this./

Check out this episode!

Thursday, September 5, 2019

94. Here Is A Simple Step of Crafting Your Own Success Formula (It's Not a Secret).

/We are moved easily by marketing advertisements that tell us of a secret formula to succeed. Well, there IS a formula for success that is personal to you. Here are its components./

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

93. Here Is The Power In Judging Ourselves First.

/The easiest tool we have at our disposal to give us critical data for improvement is judgment/review. However, we find ourselves easily judging other people. Here is how we can turn the tide and start reviewing ourselves in order to be our absolute best/

Check out this episode!

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