Thursday, February 24, 2011


A Few days back, I wrote a note on my Facebook page titled “My Free Advice to the Ugandan Opposition”. I wrote this note a day after Ugandans went to elect their Leaders, before any official results were released by the Electoral Commission. Granted, many people the world over are not happy that Uganda as a nation has the same President for over 20 years. Their quick interpretation is ‘Dictator, corrupt, clinging to power’, and so on.
Revolutions have taken place in the Arab world in such a short time that it amazes the rest of the world. Many news analysts and ‘experts’ are equating Uganda to the Arab world. I sometimes have a problem with ‘Expert’ sitting continents away in a cozy high tower building in the west (or east or north or whatever) analyzing a situation on the ground for me. I can agree that sometimes, it is good for me to have a world view of things, but that should never be at the expense of my view, my empirical view. Before I came to Uganda in 2008, believe me, I could give you an ‘expert’ analysis of how a dictator the incumbent president was! Having stayed here for close to two years, I see some errors that I committed in my judgment.
In a nutshell, I told the Ugandan Opposition to style up! I told them that the masses expected much more than they offered. I told them that doing the same thing over and over again, each time expecting different results in nothing but insanity. I told them to think through their strategies. However, the most important thing I told them to do is to ‘be the vision that they want to see’.
And that my friend is one of the indisputable Laws of success according to Life Signatures. Christians have a practice which to the casual observer seems bizarre and weird to say the least. That custom is called ‘Baptism by Immersion’. What blew me away about this practice is the WHY behind it. According to the Bible, baptism is on OUTWARD sign of INWARD change. You see the point? Change starts from the INSIDE….then spirals on to the outside overflow. Unfortunately, the overflow that the masses in Uganda saw on their Opposition parties were such that depicted hatred, bickering, war, complaining, lack of passion, lack of vision, resistance…and so on.
The fastest and sure way of accomplishing your goals, your vision and mission is to be the vision. Experience the vision for yourself inwardly so you can have a true ‘expert’ passionate disposition about it. We talked previously about Setting Goals-a key component of any successful life. We discussed how important it is to have yourself focused on that which you want to have, do or become. After the Goal setting, it is absolutely imperative that you go to work on THYSELF immediately as far as your goal is concerned.
  • What are the good habits, disciplines and behaviors that you need to EXPAND?
  • What are those bad habits, ‘the little foxes that spoil the vine’ that you need to STOP?
  • What is the general idea of the person you are to BECOME in order to attract or attain your goals?
  • What are the NEW HABITS, disciplines and behaviors that you need to START?
As you can see, this is totally what this blog has kept advocating-Life By Design. You actually have the opportunity to take your life, examine it, and make the necessary alterations as you seek to be a better you. Moving from one glory to another will not happen without inward constant change and alignment.
There is no shortcut to the process. It’s a roots and fruits thing. You see fruits on a tree because there are roots. It’s a systems thing…you become successful by implementing powerful personal success systems over and over, much like the organizations of the world are built upon well-oiled systems.
When people see the inward changes you are making in order to attain your goals, events, resources, connections, ideas and everything else needed to attain your dream start aligning themselves towards the attainment of your goals.
So, go out there today, and be the vision! Then and only then will you start seeing progress towards realizing that which you are dreaming as a Visionary.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I think I read somewhere the following: there are two overwhelming principles of success, and all others hinge in these: ‘go-for-it-iveness’ and ‘stick-to-it-veness’. Microsoft word is looking at me as a cow on a new gate when I type those two.

My main point for this post is the second part of success: ‘stick-to-it-iveness’. Visions are always bigger than the visionary that is why they are called visionaries. The distinguishing characteristic of all visionaries is that they believe in something bigger than themselves, something that all their current resources put together will not pull off the vision. The only masterful resource at their disposal is faith, belief. Faith that the vision will happen, and belief that the vision is worth waiting on. ‘Stick-To-It-iveness’!

Sometimes a visionary gets so caught up in the impracticability of the fruition of his vision. Sometimes a visionary suffers lack…lack of money, lack of motivation…sometimes his/her vision is diverted by the current pressures of basic needs: food, shelter and clothing. The distinguishing factor of visionaries is the ability to believe in their dream even when obscured by the current pressures of the world.

The best we can do is just gaze at the vision…yes, we might be totally incapacitated…at the moment, but now is not the time to give up on it altogether. Stick-to-it-iveness. One great scientist said that the reason he is more successful than others is because he stays with problems longer than others…and I am sure he sticks to his vision in the face of his problem…and ‘outsticks’ the problem.

At this moment in time, the above perfectly describes yours truly. One of the best quotes I have heard is by Mary Manin Morrisey “Absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence”. Again, I heard someone else say “What lies before me and what lies behind me are nothing compared to what lies within me”! Enough said.

The following song has been playing in my heart for quite a while, helping me to stick-it-out.

I hope you never lose your sense of wonder,  
You get your fill to eat but always keep that hunger,  
May you never take one single breath for granted,  
God forbid love ever leave you empty handed,  
I hope you still feel small When you stand beside the ocean,  
Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens, 
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, 
I hope you dance I hope you dance 

I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance, 
Living might mean taking chances but they're worth taking,  
Lovin' might be a mistake but it's worth making  
Don't let some hell bent heart Leave you bitter,  
When you come close to selling out reconsider, 
Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance, 
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance,
 I hope you dance~Lee Ann Womack

Friday, February 18, 2011


"Excuse me sir, may I go out". If you were raised in any rural school especially in Kenya, you would understand that this is a standard statement that kids are TAUGHT to use to gain permission to visit the facilities...ok the loos...Ok..the toilet! Other kids elsewhere am sure they have better code words to use...but at the end of the day, they get the PERMISSION.

That is the key word here: PERMISSION. In talking about Life Purpose and Passion, it has always interested me to note that the MINDSET we possess is extremely crucial for success.

There definitely is such a thing as Success Disorder. It is so subtle that even those who truly are willing to succeed in one way or another suffer from this disoder. Come to think of we have people who want to earn 10 times more than they are earning now?  Do we have people who would want to improve their relationships? Do we have people who would really enjoy some time on holiday in a cruise ship? Do we have people who would give anything to get a better job? Better yet, do we have people who dream day in and out of being a meaningful specific? Yes on all counts!

Question: Why are they/we not experiencing that which we desire/want to have, be and do yet we have longed for it/them for years on end? Ever thought about that? That is what Success Disorder is all about. You could spell success disorder this way: PERMISSION. According to Noah St. John, Success Disorder is what happens when a person develops a deeply negative SELF BELIEF, and UNCONSCIOUSLY develops a pattern of behaviour marked by an aversion to or pushing away of success.
The most intriguing thing about success disorder is that it does not take place in the Conscious mind.It takes place over time within the subconscious mind. It is slowly wired in day in day out depending on how we are 'taught', or what we experience in life. Therefore, the conscious mind is busy saying things like "I am going to be rich"....yet the subconscious mind retorts "Remember, you can never be rich".  According to Noah St.John, the unconscious mind is even bigger thant he concious mind, and much more powerful. It dictates the way things will gravitate in anyone's mind. 
Permission to succeed is effectively given by the subconscious mind, through eliminating head trash. We will be talking about our 'environmnet', and our fuel system at a later post.

If we are to deal with success disoder, there are three things that we can do.
  • Nip in the Bud: This is where we train, mentor, coach, and motivate the 'intrinsic' age and rightfully calibirate their minds for success. I firmly believe that this is done in the home-school setting, parent/guardian and child relationship. This process not only helps the child develop a powerful success mentality, can do attitude, and champion outlook, but also enhances the relationship with the parent/guardian. This, I strongly believe, cannot be abdicated to House Helps, or primary school teachers. One of my Missions on earth is to develop the necessary frameworks as far as nipping in the bud is concerned.
  • Affirmations: It is said that one of the ways to train the subconscious mind is to repeat something over and over again. Affirmations is one of the ways you can use to re-calibrate your mind, and actually give yourself PERMISSION to succeed. An affirmation is something like "I am wealthy and live a life of abundance". However, according to Noah St. John, due to the calibration of your subconscious mind, whenever you declare something of that nature, the subconscious mind retorts due to the pre-programmed mind of reality. Just like you cannot have a computer give you output for which it was not calibrated. That is where AFFORMATIONS come from. Afformations are basically affirmations stated in form of questions. The mind works like the google search engine, always generating answers for questions, and not STATEMENTS.
  • Get rid of the Garbage: TV shows especially soaps, Newspapers, Constant Negative News, gossip, slander, course language are all forms of Garbage. Granted, you might get such good stuff from a TV show, like the one I am launching soon that Inspires you to succeed...however, for the most part it is simply garbage. Remember, you are personally responsible to what you expose yourself to. We have said in this blog that you choose to DESIGN your life, and part of that choice is what you will expose your mind to.
I am sure you realize by now that in order to succeed, you must give yourself permission to succeed, not at the conscious level, but at the subconscious level. This is extremely SUBTLE...and critical for that matter. You do not need to be motivated to succeed are already motivated. What you might need is to give yourself PERMISSION to succeed.
Over to you.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Today's post will be short and precise...sounds like repetition, but that is OK, I am the President around here and I can certainly tweak things here and there to suit myself. That is one advantage of being President over something. I remember few years back in Kenya, It was treasonable to declare yourself President over anything-even your own family!

Anyway, the concept of Life Signatures resonates well with the concept of being President. Presidency denotes order, power, responsibility, leadership, Passion, Vision. A good Presidency makes the country proud and prosperous. In people's individual lives, they are either subjects being governed or Leaders, dictating the outcome of things.
As I drove home today from work, I had a good discussion with a friend that was riding along with me about Life Signatures. He was so inquisitive about the whole business of Life Signatures. I referred him to some information I read just a few days about the four Realities of Life. We will examine these four to determine whether you are the President of your Life. (There is a difference between President and Master...but that is for a later post)
  1. The Fog: This reality is what personal development gurus attribute to more than 84% of the world's population. In the Fog, you do not know what you are looking for in life...neither are you living a life in pursuit of significance and legacy. You are not President yet...but you could be if you start your Purpose Quest right there. If not, you get to the next state in your fog.
  2. The Treadmill: Mirage, Illusion, Motion Vs Progress. You are really busy, churning activity upon activity, yet getting nowhere. Yes, we have said that ACTION is absolutely crucial in Life Signatures. It is good to be zealous but be zealous for the right thing (work smart). There is slight satisfaction at the end of the day in 'tread milling', but the for most part, life is lost since there is little joy, freedom and purpose in tread milling. The experience in tread milling is however vital for those who will choose to become Presidents in their own right, after clearing the fog.
  3. Disillusionment: Comes as a result of taking a toll, looking inside, comparing yourself to others in relation to what you have accomplished. You feel so frustrated and kind of like a failure. This reality almost always follows the Treadmill. Since you were not clear about what you want, you engaged in Motion without necessarily getting progress, you end up disillusioned. There are many phases or times that this occurs.
  4. One More time: Try again. Insanity. Repeat the process. This is one of the most unfortunate realities. It spans lifetimes for the most part. A parent feeling disillusioned does not 'wake up' from this cycle...and inevitably takes the next generation faithfully through it. This is the sad realities of our lives, especially if we are rigid to change. Doing the same thing over and over again, and each time hoping to get different results spans generations upon generations that refuse to evolve.
By now you already know that the heart of the matter here is being absolutely CLEAR about what you want. Do you have a Vision for your Life? For your Family? Your Finances? For your Life Signature? Is it so clear to you that you communicate this vision with Passion so that people can see it, articulate it with CLARITY so that people can get involved in it? God Almighty said: My People Perish due to lack of knowledge.
My admonition is to get clear and be in the driver's seat of your life, and not the subject. When will we call you Mr. President?

Sunday, February 13, 2011


I cannot remember where, but a few weeks back I was listening to someone speak. He happened to mention how roll calls are done in the army...specifically when at war. Names would be called and you would be required to respond. If you do not are presumed MIA (Missing in Action), which could mean, among other things that you are a war casualty...either dead or injured.

Week in and out, we have been talking about Life Signatures. We have been exploring about living a life on purpose, designing it and leaving a legacy behind. The analogy of an army or the military almost certainly brings in that aspect of DISCIPLINE. There is no question about the fact that success in life is directly proportional to the level of discipline that a visionary decides to maintain.

'Showing up' is a powerful phrase that I and my two friends discussed yesterday. We were talking in terms of being present, standing to be counted...whether you are worthy or the Spiritual circles. Showing up is when a 'wounded' spiritual soldier chooses not to run away in shame, but stands up in silence before his Master and friends...kind of to proclaim ' still in the game'. That was a powerful discussion, needless to say.

It dawned on me however that one's success is not necessarily cosy all the time. Sometimes a Visionary feels unworthy, unable, spent and weary in his quest to succeed. Sometimes the Dream of your Life Signature is so vast that gauging from where you are, you feel overwhelmed and defeated. Most Visionaries give up here altogether. My advice is that you just 'SHOW UP'. You might be so overwhelmed by stuff at the moment, but just show up anyway.

'Showing up' is proclaiming to yourself and consequently to the whole world that you have put your stake on the ground, you have drawn a line in the sand, and no matter what, you are still counted for your Dreams to come to pass.It is the tenacity that a Visionary has that breaks through shame and discouragement. It is the mental strength to out-wait failure (read feedback), and defy voices that tell you to quit or 'you are not worthy'. It is that whisper to your troubled soul that says 'one more push'. 'Showing up' is the humility that a Visionary possesses knowing that the dream, the vision, the purpose is much bigger than himself.

Showing up is a major affront to discouragement, a major statement in the Spiritual realm that you understand that what is your present reality is not in fact a permanent situation. It is telling yourself and encouraging yourself that 'absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence'. That is what showing up is all about. Battered, wounded, swept off-course, but show up anyway. The dream has not yet materialized....that doesn't mean that it will not materialize. Show up oh great visionary,just show up!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Yes I know. Those Titles are not original with me. I however did not borrow them...I just decided on them as a follow up on the blog we have recently. "They lived happily ever after" normally the conclusion of every fairy tale story. You know how it goes...a Prince or a Princess falls head over heels in love with an unlikely mate...they go through this and that and triumph, get married and live happily ever AFTER! Well, just to clarity, its a fairy tale after all.

That is where the problem begins...not after the marriage, but immediately the word AFTER is used. The Word after is a self-defeating word that robs you of being 'present in the present' living it fully. I think the subtle danger that lies in that notion of 'happily ever after' is you get resigned to wait for some 'future moment', especially after an event has occurred. It causes you to sit there, doing nothing about the present, postponing your happiness and abdicating it to some time in the future.

If we are not happy now, if we are not present now, that is the same thing that is going to happen 'then'. It is more or less like an illusion, like dangling the carrot before the Donkey. Think about it, NOW is the time of power. The only time you have to do something, to make things happen, to be happy is...NOW. If you think it is going to be in the future....when that future comes on guess what time it will be? It will be a NOW. To quote Jeffrey Gitomer, "...there is no way to happines, happines is THE WAY! My opportunity is to treasure every moment that I have  NOW"

Many people are robbed of their productive days using that Illusion of AFTER. You hear it all over the place: "I will be happy AFTER my wedding....."; "I will be happy AFTER I land that lucrative contract/job...."; "I will be happy AFTER all my goals are met"; "I will be happy AFTER......." and so on and so forth.

The emotion of happiness is particularly crucial and extremely important to a Visionary. You cannot afford to let emotions that sabotage your energy pervade your life and stifle your creativity. That is why it is essentially important to cultivate a positive environment around you...and guard your thoughts and heart over 'unhappiness' (that is why you will never find my TV showing soaps with people crying and screaming over what they call my house. I care that much about my happiness.) Better yet, it is absolutely crucial to your creativity and productivity that you remain happy NOW. Remember that sitcom "It's now or never..."

Someone said that Procrastination is death in installments. Believe me, I am plagued by that disease daily. As a visionary I often find myself relegating even the smallest of tasks to 'some convenient time in the future'...when things are comfortable. One of the reasons as to why Goal Setting does not work is the 'AFTER' syndrome...we don't want to sweat it out we safely tuck the tough things to the future to tackle them.
Brian Tracy has written a book called "EAT THAT FROG"...the message being that if you eat a raw live frog in the morning, you can go through the whole day knowing that you can face the worst that the day can give you. The moral of the story being that you face it off NOW...not AFTER.
So, just like Brian Tracy...let me encourage you to go out there and 'Eat that Frog!'

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Darren Hardy is an Author of the most popular book called 'The Compound Effect'. He is the Publisher of Success Magazine, where he features every month, a successful individual either in business, sports, or live in general. According to Darren Hardy, the two most important and common elements of successful people are a) An ardent desire to continuously keep learning and b) A constant habit and discipline of goal setting.

As a reader, I have always come across book titles that scream 'Revised and Expanded'. Ever wondered whty the books are revised and expanded? Ever wondered why there is Spiderman, then Spiderman 2, 3, and so on? One of the reasons is that things change, seasons move, paradigms the author must stay relevant. Nevertheless, one of the MAJOR reasons as to why there are revised and expanded editions is what we are exploring today.

Ideas are always floating through our minds in droves on any particular day in time. It is the habit of downloading those ideas and running with them that distinguishes people to live lives by design. In fact every person has their visionary and creative element wired into them. The practical and strategic part is what sets successful apart from the rest of the crowd...because that part is normally an implementation part. This is what we have referred to as 'Action Attraction' on a different post. I have always been amazed by this period. it is one of the most liberating, exciting and alive moments that a human being can have-Being in Action, Implementing Stuff..and solving problems. This is why people are paid really.

The reason as to why this is an alive moment is that the original idea will always expand through leaps and bounds, an element that I have fondly called 'Branching' several times on this blog. When I am alive, I can almost always work for hours on end receiving massive downloads and creating frameworks for them as I move along. Nothing is more creative than this. The artist will add finesse to his painting after sketching it. You do not start with focusing on start by sketching the painting.

Unfortunately, this is where many people miss the point.We will be posting a follow-up content about 'Happily nEVER AFTER' some time soon. People wait for finer details to get started...finer details wait for people to get started so they can show up. Jesus said, "The Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed...." God is not in the big bang! Big is big because big started small. Big is big because big started small and coalesced over time. Big is big because big started small and coalesced over time and gathered massive momentum that took small to places it would never reach if it did not start. Big is big because small GOT STARTED!

In his book 'Wealth Transfer', Matthew Ashimolow, the founder of KICC London says the following about ideas:
Te mail on Sunday, a British Newspaper on April 16th listed six people who had great ideas but never really made much of it and never profited from it.
Software Genius Gary Gildall invented the first operation system for a personal computer. However, when invited for a meeting at IBM, he went flying. Bill Gates went on to sell his own MSDOS. The rest is history.
Kane Kramer, a British gentleman designed and sketched tout the first iPod in 1979 but did nothing with it. Today, the iPod has taken over the world. He remains a store man at a furniture showroom in Hertsfordshire, England!
So, what Idea have you downloaded lately?  Better yet, what Idea are you running with currently? Don't tell me that you have no Idea! I can guarantee you that no visionary has all the aspects of his/her dream figured out to the latest dregs of details before they begin...Get started on that download you have. I challenge you that sooner or later, your small idea will grow. I can even bet that as you really implement that idea, you will have several Revised and Expanded Editions that are valuable to society.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


The Movie "In Pursuit Of Happiness" depicts what most of my friends call a hustler. That's a word used by many people these days. You ask someone "what are you up to?" and they say: Man am just hustling.
No doubt by now, every follower of this blog realizes that we write mostly about PURPOSE, SIGNIFICANCE, OTHERS and LEGACY. This is one vast topic to exhaust. It is so exciting to know that everyone is somebody...but it is also sad to know that few people realize the revolution behind that realization.

As a follow up to a previous post on 'How to Reconnect with your Life Purpose', I have been mulling over three crucial components as far as Life Signatures are concerned.

Leadership by the Spirit: We all know that the whole concept of Life Purpose is that we are not our own...otherwise why bother about Life Purpose? We are who we are because we were fashioned and purposed to be who we are by God
In order to live a Life Full of Purpose, the first thing I have to do is to maintain a constant presence of acknowledgement of who I am and whose I is from that realization and cultivation of that Relationship that I will continually download the details of my life purpose. I am thoroughly convinced that those details are never downloaded at once....just that I have a vision and Mission statement is not a ticket to stop dreaming...its rather a door that connects me to my Path of life. That Path of Life is open with myriads of potentials and possibilities as I walk on it.

Unique and Special Attributes: Everyone has their unique and special attributes in life. Someone said "Do you, be yourself because every other position is already taken" The biggest favour I can do to myself is to be extremely clear on my special attributes. Every book I read about purpose and success talks about Clarity of Goals, clarity of vision, clarity of purpose. It is from this clarity that I will develop my niche. In a Previous post, we talked about 'Your Masters, Your Life Signature', which is a very expounded topic on the subject of clarity.

Finally, we need to find a way in which we can be of service with our special Attributes and talents. When recently talking to my mentor, the told me to forget focusing on how much more money I can make, but focus instead on how much value I can add in life. The more I add Value, guess what, the more money I make.  In this regard, I definitely need to Identify who can benefit from my unique talents and attributes. I further need to identify the ten FAQs that the people in my market are asking. Then develop Valuable solutions to their FAQs by forming frameworks and platforms that can help them.
Ladies and Gentlemen, that is the KISS of Life cannot keep it simpler than that.
Have a great weekend, wont you?

Thursday, February 3, 2011


We have already indicated elsewhere on this blog that the human being is the most invaluable, irreplaceable organism that the World has ever seen. At the heart of every Life Signature, one must come to terms with the above statement. One must realize how valuable they are, not only to their surroundings but to generations after. One must realize that we are here (to quote Erick Rees from S.H.A.P.E) “For a mission”. Realizing these facts is key, and it is the starting point of living a life on purpose, a life that creates a legacy.

What follows is perhaps one of the most important ingredients to bringing the realization to reality. You see, there are two types of people. There are those who make things happen…and there are those who report what happened. I am not talking about journalists. There are those who live their lives by DESIGN, and there are those who live their lives by DEFAULT, accepting what the ‘system’ or the ‘world’ throws at them.
There is no successful person world over who did not have an INTENTION on being successful in the first place. The power of Goal-Setting is absolutely critical to living your life signature. Darren Hardy says that there are two ingredients, two most common traits of all the successful people he has ever interviewed in his SUCCESS magazine:
a)       A relentless Commitment to Constant learning and
b)      Clear goals expressed in a beautifully crafted document detailing their plans to achieve them.

I am going to take the risk of sounding like a broken record and give you the following story:
Mark McCormick in his book What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School tells of a Harvard study conducted between 1979 and 1989.
In 1979, graduates of the MBA program were asked to set clear written goals for their future and their plans to accomplish them. It turned out only 3 percent of the graduates had written goals, 13 percent had goals but they were not in writing and 84 percent had no specific goals at all–aside from getting out of school and enjoying the summer.
Ten years later, in 1989, the researchers again interviewed the members of that same graduating class. They found that the 13 percent who had goals that were not in writing were earning, on average, twice as much as the 84 percent of students who had no goals at all. Most surprisingly, they found that the 3 percent of graduates who had clear, written goals were earning, on average, 10 times more than 97 percent of their graduating class!
The only difference between the groups was the CLARITY of goals they had set (and spelled out) for themselves when they graduated. That is the power of Goal Setting. I have been asking people that I interact with this question: What’s up for 2011? For the most part, people are not clear on what they want to be, do or have in this year. That is the danger of living a life by default, because they will get exactly what they don’t know.

However, living a life by DESIGN is one of the most exciting things one can do. It is simply accepting personal RESPONSIBILITY for their success.  It is determining what you will no longer stand for in your life. It is painting on your own canvas what kind of life you would like to live. I love what Ngina Otiende wrote on her blog about the canvas.
Someone said that ,goal setting is bringing the future to the present so that you can do something about it now'. Darren Hardy tells of a story of two sets of kids who wanted to reach a certain point from where they were…in a straight line. One group set off carefully crafting their feet and measuring their steps. They veered off course terribly, never mind how careful they were. The second group looked for a certain mark in the distance, kept looking at it as they moved…and they made it there on a straight path.

A goal is a dream with a deadline. It is a dream for which you can make definite strategies to achieve it. Goal setting is an absolutely critical component in our lives if we are to live a life on purpose. If we are to live to leave a legacy, then we must at least join the 3% of those who sets goals. The above is the WHY of goal-setting, we will be dealing with the HOW in later posts.
Welcome to the 3%!

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